Chapter 5

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After the tailors, as Hertzo and Alastor left. A large group of sinners were gathered around a television viewing, Alastor only scowled. Still walking side by side with Hertzo.

"Fu.. Vox." Hertzo scowled as she was about to curse, but bit her tongue. Alastor shared the same scowl, "You share the same hatred for him?"

Hertzo nodded, swiping her hand and her parasol appearing into her hands as she placed it on her shoulder. "I should say.. Velevette attempted to invite me into their little team, but I rejected as I don't associate myself with..-" She paused for a moment, "-Such people."

Alastor lifted a grow, "They also attempted to recruit me, but alas.. Technology is corrupting the world we live in!"

Hertzo giggled, taking a hand to her smile. That's when she noticed her flower shop, "Oh! It appears I almost forgot about my shop! Can we pop in for a quick moment?" She asked, with a beautiful smile.

He looked at the shop, noticing how it was popping with color. "Of course!"

The two walked to the shop, as she opened the door she noticed Remi making a bouquet on the front counter. Specifically a red and black assortment. "Oh! Hertz! Welcome back!"

Remi ran from the back, gently hugging Hertzo. "You brought..-" As Remi looked at the man, she noticed it was the radio demon. "-A friend.. Pleasure.. to be in your.. presence."

Alastor chuckled, "'Tis indeed! We were out for a stroll, and my dearest Hertzo recommended we pop in!"

The girl smiled awkwardly, "How have you been? It's been a couple of weeks." She asked sweetly, "I've been swell, darling. Just working on a small project."

Alastor began looking around the shop, looking at the bright assortments. "Y'know.. mr.. Radio demon looks alot like.. your old partner." Remi spoke quietly.

"I noticed that aswell. Quite a coincidence, hm?" Hertzo answered, her eyes looking to Alastor. "He's quite a gentleman, and is quite kind to everyone."

Remi looked to him, "That guy? Really? I'd assume he's always.. creating problems?"

Hertzo couldn't help but giggle, "Him? No! He's a sweetheart."

The girl sighed, "Well. I'm sorry to say that I don't have a bouquet prepared for you in this moment. I really am sorry."

Alastor found a red and black bouquet, of which he took off the wall of different stands, "How much would this be?" He asked, turning to the two girls.

Remi turned around, "Oh, that would be..-" She observed the wall, then the bouquet. "-25$."

He nodded, "I'd like to get it then! Quite a beautiful assortment."

Hertzo nodded, "I made that piece myself whenever I was in more often. It's one of my pieces that last forever!" She walked over to him, smiling ear to ear.

"And Remi, it's quite alright. I've blessed you as of recently during my ritual." She spoke, turning to the girl. "Ah, well thank you! Now.. sir. Let me ring you up."

She walked behind the counter, typing in the digits on the older machine. Alastor walked to the counter, following with Hertzo as she stood beside him.

"25$, please." Remi spoke once more, Alastor began to reach for his wallet when Hertzo put her hand in front of him, stopping him. "Allow me. Generosity for helping me with that.. snake earlier." She spoke, swiping her hand as her own wallet appeared.

Alastor smiled, "If you say so my dear."

Hertzo paid, wishing Remi a good day as the two left. The two overlords walked side by side as Alastor held the bouquet, observing it. "How is it that you make these everlasting?" He asked.

"Just a small spell. I do it with my special ones. That one specifically, was made in honor of my past partner. His favorite color was red." She spoke, keeping her posture straight and confident.

He chuckled, "My partner's favorite color was green. Quite a coincidence."

Hertzo giggled, before swiping her hand and ceasing her parasol, placing her hands on her skirt. "'Tis indeed. It seems we have many coincidences. Almost as if we knew each other before this life!"

"So it seems."

The two arrived to the hotel, as the two walked in, Charlie and Vaggie were talking by the fireplace. "Welcome ba- What do you have there?" Charlie asked, gesturing to the bouquet.

"Just something we picked up from my shop! Quite a beautiful assortment, isn't it?" Hertzo spoke, letting Charlie take a look at the arrangement. "It is!"

She smiled, before looking to her side and noticing that Alastor was missing. "I guess he went to his room. Now, I'll be going now. I have things to tend to!" Hertzo announced to Charlie. "Alright! Come down whenever."

Hertzo walked up the steps, and entered her room. Her room was large and open, making up for how smaller the other rooms were. She had several floral arrangements around her room, especially on her altar.

She approached her altar, placing the bouquet down. "Hello my love." She sat down on a cushion, her eyes laying on the picture of her and her past lover. She wished she could see him soon. But who knows when that would happen.

"It's been awhile since I've seen you. I wish to meet you soon.." She spoke softly, her voice beginning to break.

She took off her gloves, revealing several cuts with vines holding the cuts together. She reached for the picture, holding it before her, "You're so handsome.."

She brought it close to her, hugging it closely. "I miss you. My love.."

Tears then formed in her eyes, landing on the frame. She took a deep breath in before creating a dream-like state, her human form showing as she stood next to her lover. Or.. she watched as the two stood together.

The couple danced, a stream of stars and glitters following their movements. They were perfect, yin and yang. A perfect match.

She slowly walked around the couple, observing their happy expressions. Her lover dipped down the woman, before giving her a tender kiss.

Hertzo lost her smile, before the dream-like state ended. The reality crumbled, Hertzo finding herself holding the picture and still sitting on the floor.

"I wish to see you once more." She spoke, before placing the portrait back on her altar. She stood up, wiping soot off of her skirt. She grabbed her gloves, placing them back on her hands.

She looked at the picture once more, before bowing slightly as to pay respects. Her figure grabbed the bouquet before leaving her room and finding herself in front of Alastors.

She knocked, "Alastor, dear. I forgot to give you the bouquet." She spoke. Standing tall in front of the door, awaiting his answer.

After no answer, she crouched down, leaving the bouquet in front of the door.

'My lover was also forgetful at times.. So many coincidences.' She thought.

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