Chapter One: Can the broken truly break?

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The moment Charlie returned back to Hell from Heaven with Vaggie at her side she was truly at a loss for words. It felt as if her whole world came crumbling down around her. Her heart was instantly shattered into a million pieces not only due to the devastation of what had just transpired within that meeting; but the heartbreak of her so-called girlfriend lying to her all this time. It wasn't a little white lie either. It was a lie so big that Charlie simply couldn't just forgive and forget that easily as much as she wished she could.

Charlie felt as if she couldn't breathe. With each breath her chest became tighter. She was equally as distraught as she was destroyed. She stumbled forward into the main lobby of the Hazbin Hotel as she gasped for air. Quickly becoming engulfed by her own thoughts, feelings and emotions.  She tried her best to not hyperventilate. Vaggie reached towards her and Charlie was quick to pull away. She didn't want to be touched by anyone, Vaggie especially.

She shook her head no as she pushed away everyone who came near her. Husk, Angel, and Alastar too. They were all equally as concerned as much as they were confused and they had every reason to be. Whatever they said to her went in one ear and out the other. Their words sounded like nothing more than incoherent mumbling that faded in the background.

The Princess crumbled onto her knees as she then proceeded to curl up on the very rug that sat in the middle of said lobby.

I can't believe this is happening... I just.. how is this happening? Why won't anyone listen? Why can't anyone see what I can see?! Why- why- Why?! What did I do to deserve this? she thought to herself as tears proceeded to pull down her cheeks.

Vaggie attempted to console her once more, but Charlie was beside herself. There was no reasoning with her. At least not now anyways that is. Vaggie was a liar. Everything was a lie. Everything — all of it. How could she have been so blind all this time? She felt stupid. She should've known. Vaggie was just like everyone else.  "Get away from me!" She finally snapped as her hushed tears turned into choked sobs. Her hands slid to her face in an attempt to hide the pain that quickly consumed her.

Alastar attempted to reach out for her in an attempt to not only understand what the actual fuck was going on, but to calm her down and console her just as much. Charlie shook her head no again as she instead pulled herself up to her feet. "I-I-I can't do this!" She paused long enough to take a breath, "I can't!" She repeated before she fully retreated for once in her life. As much as she ran away from her problems, this ongoing situation was no different. This was the straw that broke the camel's back.

In her distress, and despair, she found herself vulnerable.

Without thinking Charlie didn't just retreat into her bedroom and slam the door behind her loud enough the whole Hotel shook. No, she immediately went for her phone and made a call she never should've made. Without even a moment's hesitation, impulsively, Charlie picked up the phone and called none other than her ex boyfriend, Seviathan Von Eldritch...

Seviathan Von Eldritch had his legs crossed with both of his feet on his desk. He wasn't necessarily up to anything by any means but that was besides the point. What came as a shock to him wasn't just the sound of his phone ringing at such an ungodly hour, but the shock came from exactly who it was calling him. His neon green eyes went wide as he hesitated for a moment. What could my Princess want, hm? Does she miss me? Of course she does. He thought, full of himself as always. He cleared his throat before he then picked up the phone.

"Well hi Swee—" He closed his mouth as fast as he had opened it in the first place. His expression shifted as his protectiveness over her was a feeling almost as evident as his anger as he listened to Charlie sob from the other end. He stood up, listening as she explained to him the events that had just transpired. With his free hand, he reached for his hat and placed it carefully atop his head. Seviathan nodded here and there, not that she could see him do that or anything but he did it all the same. A sigh parted from his lips. "I'm on my way." he replied as he then proceeded to make his way to the Hazbin Hotel to aid Charlie in her time of need, and totally take his chance to swoop him and win her back while he could...

Eternal Hearts: A Hazbin Hotel Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now