Chapter Five: Extermination Day - Part 1

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Or maybe not. Maybe, Charlie was right for being as anxious, jittery and jumpy as she was. When Extermination Day came, Seviathan was nowhere to be seen. Wherever he was, she at least hoped that he was safe.

Charlie had been dreading this day for the past six months and it had finally come and to say that she was a nervous wreck was a complete understatement. Her hair was tied back in two neatly tied french braids. Despite this, loose baby hairs still framed her face as she stood there staring at her reflection in her very own bathroom mirror. She gulped as unease was a prominent feeling. Truthfully, she had a very, very bad feeling about today. She couldn't quite figure out why she felt this sense of impending doom but it was one in which she simply could not ignore as much as she wished she could. Nonetheless, she wore the red attire that was gifted to her by her father as she put on a brave face today, knowing that she really did not know what tomorrow would bring. She could only hope that the plan that was set would work; and that God would watch over them, as silly as it sounded.

With great hesitation Charlie led her people. Despite not sleeping the night before she ensured that she was able to do everything in her power. It was more than gathering an alliance and assuring that those who didn't wish to be caught in the crossfire were hidden, but that those who chose to fight were prepared. The Deal she made with Alastor helped her ensure that her people would be safe; no matter what. Thanks to Carmilla she had more than enough angelic weapons to share. She did her due diligence to be prepared even if it meant putting herself in harm's way to do so. In the end, to Charlie, every sacrifice she made was worth it if it meant that her people could live to see another day.

She took a moment to send one last text to everyone she loved, just in case.

Charlie then made her way down the stairs with a soft expression and a forced smile on her face as she then gave a solemn nod, her way of signaling that it was time as everyone gathered for a few more minutes as they prepared for what was to come. Truthfully, Charlie was scared. She was scared for her father, her people, and more importantly; she was scared of what Adam would do. She gulped, as she knew something that no one else did but despite knowing that – and the possibility of what to come; she held her head high anyways. Charlie was, and always would be selfless.
It wouldn't take long for Hell to quite literally break loose. Her eyes went wide as she went outside to see the mass attack transpiring across all of Pride. Her heart skipped a beat before it dropped, making her feel nauseated. Every angle she turned to, there was nothing but death and devastation as the Exterminators hit harder than they ever had before. Buildings were burning and explosions went off one after another and — the sounds of those screams caused Charlie's ears to ring for a moment. This was far worse than she imagined it to be. Her gaze snapped upon the realization that there were Exterminators left and right and every which way she looked; the Odds weren't just against them, but all of them.

𝕳𝖆𝖛𝖊𝖓'𝖙 𝕴 𝖌𝖎𝖛𝖊𝖓 𝖊𝖓𝖔𝖚𝖌𝖍?

Charlie's gaze drifted towards the sky as she saw Adam barreling towards their group. Shit, already? She thought to herself. Shit, shit, shit. Charlie's eyes went wide as she stood there like a deer in headlights. The tiny voice in her head was screaming at her to do something; anything, yet all she could do was stand there, frozen in time.

𝕿𝖍𝖎𝖘 𝖎𝖘 𝖆𝖑𝖑 𝖒𝖞 𝖋𝖆𝖚𝖑𝖙

Everything happened so fast. One moment she was standing there and the next she was shoved aside. It was a blur as she rolled only to roll right beneath the feet of an Exterminator. "Shit." Charlie muttered as she was quick to duck, but not quick enough to remain unharmed as the Exterminator managed to slice their blade against her porcelain skin. Cutting open both her left cheek and slightly grazing her left shoulder. She let out a small whimper of pain as gold began to ooze from the newfound inflicted cuts she received. She instead had no choice but to take on the Exterminator even as as her gaze drifted to the rest of her group
The Eggboiz were struggling as much as Angel and Cherri and – Her eyes went wide. White eyes turned red as she realized what was happening between Adam and Sir Pentious. "NO!!" She shouted as she then turned her gaze back towards the Exterminators; she was fending off unable to reach Sir Pentious or the others for the time being as she was too busy fighting alongside the rest of her group, entirely unaware as to what was to come....

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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