Aizawa Shota x Reader

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This is a 2022 Draft. I didn't bother to edit anything. Not really an X reader, more like a scenario between the two. Also it isn't quite clear what the reader's quirk is so you can make it up. Yay.

2nd POV

Imagine there wasn't a Nomu :)

It was at the USJ during the attack. Standing behind Shigaraki not attacking, only observing due to your HUGE fear of EraserHead. You were practically useless without your quirk! And if you ever came across him again , you'd probably be dead! But I guess it's to late, seeing that he's burning holes into your skull...

Shrieking, you ran away from the man's prying eyes, while all of class 1- A faces changes into a deadpan. You were sure they were all thinking; "How can someone so cowardly be a villain?"

"Where do you think you're going?" A  raspy voice came from in front of you, stopping you in your place. Looking up, you almost shit your pants when you got a good look at the person who stopped you.

"How'd he catch up to me so fast? I was even using my quirk to enhance my speed too..."

"Uhhhh- away from me!" You yell turning on your heel to run away again. Reacting quickly, EraserHead's scarf(?) wrappes around your body to stop you from running. "You're not going anywhere" he says. "I'm not letting you get away like last time" You start sweating like a mad man, continuously trying to use your quirk.. "Stop struggling, it would make it easier for the both of us" Eraserhead then starts to drag your body like a rag doll all the way back to the entrance meanwhile, his whole class is fighting off 10-20 villains by themselves. Aren't they just first years? This was making your time with him even scarier! What was he feeding his class...

"Who's this?" You were snapped out of your thoughts and looked up to see someone in what looks like an astronaut suit. Did you know him from somewhere?... While the Eraserhead and the guy in the astronaut suit talk, you're trying to figure out who this man's name was. AHa! Thirteen! That's who he is!

"Wouldn't you like to know..." she whispered. Aizawa heard her and tightened his scarf around her in response. "Ack!" She yelped. "This is a villain I failed to catch a while back...back when I first became a hero."

"Much prefer you when you were still in general studies.." She stared at the ground. "Much like I prefer you in jail." Aizawa glared down at her.

"Well the class just beat the portal guy and reinforcements are coming. You can take your class and take a much needed break." Thirteen interrupted.

Aizawa didn't take the time to say goodbye, he just booked it, dragging her behind him.

The next stop: Jail. Probably.

479 words

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