Sweet Dreams |Eren Jeager|

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Eren Jaeger wandered the desolate landscapes, burdened by the weight of his choices. The echoes of war reverberated in his wake, but his heart lingered on memories of Y/N. Each step he took further from her was a painful reminder of the love he had to sacrifice for the greater good.

In the quiet moments between battles, Eren found solace in his memories of Y/N's smile and the warmth of her touch. Yet, the realization that his path led to destruction made the distance between them grow, even as the yearning in his heart intensified.

Eren knew he couldn't return to Y/N; the danger that surrounded him was a shadow he couldn't shake. The war he waged was both an external conflict and an internal struggle. He grappled with the desire to protect her from the storm he had unleashed while knowing that his presence would only bring chaos to her doorstep.

As the clashes intensified, Eren's letters to Y/N became his silent confessions, expressing a love he feared to rekindle. He penned apologies with ink stained by the blood of battles fought for a future he believed in, a future that demanded sacrifice.

Y/N, unaware of the turmoil in Eren's heart, clung to the hope that one day he would return. She cherished the memories of their time together, wondering why he had become so distant. The world outside her haven crumbled, yet she remained steadfast, waiting for a love that seemed to drift further away with each passing day.

Eren, torn between duty and love, watched from afar as Y/N's world crumbled. The war within him mirrored the devastation around him. The irony of wanting to protect her by staying away weighed heavily on his soul, a paradox he couldn't escape.

In the quiet moments of reflection, Eren's heart ached for Y/N, and he longed for a world where their love could flourish without the looming shadows of war. But for now, he remained a distant guardian, sacrificing his own happiness for a chance at a safer, uncertain tomorrow.

Exhausted from the relentless turmoil of the rumbling, Eren Jaeger sought refuge in the solace of sleep. As he closed his heavy eyes, a dreamscape unfolded, bringing him to a place where the chaos of the world ceased to exist.

In his dream, Eren found himself standing in a serene meadow, the scent of flowers lingering in the air. Y/N appeared before him, bathed in a soft, ethereal light. Their eyes met, and a bittersweet smile graced her lips.

"Eren," she whispered, the gentle cadence of her voice echoing in the dreamlike atmosphere.

Unable to contain the ache in his heart, Eren reached out to touch her, as if confirming that she was real. "Y/N, I miss you," he confessed, his voice heavy with the weight of longing.

Y/N's eyes held a mixture of understanding and sorrow. "You're carrying a burden, Eren. I feel it even in this dream. What are you fighting for?"

He hesitated, grappling with the words. "I want a future where you and everyone else on Pardis is safe, where no harm can reach you or them."

She stepped closer, her presence calming the storm within him. "But at what cost, Eren? Innocent lives shouldn't be sacrificed for us..."

Eren lowered his gaze, conflicted. "I can't let the marleyans ruin everyone's lives. I'm trying to protect everyone, including you."

Y/N gently cupped his face, urging him to meet her gaze again. "Protecting doesn't mean isolation. True strength is found in connection. You don't have to face this burden alone. Confide in us, your friends, Eren."

As the dream continued, Eren felt the weight on his shoulders lift, if only for a fleeting moment. Y/N's words resonated, bringing a sense of clarity to his conflicted soul. Yet, as the dream began to fade, he whispered a heartfelt promise.

"I'll find a way to end this, to protect you without losing us."

And with those words, Eren reluctantly awakened, the dream's echoes lingering in his consciousness as the reality of the rumbling pressed on.

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