10. 'Whitecap Bay.'

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As the crew sailed towards Whitecap Bay in one of the side boats, Elizabeth couldn't help but feel a sense of curiosity and concern. She turned to Jack, who was at the helm, rowing with the paddle so the boat is able to sail through the dark waters.

"Jack, where exactly are we going?" Elizabeth asked, her eyes scanning the horizon.

Jack glanced at her, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Whitecap Bay, love. A place of mysteries and, perhaps, a few surprises."

Elizabeth furrowed her brow. "And what are we looking for there?"

Jack smirked. "A little something the merfolk seem to have misplaced. We're just returning an item, savvy?"

Barbossa, who was nearby, chimed in, "Merfolk and their treasures, always causing trouble. But this one, it seems, has a bit of a legend to it."

Elizabeth exchanged puzzled glances with Killian, who was also on the boat. Barbossa eyes the Siren's Jewel with a mixture of respect and caution. "Ye see, lads and lasses, this be no ordinary trinket. 'Tis the Siren's Jewel, a relic of the deep with the power to command the very seas we sail. Legends speak of its ability to direct the creatures of the ocean, and the merfolk guard it as if it were their own heart."

He leans in, his eyes gleaming with a hint of the adventurous spirit. "But mark me words, this ain't just a tale for bedtime. The Siren's Jewel holds a power that can either make us kings of the sea or bring us to the depths of the sea."

As Jack stopped rowing, the boat gently drifted in the waters. Selene questioned, "Why did you stop?" Killian and Ragetti scanned the surroundings and noticed dark merfolk figures encircling them. "What if they grab us like seaweed, mate? I don't fancy becoming fish food in these cursed waters," Ragetti nervously mutters. "Shut up, Ragetti, you don't look half as delicious as a seaweed salad," Pintel replies with a snicker, prompting Ragetti to stick out his tongue in playful boldness.

"We're still meters from the land, mate." Barbossa points out. Killian, realizing the danger, muttered, "They've found us."

Mermaids emerged, hissing and creating an intimidating atmosphere. Killian, holding the necklace, addressed the merfolk, "We've come in peace." Jack mockingly gestured to Barbossa, who rolled his eyes. A mischievous merman splashed water on Jack as Killian continued, "We are here to return this heirloom." He started lowering the necklace to drop it the water.

Amidst the chaos, Elizabeth heard a familiar voice. A merman called to her, "Elizabeth, come with me." She extended her hands towards the water, asking, "Will?" The merman's eyes glowed as he took Elizabeth underwater. Jack heard a splash and yelled, "Elizabeth!"

Killian, alarmed, shouted, "Where did Elizabeth go?" He attempted to jump into the water but was stopped by his sister. "Don't even dare," she yelled, Killian apologized but notices bubbles surfacing where she had vanished, and despite Selene's protests, Killian jumps in. The crew on the boat anxiously waited.

Underwater, Killian briefly touches Elizabeth but can't grab her. His oxygen starts running low, and he has to return without her. The crew cautiously helped him back on the boat. Water dripped from his hair as he struggled to express what happened. "I couldn't, she..." He can't finish his sentence.

Jack offered comfort, placing a hand on his shoulder, while Selene gave him a side hug. "You wouldn't be able to save her, mate. Mercreatures are faster than a sailfish'll ever be," Jack said with a hint of humor. Regard the attempt at cheerfulness, the somber reality set in as they sailed back to the Black Pearl, now without Elizabeth.

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