Ch 9

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Kai's POV
    We walk up all 3 flights of stairs to the fourth floor where my apartment sits at the very top of the building. We get to my door and I turn around facing him, holding my hand out for him to give me back my keys. He reaches into his pocket, fishing the keys out and unlocking the door to my apartment behind my back without breaking eye contact with me. He pushes the door open and gestures.
    "After you, Kai." He winks to prompt me further. I take a step back to move onto my apartment, and my heel catches on the door jam and I throw my hands out to grab the door frame and Joshua reaches out to try to grab me and steady me like he has more than once tonight. My arms are moving too fast and I feel my fingers slip from the doorframe, unable to find grip, and I continue to fall backwards. The back of my head hits the door handle and I crash into the wall behind me and the world around me disappears and goes black.
    My head is cold and throbbing. I groan as my last memories come back to me. I reach back to rub the origin of the sharp pain, and feel an ice pack. Shock causes me to open my eyes and I realize I'm laying on my couch with a pillow under my head. I sit up, looking around my familiar home. The light in my kitchen is on and I hear the faucet running. I slide my legs off the edge of my couch and place my feet on the ground. My head pounds even harder with the movement. The water shuts off and Joshua comes around the corner of my kitchen with a glass in one hand and my bottle of Advil in the other. He sees me sitting up and quickly walks over hanging me the water and shaking three gel caps into his hand to also give me.
    "Be careful, you hit your head pretty hard there. Do you remember what happened?" He sits down next to me and nudges my hand, urging me to drink the water.
    I groan, "You mean completely humiliating myself by being the biggest klutz in the state?"
    "I'll take that as a 'yes'then," he huffs a laugh. "How are you feeling?"
    "Like I got hit by a Mack truck." I take the Advil from him and down them, drinking the entire glass of water in the process and setting the empty glass down on my end table.
    "It's probably best you don't fall asleep yet. You said something downstairs about ice cream and a movie. If you're still up for it, I can keep you company for a while so you dont. Keep an eye on you." It seems suggestive, how he tells me he'll keep an eye on me.
    Smiling, I nod and move to get up. "Yea, I think I would like that. I'll get the ice cream." I stumble a step and the world swims around me. Joshua stands up, using a hand on my arm to steady me and another hand on my should to put pressure and encourage me to sit back down.
    "How about you tell me where the bowls and stuff are, what you want on yours, and I'll get it while you choose the movie?"
    "Maybe that's a good idea," I nod. "The bowls are up to the left of the sink, the spoons and in the drawer to the left of the stove, and the caramel and strawberry syrup are in the fridge. I think there's some star sprinkles from when I made a cake a few weeks ago in the cupboard above the stove."
    "Ok, you pick the movie. None of that girly stuff tho. Actions, horror, suspense. Something that won't put me to sleep. Deal?" He teases.
    I watch him turn and walk towards the kitchen again. Shaking my head at the whole situation im in right now, I grab my remote and pull up Netflix. I thumb down to the suspense category and hit play on the first movie that comes up. Something with a stuffed dog on the front with blood covering its fur and a white house with a white picket fence in the background behind it. I hear the fridge and freezer doors open and close and hear the clank of the forks as he returns the supplies he must have pulled already out, back to where they belong. The light in the kitchen flicks off and the apartment is plunged into darkness aside from the tv showing the opening scenes from the movie. He's made two identical bowls of ice cream smothered in caramel, strawberry, and the crunchy star sprinkles I love.
    "Thank you." I take the bowl from his hand smiling. I'm seated in the dead center of my small couch, not much bigger than a love seat, so he takes the spot to my right. His bent knee rests against my crossed legs. He doesn't seem to mind the contact so I leave it. We both turn towards the movie playing on the TV and the only thing you hear aside from the movie is the clank of our spoons on the ceramic bowls as we eat our treat.
    I finish my ice cream about half way through the movie. I feel a wave of exhaustion roll through me and yawn. I glance over at my phone sitting in the end table and see the time displayed dimly. It's three thirty in the morning. Holy fuck. I peek over to see Joshua intent on the movie playing. I set my empty bowl on the end table next to my phone and pull the folded up blanket from the back of the couch behind me. It's my favorite blanket with otters printed on it and it never leaves my couch. It's been more stable in my life than anything else has been, aside from Kaye and Shay.
    I yawn again and angle myself back towards the corner of my couch where my pillow from earlier still rests. I cross my legs at the ankles and prop them across Joshua's lap, intentionally not making eye contact with him and avoiding acknowledging him at all. I spread my otter blanket over my feet and his lap and snuggle myself back into my pillow and blanket. Without missing a beat Joshua repositions my legs and feet and rests his hands on my feet, gently applying pressure and pressing soothing and calming lines down the middle of both my feet. He doesn't say a word, instead staring intently at the TV and just continuing the foot massage he's giving me, slowly working his way up my calves and stopping below my knee, then working his way back down to the tips of my toes. We both just stare at the TV but I don't think either of us are genuinely focused on what was going on, instead too focused on trying to avoid acknowledging the contact between us and how much either of us enjoy just being able to touch each other.
    Slowly, I feel my eyes getting heavier and heavier. My throbbing head subsides while I'm focusing on the feel of his hands on my legs and feet. The next thing I know, I wake up to warm heavy pressure on my legs and Netflix playing the credits of the movie we were supposed to watch. I blink the sleep out of my eyes and look over to my feet and see Joshua kind of slumped sideways with my legs wrapped in one of his arms and his other hand resting on my feet, almost like an embrace. I move my legs to stretch out a little bit and he stirs from his light sleep, sitting up straight and looking around confused. It's almost like he's not sure what happened either. He looks over to me and sees me already looking his way and gives a half asleep smile. He shifts my legs over and scoots the rest of my body away from the back of the couch. He angles towards me and makes himself comfy with his back to the back of the couch and my back pressed to his front. My arms are trapped in the circle of his arms and my head still rests on the pillow next to his.
    "Is this ok?" He murmurs.
    I nod my head. I quickly realize he can't hear me nodding so I quietly say, "Yes."
    "You're comfortable?"
    "Yes." I reaffirm again. I feel a deep rumble of contentment from his chest vibrate against my back. I move to pull the blanket up closer to my shoulders from where it rests around my wait. He lifts his arm and hand from my body to let me situate my blanket and drops his hand back to rest on my waist. Even through the blanket I can feel the heat from his hand. Atleast in my head. In reality I'm not sure if it's really heat or if it's the pressure. Im ultra aware of where my back touches his chest. My legs line up with , my feet with his shins, my ass with his half erect dick. That last one startled me. When I was readjusting my blanket my body weight had shifted back closer to him and my ass had pressed against him and now I could feel his dick had become slightly stiff. I readjust my ass a little bit and feel him stiffen behind me. His dick pressing a little harder into my ass through his jeans. I turn and roll towards him. My face inches from his chest, his beard ticking my forehead. His hand remains on my body while I turn and face him. It grazes my bare skin when my shirt rides up to expose a small bit of skin between the hem of my shirt and the waist band of my jeans.
    Goose bumps break out across my skin and I feel my nipples tighten under my shirt pressing against my bralette. His hand slides down my jean clad leg to my knee. He hooks his fingers behind my leg and pulls my knee up to his hip and lets it rest there. His hand slides back down to my ass and he starts to rub small circles below the pocket of my jeans. It tickles but not in an unbearable way. In a pleasant way. I want him to touch my skin. And to be completely honest, jeans are not super stretchy and comfortable. I reach down between us and undo the button of my jeans. I slide my leg down and turn to lift my hips off the couch and shimmy my jeans down my thighs. I feel his hands reach down and slide down my leg and back up and I finish removing my jeans by kicking one foot out and using that foot to finish pushing my other leg out. My jeans fall to the floor and I turn back towards Joshua.
    My left hand winds under his arm and my right hand and arm are trapped between us. I reach for the hem of his t shirt and slide my hand underneath to draw circles on his back gently with my finger nails as he resumes the slow path of his hand slipping across my bare skin from my knee to my no show cheeky panties. As I slowly work my way up his back to the top of his spine I feel a shiver run through his body and his hand flexes against the curve of my ass, gripping and pulling me tighter to him. I can fully feel his dick through his jeans now. It brushes against the front of my panties. The friction causing my pussy to feel warm and tingle a little bit. I continue the slow path my finger nails are making down his back and his fingers start tracing the edge of my panties. My breathing catches in my chest and I stop for a moment.
    "Are you ok with this?" He asks. He says it so quietly that I almost don't hear him. It's like he's worried if he breaks the silence I'll tell him to stop.
    "Y-y-yes." I stammer, trying to catch my breath. My hands have stopped moving now though.
    His hand begins to follow the barely discernible edge of my panty again, back up to my hip and around the front to the sensitive skin at the crease of my inner thigh. My breathing stills again till he moves back to follow the edge accross my lower back and around my other cheek and I take a deep breath. My pussy is pulsing with my heart beat now. It aches and I can feel my panties soaking from my growing arousal. He moves from the edge he can reach of my panty and and moves along the outside of my butt until he finds the little crease of the bottom of my cheek and starts tracing to the edge where my panty just barely covers my pussy. He finds my soaking wet panties and pauses for a second before slowly and softly tracing back and forth across the wet heat covered by wet fabric.
    As if it has a mind of its own, my leg creeps up higher on his hip to press my pussy closer to where I know he dick is hard and straining inside his jeans. He applys a little pressure as he slowly rubs back and forth outside of my panties from the hot center of the entrance to my pussy, to the sensitive clit in front of it. My hips move on their own accord and try to push against his hand to give myself more pressure like I need. I slightly succeed. His fingers that were rubbing back and forth across my barely covering panties, slip just slightly inside them, coming in direct contact with my wet arousal.
    A small moan escapes my lips and he gently pushes his fingers farther in and they slip through my arousal and between my pussy lips and find my clit. He runs a circle around my sensitive nerves with his fingers and my pussy clenches. He rubs back towards the center of my arousal and pushes a finger inside me, slowly stroking inside me. As he touches me and rubs inside my pussy, I hear a wet noise breaking the silence with my increasingly ragged breath and he starts to pump his fingers in and out of me slowly at first and then a little faster. I move my hips closer to him and try to get some friction for my now aching clit, desperate for more than Joshua is giving me. I grind against his hand as he continues to stroke inside me, his rough fingers grazing both my clit and the sensitive spot just behind my pubic bone.
    Suddenly, Joshua pulls his fingers out from inside me and grips my hips sharply, he rolls onto his back and pulls me on top of him in one smooth motion. I gasp and he reaches for my face and pulls me towards him and crushes his lips to mine. I lean forward into him and instantly kiss back. As im leaning forward, exploring his mouth with my tongue my wet pussy rubs again against the bulge in his jeans. I instantly rock my hips against him as I try to gain for friction again. I feel him groan into my mouth and his hands slide from my face to grip my waist as he rolls his hips up and gives us both more pressure and friction. I widen my legs to put more pressure on him. He reaches between us as he keeps devouring my lips and slips his fingers back inside my panties to find my clit. He sweeps his fingers through my folds and swirls the arousal up to my clit to lightly pinch it and send a shock from my clit to the core of my body.
    I lift up a couple inches to give him better access to my pussy. He pumps his finger in and out of me, stroking deep inside me against just the right places. I reach down between us to find the button of his pants and flick it open. My fingers brush his rock hard cock as I'm pulling down his zipper and I feel it twitch against my hand at the contact. I lift myself farther up off of him and feel his fingers slip out of my pussy as I start to tug on his pants.
    "Off. Now." I demand. I can't stand the heat and pressure building in my core. I need more than just his rough calloused fingers. I feel more from him to fill me. I need him to fill me deeper.
    He lifts his hips a little bit to slide his jeans down his legs and reaches for his boxers next. I push his hands aside and tug his boxers down myself. His dick stands free now that there's nothing holding it down. It's thick. I'm not sure my fingers would fit around it either with only one hand, but shorter in length. A little drip of precum leaks out the smooth pink head and I look at it in fascination. He moves to pull me back down towards his cock and I again push his hands away. My finger slowly reaches down and touches the head where the precum drop is and I watch his dick twitch again. I look back to his face as I raise my finger to my lips. I hold his eyes with mine while I swipe the liquid from my finger with my tongue.
    He sucks in a breath between his teeth. I reach back down with my hand to gently grip around his girth and rub up and down his length once, twice, three times. I feel it get even harder in my hand if that's possible. I hold my panties to the side and rub the head of his cock through the folds of my pussy, slipping it ever so slightly past my entrance each time I rub back and forth. I can feel his blood pounding in his engorged dick. I feel my arousal drip from my pussy down the tip of his dick and onto my hand where it grips around his girth. As I slide the head back to my entrance and it dips in, I slide myself down. I sink all the way to the end and he fills me completely. I'm so wet and aroused there's barely any resistance besides my pussy stretching to fit his girth. It stings a little bit but I quickly adjust.
    "Holy fuck." He moans, thrusting his hips up to pump into me. I start moaning myself as I start rolling my hips up and down, feeling the rising heat and tingling building inside me. He meets my hips rolling with his own thrusting and I can feel myself getting closer and closer to the edge of my orgasm.
    I lean myself forward until my chest is rubbing against his and my hard nipples ache. I press my lips to his and his tongue automatically is exploring my mouth, licking and nipping at my lip and I'm breathless.
    "Oh my god," I moan, "Your cock feels so good."
    "You like feeling me bare inside your pussy?" He smiles against my lips.
    "Yes." I squeeze out between breathless pants. He's picking up the speed as we dirty talk.
    "Do you want me to fill your pretty little pussy with my cum?"
    "Please. Please fill me pussy with your cum." I beg.
    "Do you deserve my cum?"
    "I need your cum. I need to feel you cum inside me." I'm almsot desperate as I rock my hips up and down and I feel his balls slap up against my pussy when he trusts. I'm almost to the edge.
    "Be a good girl and cum for me. Cum on my dick as I cum inside you." With that, I break apart. I scream his name and my orgasm rips through me as I feel his cum shoot inside me and he continues to trust.
    After a little bit he stops his movement. We lay there on the couch with me on top of him and him still inside me. He strokes a hand through my hair and down my back. I tip my head back to look at him and he presses a kiss to my lips.
    "If you're ok with it, I'd like to stay. Then you can sleep and I can keep an eye on you and make sure you wake up ok in the morning."
    "Mhh. Maybe. Just this once. I'm so comfy. I just want to go to sleep." I murmur.
    "Go to sleep little kitten."
    And I do. I drift off as he pulls the blanket over me and strokes my hair. The last thing I remember is him planting a soft kiss on my head.

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