Chapter 3

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Dedication to theriots because I love her stories 😅

Luke honestly felt like the worst son in the world. He shouldn't have said what he did last night and he knows that now. He did overreact and he needed to make it up to her. Not just because she may not let him attend the party but because she's his mother. She's been caring for him and putting up with his shit for 18 years. Luke's father left when he was young therefore he never met his Dad, So Liz had to take responsibility and raise Luke on her own. Luke didn't turn out like a fuckhead so she did do a pretty good job. Luke's thoughts were cut short when he heard his phone ringing. He reached over and grabbed his phone off of his table and saw that Ashton was calling, he immediately picked up and heard loud hiccuping come through the phone making him giggle.

"Hi, Ashton."

H-hey. Um, since I'm not catching the bus today I was wondering if you wanted a lift with me to school? Luke could feel himself blushing and he wanted to slap himself right then and there. Because why would he be blushing?

"Yeah, sure."

O-Okay, so I'll pick you up soon. I hope you don't mind sitting next to my brother and sister.

"No, that's okay." Luke smiled at how nervous Ashton sounded. It was honestly adorable. Not that he was gay or anything.

Okay. I'll see you soon. Bye Luke. And with that he hung up.

Luke quickly jumped up from his bed, put his phone in his skinny jeans and grabbed his book bag and slung it over his shoulder then rushed down the stairs. When Luke first woke up this morning and had breakfast with Liz it was mainly just silence. And it was an uncomfortable silence. Luke knows he should of said something but he didn't really know what to say. He always found it awkward to apologise, but knows it has to be done eventually. Luke slowly walked into the kitchen where he saw Liz sitting at the kitchen counter staring blankly at the table. Luke sat at the table across from her and when he opened his mouth to speak she bet him to it.

"I'm sorry about last night. I ruined everything." Luke furrowed his eyebrows because, yeah she went a bit far but it wasn't completely her fault.

"It wasn't completely your fault. I over reacted, I'm sorry." Luke stood from his chair and went around to hug Liz in which she gladly hugged back.

"You can still go to the party by the way."

"I would have went anyway." Luke said still hugging Liz with a huge smile on his face.

"What did you say?"

"Nothing." Just as Luke pulled away from the hug he heard a knock on the door.

"That'll be Ashton. He's giving me a lift to school. Oh, and I won't be home till late this afternoon. I'll be at Ash's." Luke could tell Liz was about to say something to do with Ash but decided against it considering what happened last night. Instead she told Luke to have a good day at school and that she would see him when he got home. Luke walked out of the kitchen and opened the front door to be met with Ashton.

"Are you ready to go?" Luke nodded and shut the front door, they walked over to where Ashton's car was parked and Luke saw that a small girl was sitting in the front seat.

"I thought It'd be awkward if you had to sit in between my siblings. My brother got a lift with one of his mates from school." Ashton said chuckling slightly whilst opening the car door.

"After you." Luke grinned at Ash and climbed into the backseat of the car.

"Was that your way of being romantic?" Luke teased.

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