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honeydukes after hours

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THE PASSAGEWAY TWISTS ON IN FRONT of them, slipping further into the earthy ground. Reminiscent of a rabbit's burrow, roots wind down from the ceiling of the tunnel and whack against their heads as they pass by. Rocks slant up from the ground in an attempt to trip them up on their journey, succeeding in Cove's case more times than she'd like to admit. Remus would always help her up off the ground afterwards, his fingerprints leaving a tingling feeling on her arms. No lights line the walls, so the pair become reliant on their twinkling wand light to guide them through the looming shadows. Cove wraps her arms around herself tight, tugging on the sleeves of her bobbly cardigan to swaddle herself further against the damp coldness that breathes through the secret passageway. It was either this or actually attending a detention with Rigby again. She chose the former.

She just wishes he would've warned her about the hundreds of sloping stairs that appear in front of them. Maybe she'd have been more reluctant to come in that case, and for good reason. Remus just shrugs apologetically and begins his ascent.

After walking up what had to be more than two hundred stairs, Cove finally pushes at a gnarled trapdoor, hoisting herself up on two very wobbly elbows. She flops on the cold stone floors, relishing in the cool sensation that settles over her. Her knees ache miserably from the incline and she scowls bitterly at Remus when he glides past her with his bloody long legs, almost completely unaffected.

  The lights are shut off for obvious reasons, so Remus projects his wand light to illuminate the dark corners of the room. Rows upon rows of technicolour sweets surround them, enclosing them in a packed maze of chocolate frogs and fizzing whizzbees. It's definitely strange to see all the bright confectionery pop against the ancient stone walls. Unlit lanterns dangle down from the ceilings and sit atop the stacked barrels of butterbeer she can feel the cooling charms radiating off of the wood even from where she's sat. Cove peers around at it in awe, though something in her gut nags her that they aren't supposed to be there. Remus' voice shakes her from her daydreaming.

"Alright then," he announces to the nearly empty cellar, clasping his hands together. "The world's our oyster, Cove."

She picks at her cuticles anxiously. "I wouldn't know where to start."

"That's easy. What's your favourite?"

Propped up on her scraped hands, she hums in contemplation, peering around at the towering shelves. Her eyes catch on a freezer in the corner and a wide grin spreads across her face. Cove scrambles to her feet and hurries over, unlatching the glass door to scoop up one of the icy blue packets that she had spotted. She holds them up to show him.

He makes a face. "Eugh. How do you like ice mice?"

"What? How do you not?" she gasps, holding the chilly packet close to her chest. The sweets rattle about inside. "They're lovely."

"I mean, of all things..."

She huffs an incredulous laugh. "I dont understand why you hate them."

"For starters, they give you brain freeze," he defends. "And you squeak like a mouse for ages after."

"Yeah, but that's part of the fun," she counters. "Ice cream gives you brain freeze too and you're not complaining about it." Her eyes widen. "Don't tell me you don't like ice cream, Remus Lupin. I'll throw you down those stairs."

SEA, SWALLOW ME, remus lupinWhere stories live. Discover now