Chapter Two: I'd never leave you, Little Lamb

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Charlie laid in her bed in complete darkness. Not a single light was on as she laid in the fetal position, entrapped by the darkness of her room. Her cheeks were stained with her tears as she hid beneath her blanket. Even as Sevithan knocked on her door, and then finally entered, she was quiet for the time being besides the occasional saddened sniffle.

Five years. That's how long the two had last spoken to one another since their break up, let alone been in the same room.

This – being here, was against everything Seviathan had worked tirelessly to ruin all those years ago. He made himself look like an asshole, like the Villain. Like he was to blame. Like he was the bad guy everyone made him out to be. He never wanted to hurt her but he had to for her own good. He had her own safety and well being in mind even if he did have a funny way of showing it. He did it to keep her safe. Yet, despite all that, here he was, standing at the edge of her bed for all the wrong reasons. He shouldn't be there but – yet he was, and seeing her like this made his heart ache. Well, shit. He thought to himself as he finally sat down beside her on the edge of her bed.

"You really shouldn't have called me, Charlotte." He muttered softly, rubbing the back of his neck while looking around her room awkwardly. "And I probably shouldn't have come. But.... I'm here now. So let's talk, yeah?" Slowly, his hand reached for her blanket and pulled it off of her. "Come on out, silly. I can hear you sniffling beneath the blanket, so stop trying to hide already. You can't hide forever."

He told her she shouldn't have called but she did. It was too. Late. There was no going back now. And you shouldn't have come. she thought to herself. Unable to muster the courage to verbalize as such. At least, not yet. Now that he was here, she didn't know how to feel. Part of her wanted to scream for him to get out, while the other —- he pulled the blanket off of her. Exposing how awful she really looked.

Charlie rubbed at her eyes before she slowly sat up. She hesitated for a moment before her gaze then met his. "Sev-" she muttered as she then couldn't help herself but drape her arms around his neck and pull herself to him in a tight hug. The moment Charlie did this, Sev froze like a deer in headlights. Uncertain as to what to do. She was close, so very close. So close that he could smell the rosy perfume she must have put on for the meeting she had with Heaven earlier that day. It was a comforting scent, one he had missed over the years but it left his mind wandering. Wandering back to when they were younger and things were a hell of a lot simpler, or at least a little less shitty than they were now. Wandering to when they were together. Inseparable. He snapped his attention back to her as she muttered his name again.. "Oh Sev." She repeated as she started to cry, again as she simply couldn't stop the waterworks.

"D-do you think, I'm a joke?" She asked as she continued to speak between tears. Actively, as much as she hated to admit it, she really was seeking out reassurance and comfort from him of all people. She just wanted to be held by him. "I-thought- I thought Heaven would listen and —" she shook her head no. "They didn't. No one doesn't I'm-" she shook her head again as she started to cry harder. "All this time— Vaggie lied — she's — one of them." She said before she was far too upset to keep explaining. Though, hopefully he could understand the gist of what she was saying more or less.

As much as she didn't want to admit it, it felt good to feel the warmth of his once familiar embrace. Being in his arms made her feel at home. That maybe, just maybe everything would be okay. That maybe, she was right where she was supposed to be.

"Char, I—" Sev began.

What the hell was he supposed to do? Deny her? Leave her to fend for herself? He'd been doing that for so long it should be easy, no? Like second nature. But, unfortunately for him, that simply wasn't the case. He couldn't let go. She was suffering, and he wanted to make it stop. Slowly Sev slid his arms around her waist and gave the Princess a comforting squeeze. As much as he didn't want to admit it. He had missed this, he had missed her.

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