Chapter Four: I See the Stars in Your Eyes

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To say that Lucifer was flabbergasted was a complete understatement. He broke his little baby Ducks heart and he couldn't stand the sight of him. Anyone to ever cause Charlie harm was — on Lucifer's most wanted list as far as he was concerned. After everything that he had done, his eyes shifted red. If he could burn holes through someone's head just by staring at them, there was no doubt that Seviathan would drop dead then and there due to the spiteful expression across Lucifer's face. While brief, it was noticeable. Noticeable to the extent that Seviathan almost pulled away from Charlie only to instead pull her closer. Prompting her to be pressed against his chest as one hand snaked to her lower back and the other rested against the back of her head. Seviathan smiled at Lucifer, a mischievous and envious smile at that. "Your Majesty." He said as Lucifer followed suit by forcing a smile across his own features. Of course, the moment I almost wooed her over, he had to intervene. Seviathan thought as his gaze locked on the King of Hells.

"Seviathan Von Eldritch, what an unexpected surprise." He said as he blindly tossed the box of donuts onto the counter and instead reached for Charlie by gently yanking on her arm to pull her to him. "Oof." Charlie muttered as she nearly fell over, only to regain her balance and stand properly between them once more. "I-" Charlie stuttered as she looked between Seviathan and Lucifer who were in a staring contest for whatever reason. "Oh looord." She said as she slid her hand to the bridge of her nose to pinch it for a moment or so only to pull her hand away from her face and step further between them and forcefully interrupt their staring contest. "Uhmmmm— okay, let's — take a lil breather shall we?" Charlie said hesitantly followed by an awkward giggle. "I uhm— actually called Seviathan." She said, unaware of the smug look on Seviathans face as he continued to glance up at Lucifer.

Lucifer's expression softened as he gazed down at his daughter with a knowing look. There was much he wanted to say but not with that codfish standing right there. Instead, he slinked his hand around the back of Charlie's head only to lean forward and plant a single kiss against her porcelain skin. "Alright. But we will discuss this matter later." He said before gently poking at her chest. "I got you donuts, your favorite!" He said as he gestured to the box with one hand only for his apple came to appear with the other. He tightened his grip on said cane as he began to walk away with his back turned. Lucifer then hesitated for a moment before looking over his shoulder and back towards Seviathan. "Just know, I'm always watching." He said ominously before disappearing into the other room.
Charlie smiled the moment donuts were mentioned, she turned her gaze to said box as she flipped it open only to pick up a strawberry glazed donut with sprinkles. "Thanks dad!" She called out as he rounded the corner and left the room only to turn back to Seviathan instead as she took a bite of said donut. Paying no mind whatsoever to the frosting on the corner of her lip as she listened to Seviathan speak. "You didn't tell him you called me did you?" He asked. To which Charlie paused for a moment before replying. ".." She said as Seviathan then reached out and used his thumb to gently wipe the frosting from the corner of her lip only for him to suck it off his own finger. "That's alright." He said as he smirked due to her flustered reaction to such a small gesture.

Charlie quickly turned her gaze back down to the donut in hand. "I wouldn't worry, he's just —" Seviathan cut her off, "overprotective?" Charlie slowly nodded. "I suppose you could say that." Seviathan rolled his eyes. "Enough about him." He said as he then snaked his arms around her from behind and purposely leaned in just enough for his lips to be a mere inch or so away from her ear as he then whispered, " about I take you someplace...just for a little while." He inquired as he then tilted his head enough to look at her. Charlie hesitated, "Where?" She questioned. "It's a surprise, do you trust me?" He asked to which their eyes locked.

Charlie wasn't sure what to say to that. Conflicted to say the least. It wasn't that she didn't trust him but she didn't necessarily trust him either after everything that happened. Their break up was catastrophic as much as it was televised across the various realms of Hell. She was the laughing stock more than just for her beliefs and her Hotel; but her breakup with him just as much. "I-" she paused.

"Come on Charlie." Seviathan said as he shifted the way he held her by snaking his hands onto her shoulders instead. "For old times sake?" He coaxed to which Charlie finally caved in. "Alright." She said as he then blindly made a portal behind him with a single flick of the wrist, only to tug Charlie right into it with him. Effortlessly he did a 180 spin with his hands placed carefully upon either of her hips before he gently pulled away to stand beside her instead.
Silence loomed over them. But not in a bad way. Charlie's eyes went as wide as saucers as she gazed towards the Northern Lights that filled the sky above them. It was nothing like she had ever seen before. She was mesmerized as much as she was captivated.

"WOOW." She whispered as Seviathans gaze remained on her, admiring her beauty as she admired the beauty of the stars. "It's beautiful." Charlie said to which Seviathan nodded. "Yeah, it is." He replied, though he wasn't talking about the stars; he was talking about her.

Despite everything going on, and the upcoming Extermination; in that moment, Charlie truly felt as if everything was going to be okay.

Her gaze then drifted towards Seviathan with a soft expression only for her eyes to meet his. Her pale face flushed pink as she didn't expect him to already be looking at her. "I-uhm." She tripped over her words before taking a breath. "Thanks.. for coming." She said. Seviathan smiled. "Of course. You called." She then nodded. "I just-" Seviathan cut her off again, "You don't need to explain yourself, Little Lamb. I know, I know." He said as he then carefully snaked his arm around her and pulled her closer to him. They had an unspoken understanding since they were kids. After everything, he still loved her and deep down, he hoped she loved him too.  "Everything's going to be okay, Char. I'm here." He said to which Charlie said nothing, instead she nodded before slowly leaning her head into his shoulder. As much as she didn't want to admit it, at least, not outloud, she really did believe him.
"Let's just enjoy this moment, together." Seviathan said. "We can worry about everything else tomorrow, but for right now, let's just, look at the stars." He said as he pulled Charlie a little closer. Charlie nodded once more as she gazed at him for a moment or so longer before she turned back towards the Northern Lights once more. Admiring their beauty and the way they illuminated the night sky before them.

Maybe he was right, maybe everything would be okay...

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