Not Just a Sorcerer |Sukuna x Reader

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this has been sitting in my drafts since 2022, 2 years later it's been completely revamped. (But still confusing) Hope you like it 😘

In the realm where curses roamed freely and darkness reigned supreme, Y/N was known as the strongest sorceress of her generation. Her power was unmatched, her spells formidable, and her presence commanded respect from both humans and curses alike. But despite her strength, she was still looked down upon.

It was on a moonlit night, amidst the eerie silence of the cursed forest, that Y/N encountered Sukuna, the King of Curses himself. She had been on a mission to hunt down a particularly powerful curse that had been terrorizing nearby villages when she stumbled upon him.

At first, she sensed his presence as nothing more than a lingering shadow, a dark whisper in the wind since it held no ill intent. But as she delved deeper into the forest, she could feel his cursed energy growing stronger, wrapping around her like a suffocating blanket.

And then, there he was, standing before her in all his malevolent glory. Sukuna's form was shrouded in darkness, his eyes gleaming with an otherworldly light. Y/N felt a chill run down her spine as she met his gaze, a primal fear coursing through her veins.

But despite the danger that emanated from him, Y/N couldn't help but feel a spark of curiosity ignite within her. For Sukuna was a legend, a being of immense power and unfathomable darkness. And here he stood, before her, as if he were nothing more than a mere mortal. I could take him.She thought to herself.

That meeting was brief, a fleeting encounter that left Y/N with more questions than answers. She watched him disappear into the shadows, Y/N couldn't shake the feeling that their paths would cross again.

And cross they did, time and time again, as Y/N continued her solitary quest to rid the world of curses. With each encounter, Sukuna's interest in her grew, his presence haunting her every step. She could feel his gaze upon her, a silent invitation to embrace the darkness that lurked within her own soul.

Unlike before, Sukuna's presence felt more threatening. It looks like he's looking for a fight this time. Y/N's hand tightened around her staff, her knuckles white from gripping so hard as she prepared herself.

Sukuna regarded her with amusement, his crimson eyes gleaming with malice. "Ah, a sorceress of considerable skill," he mused, his voice a dark melody in the night. "But do you truly believe you can stand against me, little one?"

Y/N's response was a defiant glare, her eyes burning with a fire that matched Sukuna's own. "I may be small, but I am not afraid of you," she replied, her voice steady despite the adrenaline coursing through her veins. "I will not let you reek more havoc here.." Because I want to myself...

With a smirk, Sukuna stepped forward, his form cloaked in darkness. "Then let us see what you're truly capable of," he said, his voice a deadly whisper.

And with that, the two lunged at each other.

Sukuna unleashed a barrage of punches, his power overwhelming but Y/N was not intimidated. With a flick of her wrist, she conjured shields of shimmering light, deflecting Sukuna's attacks with skill and precision.

The forest trembled as their cursed energy clashed, the air filled with the sound of crackling energy and the echoes of their battle cries. Y/N's techniques were a dazzling display of light and dark, each one more powerful than the last. But even with power such as hers, Sukuna was a force to be reckoned with, as he unleashed his domain onto her.

Despite the odds stacked against her, Y/N refused to back down. She would not let Sukuna defeat her, not now, not ever.

As the battle raged on, a fierce determination burned in Y/N's eyes as she made her own domain as well. She would prove to Sukuna, and to herself, that she was more than just a sorceress. She was strong woman, cable of killing anything that crossed her path. Including the king of curses.

And in that moment, as their attacks collided in a dazzling display of light and shadows, Y/N knew that she was capable of anything. For she had faced the King of Curses and emerged victorious, her spirit unbroken and her resolve unwavering.

Y/N stood over Sukuna, her chest heavy. "Y/N," he murmured, his voice a seductive whisper. "You possess a power unlike any I have ever seen before. Join me, and together, we can rule over this realm as king and queen."

Y/N's heart faltered at his words, torn between the darkness that beckoned her and the light that still burned within her soul. But deep down, she knew that Sukuna spoke the truth. She was destined for greatness, destined to wield power beyond imagination.

With a solemn nod, Y/N accepted Sukuna's offer, her heart heavy but resolute. She would embrace what Sukuna had now given her, she would become the Queen of Curses, and together with Sukuna, they would reign supreme over all.

And as they stood side by side, their power intertwining like threads of fate, Y/N knew that her destiny had been sealed. For she was no longer just a sorceress; she was a force to be reckoned with, a ruler of darkness, and nothing would stand in their way.

This is what she wanted all along though. Right?


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