Saving Adraste

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{A/n- Adraste looks like Yuqi from G-idle. The name Adraste means invincible. Warning this story contains themes of abuse, rape, self-harm and, mental health issues. Please if any of these themes will bother you either don't read this book or proced with caution. This takes place the night after the broadcast. Markus is taking a walk by where Kara and Alice could've stayed in the abandoned car.}
November 8th, 2038. 8:32 pm
  Adraste POV

I keep running, I can't stop! "Get back here you bitch!" I run faster and open a door to a lot littered with abandoned cars. I hide behind one, my heart beat increases as I here him open the door and shut it and what it sounds like blocking it. "C'mere Adraste, I know you're their. If you'd just listen you wouldn't get hurt" he says in a rough voice. I shudder as his footsteps get closer, I count his footsteps as they get closer. No! Please no! I close my eyes and curl my body inward. I feel a hand on my hair, "found you!" He grabs and yanks my hair before throwing me onto the ground. My face hits the pavement, he grabs my hair again and punches me in the jaw. I fall and the back of my head hits the ground with a thud, he climbs ontop of me "no! Papa no! Someone help me!" I scream as loud as I can, tears blurr my vision.

  I hear a thud and then my father gets thrown to the ground away from me. I try to sit up but white hot pain sears through me, I see a blob of black  run to me. The person picks me up carefully, they put on the their back and starts running. "Hold on and close your eyes" I tighten my grip as this person runs.

  After a few minutes this person brings me somewhere. "Markus who's that?" I hear a feminine voice say, "a human. North I need you to find a first aid kit hurry" the person speaks in a calm voice. They carry me further before laying me down somewhere, I open my eyes but everything is blurry still from my continuse crying. I hear multiple sets of footsteps approaching followed by a hurried one. "Here Markus," I hear the same voice say. "North I need you to help me hold her up as I check the wounds," I feel arms lift my upper half. I'm guessing it's North, she's being very gentle. "She doesn't have a concusion but their are several badly healed fracturs all through out her body."{A/n-i'm going that becuase Markus worked as a home health aid to Karl that he'd most likely have medical programing. Like x-ray as a feature}

  I feel North remove one of her hands and reach over and place something at my nose. I then feel Markus part my hair and dab around i'm guessing a cut. I blink away tears and I can see clearly, North is holding me up and focused on holding something against my nose. I look to my right and I see Markus a handsome android with one green eye and one blue eye holding a calm expression. I look back over at North and study her features, her face has defined yet soft features with slight freckles.

  She notices me looking at her and smiles. "Do you know your name?" She asks, "Adraste Smith" I say in a quite voice. "Well done. What about your date of birth?" "November 9th, 2020" my lip trembles slightly. North gives me a sympithetic look.

  After 10 minutes they finish cleaning the blood from my face and head. I someone blonde walk up to Marcus holding something. "I brought some clothes for her" I see another android walk up to us she has dark skin and a buzz cut, I regonize her as a child care model. "I'll help North change her. I know where other under clothes are" Markus nods and the blonde hands her the clothes. North picks me up bridal style and takes me to a secluded area. North sits me down amd starts undressing me, "Becky can you get the salve in the first aid kit for bruises?" North says seeing the bruises from the recent beatings. Becky comes back with holding a tube of something and holding a bra, underwear and, knee high thick wool socks. "Oh you poor girl" she says and kneels down beside me, "don't you worry you poor girl we'll protect you." Becky helps North apply the salve all over the bruises and burns apologising when I wince.

  They then dress me. A dark grey long sleeved sweater dress, black leggings, the black socks and dark brown boots. As well as the matching white bra and underwear.

"Thank you both. May I see the one who saved me? So I can thank him too." My voice is still quiet, Becky smiles "yes i'll go get him." She stands and goes to get him, a moment later she walks back with Marcus. He kneels down and smiles slighlty, "I'm Markus." His voice is very calm, "thank you for saving me Markus. I'm free from my father thanks to you" I smile and start crying tears of joy. "You're welcome to stay with us" Markus offers, "I'd love that thank you Markus."

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