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Kai's POV
"One Number Away" by Luke Combs wakes me up from my sleep. I look around my apartment and it's dark outside. I reach for my phone and see Uriah's name displayed across the screen. My heart jumps in my chest. I hesitate for a second staring at the screen. I'm trying to decide if I want to answer. I try to decide if I'm ready to hear his voice. I have to decide quick if I want to or the call will end. I squeeze my eyes shut and swipe my phone across the screen, bringing the phone to my ear. I don't say a greeting. There's a pause on the other end of the phone.
"Baby?" My heart painfully squeezes in my chest hearing his voice. "Are you there?" Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I chant over and over in my head. "Kai?"
I pull the phone from my face and take a deep breath to steady myself. I put the phone back to my ear again.
"Yeah. I'm here." I sound significantly more steady than I feel.
"What are you doing?" He questions me, oblivious to my internal cursing.
"I was sleeping. I fell asleep on my couch watching my show." I deadpan, trying to convey my displeasure with being woken up.
"Well," he begins. "If you're home and tired, wanna come open the door and I can help you fall back asleep?"
"You, uh, what?" I stutter.
I hear a knock on my front door. My phone drops from my hand. There's literally no way this is happening right now. I glance down and my phone says it's 11:58pm. I end the phone call and get off my couch. I step around to my front door and flip the deadbolt. My hand falls to rest on my door handle. I pause and I feel the cool smooth metal beneath my fingers. The handle moves and my hand flinches back to my chest and I step back till my back hits the wall behind me, my head lightly bumping the coat rack on the wall behind me. The handle finishes turning and the door opens, revealing Uriah standing there with his one hand behind his back and the other hanging at his side. He has a small smile on his lips that doesn't quite show his teeth.
"You're here. At my house. Already. You said tomorrow." My mind is reeling and my heart is racing.
"Well. If you look at your phone, you'll notice it technically is tomorrow now." He smiles, showing his bright white but slightly crooked smile. He has a small scar below his left eye that almost disappears when he smiles and his eyes crinkle and there's a small gap between his two front top teeth. Noticing these small "flaws" that I've grown to love the last two and a half years makes me look down and away.
"Can I come in?" He takes a step towards me. "I've missed you." I have nowhere to back up as he steps closer to me.
His hand moves from behind his back to reveal what he's holding and my eyes move up to see what he's doing. A small bouquet of orange snapdragon and blue larkspur. He extends his hand towards me to hand me the flowers. They're beautiful and my favorites. He knows this. And that surprises me. I mentioned it in passing a long time ago. He's never brought me flowers before. He's never really given me any gifts at all. Not for birthdays or Christmas. Not on Valentine's Day or random days when he thought about me. I look up and meet his dark black eyes. Emotions swirl inside me. Nervous because he's here in front of me. Sad that he's someone I feel so many big feelings for but he'll never actually be my right person. Excited because I get to see him, smell him, I can touch him, hear his voice. Wistful, thinking of what we used to be and what could have been if he had just decided to want it with me enough. Confused. Above all else, I'm confused. I feel so much conflicting emotion, but I'm confused on how today turned out how it did. How today started and how it's gotten to this moment staring up at Uriah. The person who owns my entire heart and invades every waking thought no matter how much I try to push him out. I feel a stinging prick and feel tears start to pool in my eyes. I throw my hands up to swipe away at the traitorous tears before they have the chance to fall from my eyes. Uriah steps to me one last time, wrapping one of his long arms around me and crushing me to his chest while holding the flowers he brought me to his side so they don't get crushed between us.
"Don't cry, baby.' He says, pressing a kiss to my head.
His voice is muffled and the tears keep falling from my eyes. We stand there with him pressing me into his chest in a tight hug while I just cry for what seems like eternity but is likely only a few minutes. The snot in my nose from the tears makes it slightly hard to breathe. I feel him move and hear the click of the door as he pushes my front door closed behind him and I pull back wiping my eyes to dry my tears and I take a deep breath to steady my breathing. I step away from his arm and turn towards the bathroom. I flip the light on as I enter and blow my nose before throwing my tissue. I take one more deep breath before turning around and leaving the bathroom. I flip the light off as I walk out towards Uriah. He standing just inside my closed front door with his hands folded around the bouquet of flowers. I reach my hand out as I approach him to take them. I smell the flowers and a small smile flits across my lips. I take them to the kitchen and find a vase above the microwave, my options are limited. I only own one. And only for when my friends buy flowers for me on my birthday or other days when one would normally gift a loved one floral gifts. I fill the vase with water and stick the larkspur and snapdragon into it, placing it next to the stove for now. I return to the living room where Uriah stands waiting for me. I walk up to him and against my better judgment, throw my arms around his neck and squeeze. I take a deep breath that whooshes out of my lungs when I feel his arms wrap around my waist and squeeze me tight. I turn my head and press a small kiss to his neck.
"I've missed you." He turns and presses a kiss to my cheek.
"Thank you for the flowers. I appreciate them. They're beautiful." I murmur. "Do you want to come watch a movie? I was sleeping when you called. I fell asleep watching Love Is Blind. New episodes dropped this week so I'm trying to catch up."
He groans. "You're still watching that show? You know it's staged. Why do you keep up the obsession?"
"It is not staged." I insist. I love this show and he knows it. He always wanted to watch his show when we would watch tv. I see a moment of indecision flicker across his face. He looks at me and concedes.
"Fine. One episode." He tugs my hand to follow him to my couch and he sits down with hair arm outstretched for me to crawl into his embrace. I grab my otter blanket and wrap it around myself as I plop down next to him, leaving the smallest space between us.
He pulls me closer to him. "I'm not going to bite. Come here." And wraps his arm around tm shoulders letting his hand dangle in front of my shoulder.
Before I could warn myself not to, I wiggle my hand out of my blanket and reach up to lace my fingers with his. We spent many many nights curled up just like this together while we were together all that time. It's natural. It's instinct. It's easy. It's comfortable. It feels right. He presses play on the remote and Love Is Blind plays again. We sit and watch in companionable silence. My eyes grow heavy again. He readjusts to lean back farther and I readjust to lay my head on his chest more comfortably. The end of the episode arrives and a message to tune in next Friday for the last episodes with the weddings shows across the screen. I hate when they do that. I'm tired. I'm not sure if Uriah plans to stay with me or if he plans to go home or if he wants to go to sleep or stay up. I don't know much of anything. The discomfort of having to ask and worrying that he may want to leave now pulls at my stomach. But what can I do. It's his choice. Might as well bite the bullet and just ask.
"I'm tired. I want to go to bed." I whisper into the silence. Not moving my head or looking at him.
"Then let's go." He replies. 'Lets' as in together? He wants to stay?
My heart races. I unhook his arm from around me and sit up to look at him.
"Let's?" I ask him, almost thinking I misheard him.
"Yea," he stands up, reaching down for my hand to help me to my feet. "Let's go."
I reach my hand up to him and let him pull me up. He laces his fingers through mine and starts walking towards my bedroom. I look at our joined hand between us. My lightly tanned skin next to his rich ebony made for a beautiful contrast. A feeling I can't quite describe bubbles up in my chest. Contentment mixed with sadness and wonder. I follow him accross the living room and to the left down the short hallway to my bedroom. My bed is situation in the middle of the wall to my right and I have a floating shelf above the head of the bed with pictures of friends and I along with a sign that says "Even after all this time?" Which is a nod to one of my favorite books. He turns towards me and pulls me into his arms to squeeze me into a tight hug and place a kiss on the top of my head. I slide my hands under his shirt and wrap my arms around his waist and love the feel of the smooth soft skin under my fingers. We stand like this for another new minutes. I lean into him pushing him with my body till he sits on the bed behind him and I crawl into his lap, straddling him with my knees on either side of his hips. I bury my face in his neck and inhale his scent until I feel a little light headed. I place a small kiss on his neck. Then I place another one next to that. And another one next to that one. And make my way slowly up to his ear lobe and then to his jaw where his stubble starts and across his cheek. I end with one at the corner of his full soft lips and I feel a small smile cross his face as he leans back from me a little bit.
"If I didn't know any better, I would guess that you almost missed me." He quietly chuckles.
Instead of answering him, I lean forward and press a light kiss to his lips. I lean back from the kiss and his hands are suddnely wrapped around the front of my neck and under my butt. He pulls me in for a deeper kiss and I peek my tongue out to swipe his bottom lip. He groans and captures my tongue between his lips and lightly sucks. I feel the groan in his chest under my hands and shiver. I bite his lip and explore his mouth with my tongue as I feel his tongue start to explore my mouth. My hand drifts up his arm from his stomach until my fingers are wrapped around his wrist where he's still gripping my throat lightly. I squeeze his wrist and he tightens his hold on my neck. My pussy clenches and I can feel arousal starting to moisten my panties. I break our kiss and start trialing small kisses and little nibbles along his jaw and down his neck. I can feel his aroundal growing inside his pants and pressing into the heat between my legs. He tips his head to the side a little bit as I continue my trail along his jaw and ear and neck. I spread my knees apart a little more to give myself some more pressure from his cock into my panty covered pussy. His hands let go of my throat and my butt and grip my waist firmly. He presses me down onto his errection and I roll my hips to give us both friction. I can feel my panties slide a little bit over my folds of skin as slippery arousal has completely soaked them now.
I push his shoulders back so he lays back. I lift up so his hands fall from my waist and to my knees as I reach down and tug the waist band of his pants, silently telling him to remove them for me. He obeys immediately and lifts his hips to slide them down. I look down and see he doesn't have underwear on. His rock hard cock falls back to his lower stomach where it rests, like it's waiting. I lower myself down so I'm resting with light pressure on him and start slowly sliding my pussy back and forth up the length of his cock. He rolls his hips up to meet my entrance when I slide over the head of his cock and it teases the edge of my panties where they dip between my pussy lips. I slide back down to the base of his shaft and I look down between us, his shaft of his cock slightly glistening in the light form the moon through my window. It's such an arousing sight seeing the contrast of our skin and seeing my arounsal dripping from my pussy and rubbing across him. I look up to meet his eyes as I continue to work myself accross him and find him already looking at me. The unmasked want and need I see reflecting back at me in his eyes sends a shiver through my body. I put more pressure on his cock with my body and continue slipping back and forth, occasionally he'll thrust his hips slightly to tease the entrance of my pussy with his cock head. I lean forward and press a kiss to his lips. One hand slips from my waist, up my back, into my hair to hold my head in place so he can suck and lick around my lips and mouth and deepen our kiss once again. His tongue flicks around my bottom lip and I suck into my mouth, licking and gently sucking at it. He groans and thrusts his hips up as I slip over the head of his cock and I feel his cock slip inside my panties along the bare heat of my pussy and I moan into his mouth. I slide back to the base of his cock and when I make my pass back to the head with his cock still inside my panties against my bare skin, he thrusts up one more time and his thick cock slides inside me.
I gasp and wince from the slightly unexpected penetration and full feeling I have. Joshua has a thick cock, but Uriah has a thicker and much longer cock. I immediately stop when I've sunk to the hilt of his shaft and pause, pressing my face into his neck while I take a deep breath. He knows I need a moment to adjust so he waits and strokes my hair whispering in my ear, words of praise and adoration mixed with slight degradation.
"Thats it pretty pretty girl. You're so fucking sexy rubbing your pussy on my cock. You're such a beautiful little slut taking my cock all the way. You're doing so good my naughty girl. Take your time."
I shiver again and slightly shift my hips to move on his cock and test to see if I'm ready yet. Juices flow from my pussy onto him and I start riding him. He leans back slightly and I grab the bottom of his t shirt, pulling it up over his head and tossing it behind me. He does the same to mine and latched his mouth over my nipple and sucks. This sends lightning bolts straight to my clit and I throw my head back. I grip his shoulders to pull him closer to he keeps licking and sucking at my nipple while I ride him. I grind my clit against the base of his cock and i can feel myself getting closer and closer to release. He lets my nipple go from his mouth and the cool air from my apartment immediately sends goosebumps across my skin when it hits the damp skin. He lays back against the bed and pulls me down on top of him as he thrusts up to meet my grinding hips. He starts kissing my neck and I feel his lips move on my ear lobe. He licks the shell of my ear and I moan at the feeling. I feel a tingling start in the middle of my spine as he continues to make little licks along my ear. The tingling expands down my spine and spreads through my pussy as I can feel my climax coming closer.
"I'm gonna cum Uriah. I'm so close."
"I want you to cum on my cock baby. I'm going to cum in my pretty pink pussy. I've been thinking about this non stop." He whispers in my  as he continues to thrust into me, sliding his thick cock in and out while I continue to grind my clit on him just right.
"Oh my fuck. Fuck!" I scream as I come apart all over him and he keeps pumping. He follows me and chases my orgasm with his own, filling me with his cum. I feel the hot fluid filling me and I feel his cock soften just slightly following our climaxes. I start rolling my hips and lifting up and down just enough so the base of the head of his cock peeks out and I slide it back in all the way. I hear the squelch of our mutual arousal as it's pushed out of me with my movement.
"I've waited for you to take my cock for way too long." He says, kissing my neck.
I blush and hide my face in his neck as I keep slowly sliding his cock in and out of my pussy.
"Fuck Kai. That feels so good."
"Mhh? Want me to keep going?" I say, lightly biting his earlobe.
"Yes," he chuckles. "But I don't think it's going to stay in much longer. You know how hard I cum from you. I can't stay hard after."
I groan and sigh as I sit back above him. He's right though. Within a few minutes the "gummy worm" as I call it, shrinks out and I'm left feeling empty and wanting for his cock but it takes him a little bit to get hard again. I hate it. I love the gummy worm. My pussy gets so wet just feeling it inside me when I grind on him when he's not hard yet and then feeling it grow eventually while inside. I lift myself up off of him and move to step off the bed and gather my panties.
"Where do you think you're going?" He stops me before I can get my second foot down.
"To get my panties and shirt?" I mean this to come out as a statement but it sounds like a question.
"Why is that?" I retort.
"Because I want you naked." Well that sounds enticing.
"And if I don't want to be naked?" I demand.
"That doesn't matter. I gave you your moment of being in control a bit ago. And now you're done. Lay down. Naked. Now." He commands me. I stand there, one foot on the ground while my other knee is on the bed still, with Uriahs hands on my hips still. He squeezes in a slightly threatening way. He's telling me if I don't lay down now, he's going to lay me down. I cross my arms over my chest in a stubborn gesture of defiance but also one that offers my now all too naked body some protection from his eyes.
He's already had it with my stubbornness. He grabs me harder and forces me back all the way onto the bed. My back hits the comforter and my head lands on the pillow. I flick my hair out of my eyes and push his hands away from me. I curl up facing my window with my back to him. I feel him move to pull the blanket from under me and cover both of us as he slides in behind me and wraps an arm around my ribs and I feel him press himself along my back. He brings his hand up to cup my breast and lightly play with my nipple, rolling the bud of my nipple between his fingers until it hardens, almost as if to prove the point that even if I'm being a brat, he still had control over my body. I can turn my back to him, but I can't stop my body reacting to him. I don't allow a conscious voluntary reaction to show from my body and just pull my blanket up under my chin and close my eyes. His hand drifts down across my stomach to my pubic line and I feel my pussy start to tingle in anticipation to his touch. He brushes his hand along the landing strip of hair I keep as he plays with it slightly. He follows the strip of hair to my clit and runs a circle around it. I feel my arousal drip out of me and clench my pussy.
"Stop it. I'm not in the mood anymore. I'm tired." I say. He ignores me, rubbing another circle around me clit. More arousal drops out and I feel a bead of it run down the back of my thigh.
"I said stop." I put more force into my voice and I move to grab his hand touching me with mine. His hand that isn't busy playing with my clit shoots up and wraps around my wrist of my hand that moved and he grabs my other hand also to prevent further protest with that hand.
"I don't care. This is mine. I'll play with it when I want to." He dips a finger between the folds of my pussy to feel my slick arousal already soaking the hair and dripping slowly. "You don't seem to really want me to stop either by the feel of your juices."
He removes his hand and uses it to move my top leg to rest over his and give him better more easy access to my pussy and he dives his fingers back in. My body jerks at the sudden entrance to my stilll tender pussy after we had sex. He cups his hand around my pubic bone and massages the inner wall of my entrance making me squirm. He removes his hand and I sag a little bit with a small whimper. He swipes his arousal covered fingers over my lips.
"Do you taste how wet you get from so little touch? You lied and said you didn't want me to touch you. It feels and tastes like you do doesn't it?" He goads me. I nod my head and feel a tear slip out of my eye unexpectedly. It's embarassing admitting how much my body responds to him even if my brain says no. My body will never say no to him.
He reinserts his three middle fingers into my pussy and starts massaging the inner wall behind my pubic bone. I'm quickly squirming and trying to get the friction I need on my clit to bring myself climax. I struggle against the hold he has on my wrists but he holds tighter, squeezing his hand around my wrists and his arm around my neck to hold me in place.
"No. Not until I say so. And I don't want you to cum." I whimper against as I continue to struggle, trying to move my hips to grind in his hand as his fingers massage inside me. He clamps his palm closed in my pubic bone and pushes my ass back into his once again erect cock.
"Please. Please let me come. I want to cum so badly." I cry, feeling more tears slip past my eye lids and down my cheek and across my nose onto my pillow. My body is screaming at me to just get a little friction. Just a tiny bump to my clit and I'll cum. I'm so ready and my body is starting to ache with the need I feel.
"No. I don't think you need to again. Not tonight." He stops all finger movement. No more massaging my inner walls. No more circling my clit. No more stimulation anywhere. His fingers don't make me feel completely filled and without them moving, it's almost as if they aren't there. My entrance isn't fully stretched like it is with his cock. I just feel empty and upset. The tears flow more and a small sniffle escapes me so I don't drip snot.
"Please, Uriah. Please." My voice trials off with the second please like the true whine that it is.
"No, baby. Not tonight. Go to sleep." He gives a gentle squeeze with his fingers still inside me and that's it. After a few minutes I hear his breathing even out and deepen and I know he's fallen asleep. I lay awake for well over an hour just watching the moon out my widow, contemplating again how I have ended up in my situation. It seems to be a theme for me. Eventually I drift off to sleep thinking about Uriah and his fingers still inserted in my pussy.

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