I Will Fix You.| Dio x Reader

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"A man will die,

But not his ideas."

In the dead of night, the clash of stands echoed across the desolate landscape as Jotaro Kujo and Dio Brando engaged in a battle that would shape the course of history. Y/N, unwavering in her devotion, stood by Dio's side, her heart ablaze with a fierce loyalty.

The moon cast an ominous glow over the battlefield, illuminating the fierce determination etched onto Y/N's face as she watched her master, Dio, face off against his nemesis. She had pledged her allegiance to him long ago, drawn to his power and charisma, and she would follow him to the ends of the earth and beyond.

As the battle raged on, Y/N's pulse quickened with each strike exchanged between the two formidable adversaries. She felt a surge of pride well up within her as Dio unleashed his Stand, The World, its power unmatched and unparalleled.

But even as she reveled in the chaos and destruction unfolding before her, a sense of unease gnawed at the edges of her mind. She pushed it aside, burying it deep beneath layers of unwavering loyalty. Doubt had no place in her heart, not when she stood in the presence of greatness.

As the battle reached its climax, Y/N watched with bated breath as Dio delivered the final blow, sending Jotaro crashing to the ground in defeat. A triumphant smile spread across her lips as she watched her master emerge victorious, his power unquestionable, his dominance absolute.

But her victory was short-lived. In a cruel twist of fate, Jotaro unleashed one final, devastating attack, striking Dio down and leaving him motionless on the ground.

Y/N's heart shattered as she watched her master fall, a cry of anguish escaping her lips. She acted quickly, using her stand to carry both Dio and her somewhere safe. She knelt by Dio's side, her hands trembling as she reached out to touch his still form.

"Dio-sama," she whispered, her voice choked with tears. "You cannot leave me. I will not let you."

With a fierce determination burning in her eyes, Y/N made a solemn vow. She would find a way to bring Dio back, to defy death itself if she had to. Nothing would stand in her way, not even the boundaries of life and death.

For her loyalty to Dio Brando was unwavering and unyielding, and she would stop at nothing to see him rise once more.

As she stood over Dio's fallen form, a newfound strength filled Y/N's heart. She would not falter, she would not waver. She would bring Dio back, and together, they would reign supreme over all.

I had this one cooking for a while 😈

Istg Dio is bbg and I love him

it broke my heart when he died

but it's okay since pucci exists 

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