-Nikei x Mikado-

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Type: Smut

Warnings: NSWF!

Nikei shut his door to his dorm as he walked down stairs of the huge ship known as the Monocruise where all the students were staying at on this high school killing field trip. He held the stair railing and marched down the stairs making sure to count the number of bricks on the walls with his fingers like he did every morning. It was important to investigate every part of the ship as they were hopelessly waiting for a sparkle of hope to shatter allowing them to leave this hellscape killing school trip. Every detail mattered. Even if it meant counting the bricks on the wall every day as he walked down to the dining hall.

"47 today. Per usual."

Nikei thought to himself as he looped around the last stair case and got to the bottom level of the Monocruise floor. An instant aroma of Waffles and coffee hit his senses immediately as he it got stronger the more he seemed to walk towards the door of the dining hall. He flung the door open to see all the students scattered around the table enjoying breakfast in the same spots they sat in every morning since the first day they've been on the ship.

Everyone immediately gazed fixated on Nikei, as he was the last one to enter the room as he awkwardly walked to his seat in the middle of Teruya and Iroha. "Goodmorning Nikei" Sora said as she sipped a bit of her coffee. "You came at the perfect time."

Nikei grabbed a plate of waffles and a small cup of coffee to put on his plate as he stopped and looked at Sora with a relaxed expression. "Really? How come?" "Well, we were discussing how it's important that we keep an eye out on Mikado at all times." Hibiki replied. "Mhm I agree." Nikei carelessly answered before gulping down an entire waffle. "And we think your to person to do so."

It took Nikei a moment before he realized what was said, and when he did a small moment of silence paused across the room. Nikei nearly chocked on his food and took time to adjust himself before responding. "Excuse me...?" "Well maybe if you woke up earlier, you've would've been here when we've voted for who should look after Mikado." Yoruko smiled as Nikei looked furiously.

"Well you can't vote on someone who wasnt here for that vote!" He yelled. Nikei paused as he thought of a useful approach."Well I wasn't here for that vote so we should vote again!" He shouted as he huffed down into his seat. Another moment of silence captured the room before Sora sighed. "Well.. all in favor of Nikei watching Mikado raise your hand."

In almost an instant everyone around the slender white table raised their hand expect for Nikei. Nikei couldn't even rebut the situation as he in was a brief loss of words. "Well that concludes it." Sora shrugged. "Starting today after breakfast during your free time, instead of investigating, you will watch him all the way in till dinner and give us a report if anything important happened" Nikei jaw hit the floor as he stared in disbelief at his classmates who he thought respected him.

"Yknow what." He paused, giving off a smug smile. "Fine I'll do it." Sora gave off a generous smile. "Thank you." She smiled. "But if you see my dead body I don't want any one of you crying my name." Nikei smile instantly dropped as he made the snotty comment. Sora sighed as the others just watch the situation happen. "I'll do it. Just for the sake of escaping the island. I'll write down a report of anything I find and hand it over to you during dinner."

Sora and the others smiled as they heard the Nikei had agreed to comply with their plans of hoping to defeat Mikado and escape the killing game. "Finally did it really have to take him that long to agree?" Hibiki scoffed as Setsuka hit her shoulder and gave her a "be quiet" look. He sighed and looked down at his meal and continued eating.

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