deich, the joys of having roommates

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the joys of having roommates

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  AFTER A STRENUOUS TEN MINUTES OF detention, Remus didn't particularly want to come back to his dorm and instantly be hounded by his friends. What he really wants is to curl up with a book and shut off for the evening so he can actually get a decent night's sleep for once. Alas, he never seems to get what he wants.

  The first thing he sees is the dormitory looking as if a hurricane has blown through it. Most of the things, if not everything, in their collective wardrobes are draped over different chairs and parts of the floor, a sock having managed to land on top of the ceiling light. At least seven textbooks, some of them from subjects that none of the boys take, have been discarded on different surfaces around the room. Peter's drawer full of sweets is beginning to overflow onto the floorboards after too many late night trips to Honeydukes in their defence, it's not stealing if they put the due money safely inside the till. Three of his roommates are congregating in the middle of the war zone and having a frantic discussion, Frank nowhere to be seen. Though amongst all this chaos, his own bed is still neatly made and inviting. He's sick of playing house elf for his friends, so he decides to patch the colossal mess for the time being and vegetate in his bed until his alarm goes off in the morning.

  Only, he doesn't get the chance.

  Sirius lets out a shrill scream when he spots him at the door. "Moony! Where the hell have you been?"

His curls are falling into his face, the crazed look of a madman in his eyes. He's wearing a Tutshill Tornadoes top that Remus is sure belongs to James, who's appearing just as frazzled with his glasses askew and dark hair in a frenzy. Peter is standing in between them unsurely as he's probably been roped into whatever melodrama they've cooked up this time.

  Remus frowns. "Why? What have you done?"

  "What have we done?" James exclaims, hands on his hips like a disapproving parent. "We've been watching you on the map, young man. You have some explaining to do."

  Remus groans. He crosses the threshold, loosening his tie and promptly face planting on his bed. He says something snarky but his voice is muffled by his pillow.

  Sirius puts his hand up to his ear imploringly. "Didn't quite catch that."

  "Sorry, remind me again," Remus says, shifting to sit up against his headboard, "what is this about, exactly?"

  "We've been following you on the map," Peter reminds him helpfully.

  "Cheers, Wormtail. One more time. Why?"

  "Don't act so innocent," James says, a waspish edge to his voice. "You know exactly what we're on about."

  Remus stares at him in disbelief. "Do I?"

  "Of course you do. I mean, showing our secret passageways to strangers! More importantly, to girls!" he chokes out, hiding his face in Sirius' shoulder. "Honestly, Moony, I can't even look at you."

  "Traitor," Sirius coughs into his hand, clearing his throat with faux surprise.

  He sighs. "Oh, please grow up sometime soon, Pads. Is that really what this is about?"

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