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The Transwarp Key hummed. Elena typed into the computer, researching about the symbol. She found a lot of useful information that could be related to the Key. A cheetah, a rhino, a gorilla surrounded by people. Elena leaned back on her chair. 

"So, y'all are robots that transform into cars, even though you're from way out in space", Noah said. He and Eclipse were seated inside of Mirage (IN HIS ALT FORM!! DON'T BE DIRTY MIND). "But now there's this key that opens a portal back to your home? Oh, and you know this because there's a beacon light in the sky that I can't see because I'm a human"

"You say that like it's weird", Mirage said.

"It's super weird", Noah said. Eclipse nodded in agreement. Even though she was half human, she would struggle to see the beacon sometimes. It will fade then come back to focus.

"You know what's weird?", Mirage asked. "Marky Mark is leaving the Funky Bunch!"

"Mirage, that's off topic", Eclipse said. Noah shook his head, closed his eyes, and leaned his head back on the driver's seat head rest.

"I heard he's just gonna pursue acting now. That's crazy!", Mirage said. 

"What?", Noah asked, confused. "How does that-?"

"What a world"

Noah pursed his lips. "Whatever, man"

"He's like that", Eclipse said, leaning back on the passenger's seat and placing her feet on the dashboard.

"Hey! No feet on the dashboard!", Mirage complained.

"Relax, shoes are clean", Eclipse said then looked at Noah. "He's random"

"Am not"

Eclipse rolled her eyes.

"I'm just trying to collect this money and get your angry-ass boss off of Earth before he blows a gasket", Noah said.

"Don't take it personal", Mirage said. "He just misses home. And I think he blames himself for us getting stuck here. Earth was supposed to be a pit stop, you know, a place for us to regroup and rejoin the war back home. Prime feels like it's his fault we're been stranded here, like he has to fix it all on his own"

"We all know it's not his fault", Eclipse said, embracing herself.

"Alright, team, heads up. There's security up ahead", Arcee said. 

"Nice!", Mirage said cheerfully. 

"Always positive", Eclipse mumbled and rolled her eyes. 

"This is gonna be fun, man", Mirage said. 

"No, no, no. No, bro. You need to switch it up", Noah said. "You need to turn into a helicopter or a speedboat or something"

"I got something way better than that", Mirage said. Eclipse sat up straight, removing her feet from the dashboard. 

"I don't like the sound of that"

The garbage truck screeched as Mirage slowed down to the gate. The security opened the gate and Mirage drove in. 

"Good call", Noah whispered. Eclipse gagged.

"I need some Air Febreze", she wheezed. 

"Oh, come on. Stop being dramatic, 'Clips", Mirage said. Eclipse slumped down on the chair and sighed.

"I do not like this plan", Optimus said as they all stood at the edge of the cliff, looking at the beacon. 

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