Ch 6

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Joshua's POV
I shouldn't have been short with her. But her and Chris were being way too friendly. Too comfortable. It shouldn't have bothered me. I trusted him with my life. I'd give my life for him. Wouldn't that mean I shouldn't feel the sharp stabs of jealousy, jabbing me in the stomach just from watching how easily they could banter and interact? They shared little jokes and goaded each other through the next couple games. Kaye easily joining in while I sat basically sulking unless I was throwing for my turn. There was a small array of weapons to use aside from axes. They had metal throwing cards, a spear, ninja stars, and a tomahawk. Kai and Kaye mostly stuck to the smaller items like the throwing cards and the ninja stars when they ventured away from using the axes. I watched as Kaye kept glancing over at the spear, as if she wanted to use it or was afraid of it. Maybe both. She almsot reached for it a couple times during the first game.
Were nearing the last few turns of the second game and we had all had a few drinks by now. I stood up from my stool and went to grab another round of drinks to bring back to the table, Pendleton 7 for Chris, Crown and coke for me, Malibu pineapple for Kai, and Malibu Moutian Dew for Kaye. That last one sounded god awful but Kaye sucked them down like a suffocating fish. I came back handing the drinks the Chris and Kaye, pausing when I looked at the  pinneapple. I flicked my gaze up to see Kai expectantly waiting for me to hand hers over to her. I held her eyes as I took a sip of hers to try it, the acidic pinenapple flavor flooding my tongue and completely masking the Malibu. I handed it over to her still holding her gaze and her fingers brushed mine, sending a shock through my system as I watched the prettiest blush floor over her cheeks at my eye contact and behavior. She quickly looked away thanking me as I smiled at her and winked. She quickly took a drink and set it aside to step over to the shelf that held the throwing tools, her eyes lingering longer on the spear. She glances back at me, almost asking me to ask her if she wants my help. She's likely thinking back to me using the spear a few rounds ago, hammering it with deadly precision into the bullseye.
I smile to myself and take the opening she's silently begging me to take. "Would you like me to help teach you to throw the spear? It's pretty simple."
A blush creeps over her cheeks again and she nods, "Yes, please." She's way more shy than she was back in school. She's hesitant to make eye contact with me and hesitant to speak to me. I want her to feel confortable, an uncommon thought for me. I'd prefer eveyone feel uneasy near me so they maintain distance from me and refrain from social engegement. I push off my stool to stand up and step towards Kai. My shy little kitten Kai.
My heart all of a sudden stutters in my chest at the thought of her welcoming my touch, the close proximity our bodies will be in. I take another step closer and nod for her to pick up the spear and motion her to come closer to me. She gingerly holds the spear in her hand like it's going to cut her, balanced on her open palm. She steps in front of me and I place my hands on her hips, feeling her waistband of her jeans before her slightly baggy shirt. Her sharp inhale is the only thing that tells me she's reacting to my touch.
I can't see her face but I can imagine the deer in the headlights look in her eyes. I'd seen it before. Back when she got unwanted attention and advances from the guys on the football team in high school. Her eyes searching for me to come to her rescue, and I always did. Wether it was in a death promising look, me verbally threatening them, me clapping a hand on their shoulder and squeezing hard enough to be threatening and leave bruises but not obvious, or me sauntering over and wrapping my arm around her shoulder and pressing her into my side. I'd also seen the same look last weekend when she ran into me at the bar. Unsure what to do, not knowing where I came from. The same look she had when I walked up behind her and told the employee her and her friend would be playing with Chris and myself. Her face when she turned around and saw me was like a trapped animal. A little kitten with a big bad dog menacingly following it. I'm not sure when she went from giving me that look, searching for me to help her, to giving me the look as if she needs rescuing from me. But I will be changing that. I will get her back to looking for me, not looking like she's fighting the urge to run away while simultaneously wanting me to chase her. Even if she woke admit that. An image flashes into my head of her running away from me, looking back to see if I'm following her while she does everything she can to get away. My cock stiffens slightly at the image and i instantly push it away. If I'm standing this close behind her she'll for sure feel that and I don't want the rest of the night to be weird for her.
With my hands on her waist, I move her to stand directly in front of me positioning her so her body and hips are square facing the target on the board. I reach up and slide my hand over hers, closing her fingers around the body of the spear so she has the correct grip to get the most power behind her throw. I move so I'm slightly offset to the left side of her body, at 6ft 3in her head comes up to my shoulder and she'll need some space to bring the spear back and get momentum to propel it into the target.
I lean down to quietly talk into her ear, blocking out the rest of the noise. "Bring your arm up, keep your arm bent at ninety degrees, away from your body," I guide her arm up to the correct position, "grip firm but not tight. Make sure it's comfortable. Feel the weight of the spear. Feel how it balances in your hand. Bring it forward, keep your elbow bent until you have your hand just past your shoulder then you start letting your arm straighten and use your shoulder to push the spear forward." I walk her through the motion with my words and physically with my hand, running my hand down her arm to her shoulder as I mention the part of her body till I get to her shoulder. Her breath hitches in her chest at the contact and my heart races a little bit too.  "It's similar to throwing a baseball. Let go before your wrist starts to tilt all the way straight."
Ignoring Chris and Kaye, ignoring the girls next to us, ignoring the employee. In this moment it's only her and I. We're in a little bubble. I guide her one last time through the motions, placing my hand over hers before letting it fall back to my side and taking half a step back. She brings her arm up, tilting it back with her firm grip on the spear, and and takes a deep breath to steady herself. Just like I told her. She focuses on her target and launches the spear. It hits her target and sticks into the second ring, swaying slightly. Kai stands there for a moment just staring at the spear. Suddenly she spins around on her heel with a huge smile on her face. With a squeal she launches herself at me throwing her arms around my neck. I instinctively wrap my arms around her waist and laugh.
"Good job, killer. I knew you could do it." I whisper in her ear, smiling from ear to ear. A feeling of pride bubbling up in me seeing how proud she was of herself. She steps back sheepishly, yet again blushing a bright red color. Her blush makes her bright green eyes stand out vividly. Those are going to haunt every fantasy I have for the foreseeable future. She quickly steps around me to give Chris a high five and embrace Kaye in a tight hug while Kaye gives her a questioning look and they squeal in delight over her accomplishment. When Kai steps past Chris to hug Kaye, Chris gives me a knowing look. As if to say, 'you're so screwed' after the little moment Kai and I had. I flip him off. We quickly finish the game we're on after Kai is done celebrating her accomplishment.
"So, what's your guys plan after this? We were thinking about heading down town for a while. I'm just tipsy enough to flirt some free drinks from the bartender at Frank's Den if you two want to accompany us." Kaye inquires, shooting a flirty look at Chris and Kai.
I want to jump and say 'whatever Kai wants.' But that's a little desperate and Chris would never let me live that down. "I'm down for whatever." I say instead. Chris gives me an incredulous look, but he agrees. We gather our jackets and finish our drinks and head to pay. I hand over cash to cover the whole tab and we head to our respective modes of transportation.

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