Ch 12

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Kai's POV.
I stand under the water for longer than necessary in my shower. I keep replaying in my head last night and this morning. Both reality and my dream. I don't know how things escalated like they did and I don't know how I feel. I was obviously an enthusiastic participant. I woke up to myself cumming on his dick while I rode him like a crazy person. I had taken me a minute to decipher where my dream ended and reality started. And I was horrified when I realized what I'd done in my sleep. He reassured me he wasn't unhappy with what had happened but I still can't help but think. Maybe he was just saying that to make me feel better? Maybe he didn't want to embarrass me more than I had embarrassed myself? Then again maybe he was being honest because it felt like he was reacting to me as much as I was to him when I woke up from my orgasm. He had came too. Ugh. What did I get myself into. I've over stayed my reasonable allotted time in my shower and I need to get out so I can get my car and debrief with Kaye and Shai.
I quickly finish rinsing my hair out and turn the water off. Wrapping a towel in my hair and around my body, I step out of my shower to Joshua standing there in the open door. Damn it, I must have left it open. He cocks an eye brow at me.
"Quick? That's your idea of quick? That was more like an everything shower." He steps towards me.
"Sorry. Time got away from me. I zoned out." I rush. I smile and hold my towel tight around my body and slip between him and the door of my bathroom to scurry to my bedroom and close the door, making sure to lock it behind me this time.
I grab my first pair of skinny jeans and my favorite sports bra. Slipping my bra over my head and my jeans up my legs I hop over to my closet to grab a crew neck sweatshirt off a hanger and pull that on too. I look at myself in the mirror. My dark brown hair is a giant rats nest on my head and I grab my brush to quick comb out the tangles, twisting it up into a big claw clip behind my head so it stays mostly out of my face. I take a deep breath and turn to unlock my bedroom door and head for the living room.
I emerge to find Joshua on my couch, fully clothed with his leather jacket and boots already on and ready to walk out the door. Almost as if he can't wait to get out of here, away from me. Not that I blame him. I all but jumped his bones in my sleep last night. Ugh. I hate myself.
"Ready?" He chirps up.
"As I'll ever be." He holds his hands out to me for me to take and pull him up. I do as he nonverbally asks and tug as hard as I can. He chuckles as I slowly get him to his feet and he towers over me. He leans down and plants a quick nonchalant kiss to the top of my head and heads for the door. He opens it and holds it for me to pass through first. I do as he wants and turn around, about to ask if he knew where I put my keys when I watch him fish them out of his jacket as if they were his own and lock my apartment door behind him. He slips them back into his own pocket and we head down the stairs.
We open the door to my building leading outside and the bright sun hits my skin and I immediately feel refreshed with the air but I'm glad I wore my sweatshirt. It's a little chilly. We walk under the overhang between the garages and in front of my garage is his shinny black motorcycle. I take a deep breath to ready myself for this experience. I don't have a lot of choice but to get on the back right now.
"You ok?" He questions.
"Yea. Just mentally preparing myself. When I did this last night I had the liquid courage. Not I don't." I huff out a laugh.
He scoffs. "You're perfectly safe with me."
"I know. I trust you. It's just new. It's a risk."
"Not much of a risk taker?" He cocks an eye brow at me.
"No. Not particularly."
"Good thing with me driving it, you're not taking a risk. You're trusting me." He's confident. It's sexy but does nothing to make the feeling inside my body ease yet.
He had a point I guess. I nod towards the bike. He turns and swings his leg over and starts it. He flips the foot pegs down and looks over to me. He holds out his hand for me to grasp and help me get on behind him. I do and easily swing my leg over the back and settle in behind him. I place my hands on his sides and feel his body heat burning through the t shirt and leather jacket.
"Hang on tight. You comfy?" He asks.
"Yep!" I assure him.
With that, he backs up a little bit and turns and takes off down the road. The bike rumbling under us and the cold air whipping past my face. Im extra glad I put my hair up or it would be a giant mess. I tuck my face against the back of his shoulder to keep it out of the slightly biting wind. We take the main road through the heart of downtown and pull up to the last red light before our turn to get back to my car. I feel his hand fall onto my knee and squeeze. I look up and he nods to our right with a slight smirk on his face. I look over and who do you think I see? None other than Shai. Her jaw is all but on the floor and her eyes all but bug out of her head. Shit. I hadn't told her when Kaye and I ran into the guys last night. All she knew was that I was going out for a girls night with Kaye. Shit. Shit. Shit. She's going to lose it. The light turned green just then and saved me from having to try and school my facial features into a calm look that didn't match the tornado of feelings in my head. 
Joshua moves his hand back to the handlebar of the motorcycle and smoothly turns us away from Shai and I spot my car sitting in its parking spot. He pulls up into the empty space next to it and kills the bike. He offers his hand again to help me dismount the bike. I tightly grip it and hop off.
"I take it by Shai's face, you weren't supposed to be with me?" He teases.
"I hadn't talked to her since I told her I would be out with Kaye. It's not that I wasn't supposed to be with you, but more that I hadn't updated her on my change of plans. And then she sees me earlier than usual, on accident, and on a motorcycle." I sheepishly smile at him. "You were just the cherry on top of the cake. I'm going to have a lot of explaining to do."
"How much are you going to explain?" He challenges.
"Just how I ended up with a guy too early in the morning after girls night."
"Nothing else?"
"Nothing else to tell."
"I might beg to differ."
"I wouldnt."
"I would."
"Good thing opinions are subjective."
He cuts a sharp look at me, not impressed with my defiance. "Regretting it already?" He challenges again.
"No. I've just decided that I want to keep it to myself." I rebuke.
"And if I don't want you to?"
"I guess that really isn't your choice. What I share with my friends is my business. Not yours." I keep my defiance strong under his icy look.
"I guess it isn't." He says flatly. He fishes my keys out of my pocket and holds them out for me to take. I raise my hand palm up under his hand and he releases them to fall into my hand with a dull metallic jangle.
"Thank you for last night and this morning. I appreciate you getting me home safe and getting me back to my car this morning." I try to lighten the suddenly heavy mood with our little disagreement.
"Anytime." He gives me a heated look but after a moment he brings the motorcycle to life and takes off out of his parking spot and disappears down the road. I take a heavy breath and slide myself into my driver's seat and start my car. My phone connects to my Bluetooth and I glance down to play my music and see I've already got 3 missed calls and 7 texts from Shai. I groan and tap the screen to open the most recent missed call notification and call her back. After two rings she picks up and immediately starts battering me with questions.
"What did I just see? How did that happen? What happened? What about girls night? Why didn't you text me? Or call me? Or anything? Did you have fun? Was he fun? Is he huge? Was it good? Are you doing it again?" Rapid like machine gun fire I can't even hardly breathe let alone answer her questions.
"SHAI!" I shout. "Will you stop it? I can't even answer if you don't shut up!" I hear silence on the other end of the line. I take a deep breath.
"Can we start over? One question at a time?"
"Yep." She's annoyed I told her to shut up. She'll get over it.
"It wasn't planned. I was going to go axe throwing with Kaye. We didn't know you had to have reservations. We got there and when the worker told us we needed reservations, Joshua walked up behind us and told us we were playing with them. He didn't leave room for refusal and we didn't have a real reason to refuse. So we played with them. Kaye invited them out with us after." I start.
"And where was my invite?"
"It was planned to be a Kaye and Kai night. Just us. Nobody else."
"I know," she says, sounding exasperated. "I mean after. When you met up with Mr. Tall, Dark, and Mysterious at the bar after. When it became more than a Kaye and Kai plan. Where was the invite then?"
"Shai. My head was trying to wrap around this whole thing. I wasn't really thinking too much and I had already had enough booze to make me feel a little tipsy." I tell her. I want to reassure her I didn't exclude her on purpose. It wasn't planned. I just didn't think.
"You could have text me." She retorts, far from pacified about my explanation.
I sigh. I don't think I'm going to win this one. It's best to just apologize and make up or she'll dig her heels in and get more upset.
"You're right. I could have. I'm sorry. I didn't think about it but I could have. I didn't mean to make you feel left out. I'll make it up to you with movies and popcorn at my apartment in an hour? We can finish talking when you get to my place. I'll tell you anything you want to know."
"Fine." She still isn't pacified but as soon as the word is out, she hangs up without a goodbye and I return my phone to my lap.
I tip my head back and close my eyes. I'm exhausted and I need a nap. However, I also need popcorn and snacks for Shai before she comes over and I currently have no junk food or snack foods. I head to the little convenience store on my way home and swing in grabbing popcorn, skittles which are my favorite, her favorite which are m&m's, and our favorite snack together which is pepperoni pizza combos. 
I pull into my driveway and look up to my third floor apartment and my cheeks burn with the memory of this morning and last night. Just then my phone dings. I turn my car off and toss my keys into my purse that I left in here last night and open my phone to view the notification without checking to see who it's from before.

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