Chapter Three: Rekindling an Old Flame

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But she wasn't the only one shrouded in darkness here. It gripped and wrung at his neck, threatening to cut off air from his lungs and skewing his vision to the point where he felt dizzy and nauseated. It followed him everywhere he went like a storm cloud, soaking everything up each and everything it touched. And so, as to not drench Charlie with his own bullshit issues, declining her offer was the safest option. She already felt like she was drowning, why add more?

Or so he naively believed, and kept telling himself, that is.

"I'll see you tomorrow, bright and early." He stopped by the doorway and turned once again in her direction, just in time to see her plop back onto her bed in sorrow as she hid beneath her favorite red blanket once more. A knot made of guilt started to form at the back of his neck, making it hard to swallow. "Why don't we, uh—..." The knot doubled. "Why don't we have breakfast together in the morning? And I'm not talking about what they offer downstairs. I'd rather us make it ourselves. You know, like how we did back in the day? I always found that fun." He said. Charlie said nothing, but she heard him. Sev offered the princess a small smile bow, followed by a smile. Leaving the room after being asked to stay was probably one of the hardest things he could ever put himself through, but it had to be done for the sake of principle. Otherwise, he was as good as dead.


Seviathan was up bright and early the next morning. Truth be told he really couldn't sleep all that well knowing that Charlie was just across the hall. Alone, and surely as restless as he was. He could only hope that while he was awake, tossing and turning and alone with his thoughts for a majority of the night, that she was actually able to get some much needed rest. Almost as if on cue, Charlie made her way down the stairs and into the kitchen. She still looked – well, rough. But even then, to Seviathan she was as beautiful as ever. "Good morning, Little Lamb." He said as he began to make a frappuccino for both her and him. While he wasn't the biggest fan of frappuccinos, he knew it was her favorite so, for today, he would oblige. Besides, he wanted to make up for not staying with her last night as much as he really wanted to.

Charlie smiled as she was then handed a frappuccino. "G'mornin." she muttered. It didn't matter what was going on with her, she had never been a morning person, ever. Despite being the first one awake, it always took her forever to truly wake up each and every day and honestly, it was nice to see that despite all this time had passed since he had seen her, some things really didn't change. "Thanks." She said as she then sipped her frappuccino. Soaking up the sweet sugary taste and enjoying the warmth of the liquid as it slid down her throat. "Ah." She said after clicking her tongue. 

Her gaze then flickered to him, "And how are you this morning?" She asked as her their eyes met, only for them both to awkwardly look away from one another. "Oh, uh, good." Seviathan replied. "So, breakfast?" He said as their gaze slowly drifted back to one another once more. "I was thinking we make pancakes in the shapes of rainbows, for old time sake?" He asked hesitantly whilst fumbling with his cup of coffee. His hand slightly shook as he pulled the cup to his lips to take a swig while waiting for an anticipated response from her. Charlie smiled as she replied, "With chocolate chips?" She asked. Sev let out a small chuckle as he placed his coffee cup down onto the countertop. "Of course with chocolate chips, who eats pancakes without chocolate chips?" He questioned as Charlie then let out a giggle.

I really missed that laugh. Seeing her smile is, wow. She's beautiful. He thought to himself as he then turned away. "Alright let's get to it then." He said as he began to fumble through the cupboards and cabinets to find everything they needed in order to make pancakes. Charlie then stepped in and helped him given she knew where everything was. Within minutes, everything was placed on the countertop onto the respected places so they could get started.

Charlie didn't say anything for the time being but, there was bittersweet nostalgia that came with them doing this. Back when they were together, every Saturday was pancake day.  No matter how busy they were, every single Saturday they found the time to make pancakes together. Something about that brought all the memories back. She took a deep breath before her gaze drifted to Seviathan who was already beginning to mix the pancake batter together. He flashed a smile at her before he turned back to the bowl, continuing to mix its contents together.

Charlie then proceeded to grab the pan and place it on the stove as she began to quietly help him. Sev noticed the melancholy  expression on her face, and that simply would not do for his Little Lamb. He paused his stirring for a moment only to look into the contents of the bowl, back to her, and to the bowl again before a mischievous smile appeared on his features. "Hey Char.." He said, grabbing her attention as her gaze emt his. "Hm?" She replied. In one effortless swoop, Sev dipped his fingertips into the contents of the batter and proceeded to lunge and gently and equally as playful as he smeared batter across her pale face.

"SEV!" She said as she then let out a giggle from the unexpected yet playful matter. "HEY!" She said as she then leaned over and reached for the batter, dipping her own fingers into it as she began chasing after him. Due to their vast difference in height, she had to half jump on him to reach his face and make an attempt to do the same thing and return. "What's fair is fair, Little Lamb." Sev said in the midst of their shared fit of laughter. He then ran onto the opposite side of the island countertop as it put playful space between them as the pair remained across from one another. Playfully, they stared back at one another. Waiting for their counterpart to make a move.

"I'm going to get you back." Charlie said as she still had batter on her fingers. "Sure you are, Little Lamb." He playfully quipped. He really was seeking a rise out of her, he knew she needed this as much as he didn't want to admit it to himself. He was in denial, about her, about them, about everything really. But  this wasn't about him, this was about her. His smile grew as she then attempted to chase after him around the island. As quick as she was to chase him, he was even quicker to run, ensuring that they remained on the opposing countertop at all times, for the time being that is. He wanted to hear that laugh of hers before he let her get too close to her.

He could do this for hours, though, he was hungrier than he cared to admit. He smirked as he rounded the corner only to act as if he was going to go the other direction to make it seem as if he was trying to get away when in reality, he was letting her catch him. He was cornered, wedged between the countertops as Charlie proceeded to corner him. Carefully she lunged forward while standing on her tiptoes and finally managed to smear batter across his opposing cheek. Both of them let out a belt of laughter as the batter slipped down their cheeks.

Carefully, in a moment of weakness, Sev lifted his hand to her cheek. Gently he cupped it as he gently grazed the batter off with his thumb. With a knowing look and a twinkle in his eye, his gaze rested on Charlie. Her heart skipped a beat as she looked up at him as he proceeded to lean in closer, almost as if he was going to —

I really want to kiss her. He thought as his gaze flickered from her eyes, to her lips and back to her eyes again. Their faces close enough that their noses nearly touched one another. He inched closer as he one hand remained on her cheek as the other slid to the small of her back.  Is he going to kiss me? She thought her heart skipped a beat, unsure as to what his intentions were but – fully recognizing that look in  his eyes from all those years ago. Seviathan then took a breath as he leaned in, about to kiss her when —

Charlie's father, Lucifer, the King of Hell, entered the room. With wide eyes, and a box full of donuts, his jaw dropped as he stared between the two...

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