Chapter 12

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A week had past since Luke found out about his brothers death. And in that week, he had been avoiding everyone he loved and cared about. He hasn't left his bedroom and just stared into space as the days went by. Day three of knowing that his brother was no longer alive, he had a visitor which was Jack's wife, Denise. Well, according to Liz. She only told him who visited because he was to busy thinking to even realise she was there. Luke knew it was wrong of him to just let her sit there and talk to him when he wasn't even listening, he just wasn't ready for company. Even Denise had said herself, it was like talking to a brick wall.

Day four, Liz tried to get him to go out. It was scaring her how disconnected from everything he was, so she wanted to take him out somewhere. It didn't end well. Luke snapped at her and told her to leave him alone which caused Liz to end up in tears again. Luke understood that she was only trying to help, however, sometimes parents just can't. He needed time to grieve and she was trying to push him to open up when he wasn't ready. Luke didn't want that, he thought it was obvious that he didn't want to talk to anyone yet, but obviously not because she still keeps trying.

Day five, he received many calls and texts from Michael and Calum which he only ignored. Michael and Calum have been wondering where the boy was for the past week. They figured something must have happened between him and Ashton because the curly brown haired boy had been distancing himself from Michael and Calum. It upset them, not knowing what was going on with their two friends. They assumed it wasn't good though. They weren't sure if him and Ashton were even a thing, they knew Ashton had true feelings for the blonde boy though. It was greatly obvious. The black and raven haired boys hoped that Luke didn't do anything to cause Ashton to be distant, However, that doesn't explain why the boy himself hadn't been at school.

Day six, Luke cried. He was going through the family photo album and smiled at the memory of his brother and remembered all of the times they had spent together. His favourite was when Liz, Luke, Jack and Ben went to the beach. Luke was quite young but the memory was still crystal clear. Jack helped Luke build a sandcastle to win a 'Best sandcastle' competition that was on. They ended up winning and Jack went to buy him ice cream after Ben sat on the sandcastle and squashed it. It was a perfect day. Jack wasn't supposed to die, he was supposed to live a long and happy life with his wife and maybe have children. It wasn't fair. Why did good people always have to die? The thought slowly built up on Luke and eventually he couldn't take it. After six days, the boy finally cried.

It was now day seven and Liz was out planning Jack's funeral. Luke stayed behind obviously so he was by himself. He liked being alone at this stage, it's all he's ever wanted for the past week and people just didn't understand that. He's old enough to know what he wants and he wants to be alone so why can't they give him that? Well, now was his chance seeing as no one was home. It was quiet. The only sound he could hear was the beating of his own heart. It was a wonder it was still beating, it felt like it had been torn in two. Luke could feel his stomach grumbling. He was hungry, but he felt like if he ate he would just throw it back up. He just felt constantly sick. Constantly sad. Constantly wanting to cry and sometimes wanting to even jump out of his bedroom window just to stop the flashbacks from occurring.

Luke wasn't suicidal. At least, he didn't think. Him wanting to jump out of his bedroom window was probably the only suicidal thought he's had. He didn't really want to die, he still had a whole life ahead of him and was actually looking forward to it. Although, it would be hard without his brother. He didn't want to think about that though. He wasn't depressed either, he was just going through the grieving stage and was handling Jack's death worse than others.

Denise was obviously taking it hard too and Luke not speaking to her about things was only making it harder. Her and Luke were the ones who were taking it the hardest besides Liz. Of course Liz was going to take it hard, Jack was her first son. Of course Denise was going to take it hard, Jack was the man she wanted to spend her life with. Of course Luke was going to take it hard, Jack was his big brother who taught him not to care about people's opinions as well as other things. Jack's death was certainly taking its toll on The Hemmings family. It would leave a great hole in their hearts for the rest of their lives. Although they don't like to admit it, they're all very sensitive people. Especially Luke.

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