A little Frosty | Ghiaccio x Reader

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I found a way to write without adding personality 🤯

|Requsted! <3|

Ghiaccio, in his distinctive white suit, walked briskly through the bustling streets of Naples, his sharp gaze scanning the crowds for any signs of trouble. As a loyal member of Passione, he was always vigilant, ready to defend the gang's interests at a moment's notice.

Amidst the throng of people, his eyes caught sight of someone who stood out from the rest. Y/N, with her radiant presence and graceful demeanor, seemed to exude an aura of elegance that drew Ghiaccio's attention like a moth to a flame.

Intrigued, Ghiaccio approached Y/N, his icy blue eyes locked onto her mesmerizing figure. "Buongiorno, bella," he greeted in his deep, commanding voice, a hint of curiosity lacing his words.

Y/N turned to face him, a gentle smile gracing her lips as she returned his greeting. "Buongiorno," she replied, her voice soft and melodic.

As they exchanged pleasantries, Ghiaccio found himself captivated by Y/N's beauty. Her delicate features, illuminated by the golden sunlight filtering through the bustling streets, seemed to shimmer like a work of art.

Unable to resist the magnetic pull of her presence, Ghiaccio felt a warmth stir within his frosty heart—a feeling he hadn't experienced in years. Despite his stoic demeanor, he couldn't deny the attraction he felt towards Y/N.

Throughout their conversation, Ghiaccio found himself entranced by Y/N's every word and gesture, hanging onto her every syllable as if under a spell. Her laughter was like music to his ears, thawing the ice that had long encased his heart.

As they parted ways, Ghiaccio couldn't shake the image of Y/N from his mind. Her beauty had left an indelible mark on his soul, igniting a newfound passion within him that he never knew existed.

From that moment on, Ghiaccio found himself drawn to Y/N like a moth to a flame, unable to resist the allure of her beauty—a beauty that had thawed the icy walls around his heart and awakened something long dormant within him.

And thus, an unexpected attraction blossomed between Ghiaccio, the enigmatic member of Passione, and Y/N, whose radiant beauty had melted the frost that once encased his heart.


In the days that followed their chance encounter, Ghiaccio found himself unable to shake thoughts of Y/N from his mind. Her image lingered in his thoughts, her laughter echoing in his ears like a haunting melody.

Determined to see her again, Ghiaccio began frequenting the same streets where he first encountered Y/N, hoping to catch another glimpse of her radiant presence.

It wasn't long before fate intervened once more, and Ghiaccio found himself face to face with Y/N once again. This time, their meeting felt like more than mere coincidence—it felt like destiny.

With each passing interaction, Ghiaccio found himself opening up to Y/N in ways he never thought possible. He shared stories from his past, his hopes, his fears, allowing Y/N to see a side of him that he kept hidden from the world.

Y/N, in turn, welcomed Ghiaccio into her life with open arms, her warmth melting away the last traces of frost that lingered in his heart. She saw past his irritable self,and embraced the man beneath with unwavering acceptance and love.

As their bond deepened, Ghiaccio found himself falling for Y/N harder than he ever thought possible. Her beauty, both inside and out, captivated him in ways he couldn't explain, filling his days with light and warmth he never knew he craved.

And so, amidst the chaos and danger of their world, Ghiaccio and Y/N found solace in each other's arms, their love a beacon of hope in a sea of darkness—a love that would withstand the test of time, thawing even the coldest of hearts.

"Buongiorno, bella," Meaning "Good morning, beautiful" in Italian.

"Buongiorno," meaning "Good morning.

Maybe. Idk. I googled

and I in fact did not read over this

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