Hajime x Emma

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Beach Day!

Type: Fluff

"Hajime!" Emma shouted as she violently knocked on the door to Hajimes dorm, desperate trying to reach an answer from the other side.

"I know you in there! I will kick this door down right now if I have too!" She stood there punching the door left and right until it opened.

Hajime appeared in the door frame, no shirt, dripping in sweat, and had his glasses off. Rock m music blared in the background. He paused for a moment before realizing it was Emma.

"Sorry I was working out." Hajime said leaning on the door frame. Emma stared as the sweat dripped down Hajime's fit body as he a had a small towel over his shoulder and airpods in.

Emma refocused as the blush hit her face. "It's ok." She sighed. "So, what's up did ya need anything?" Hajime said with a smile as he wiped his forehead with a towel then, taking a sip out of his water bottle that was in his right hand.

"Hajime you really didn't forget did you?" Emma pouted in hopes Hajime remembered what day it was. Hajime took a moment and paused as the realization overcame him.

"Holy shit, it's beach day."
Hajime said as he look at Emma who chuckled a little bit by his foolishness. "Holy shit, I'm so sorry Em, I'll go get my bathing suit on right now." Hajime raced out the door way as Emma sighed and laughed.

Beach day was a day where Hajime and Emma had a date on the beach every Thursday since they been on this Hope's Peak field trip. They would tan, surf, sit on the beach, make sandcastles, or even play in the water.

Emma patiently waited as Hajime was getting dress. "Why and I dating a dumbass," Emma chuckled to herself.

Hajime came out in some swimming trunks with sunscreen poorly rubbed all over his face. Emma chucked at the sight."Here let me help." She gotten on her tipy toes and rubbed in the sunscreen on his face until you couldn't see the white anymore.

"Thanks Em." Hajime said with light blush scattered across his face. "What would you do without me Hajime." Emma chuckled as Hajime let out a soft smile.

"Well let's go. The sun isn't gonna get any brighter if we wait." Hajime smiled before closing his door and walking out the school to the near by beach.

The beach was located in the back of Hope's Peak Academy and it was a pretty beach with clean sand and crystal clear water.

As they walked up to the beach, Emma walked up to a spot and placed down a small bag that contained of sun screen, goggles, and towels. "Hajime I thought you said it was supposed to be sunny today." Emma said looking up at the sky that was filled with dark grey clouds.

"Um Em, I never said that. You assumed that." Hajime chucked awkwardly. Emma rolled her eyes and grabbed sun screen out her bag and pulled off her cover up to reveal her light blue bathing suit.

"Here rub this on my back please." She said handing it to Hajime and pulling her golden long hair onto her shoulder.

"Um Em is there really a need-" "Just do it!" Emma shouted insisting for Hajime to put the sun screen on her back. Hajime sighed and began slobbering eps sun screen on his hands.

"Hajime I thought of a sunscreen joke." She chuckled. "Oh god." He mumbled, rubbing the gooey sunscreen on her back.

"Hajime why do oranges don't wear sun screen?" "So they don't peel-" "So they don't peel!" Emma cheered cutting Hajime off. Hajime sighed as he finshed rubbing the cream on Emma back.

Emma got up and ran towards the water. "Come on Hajime!" She smiled as she ran through the clear soft sand. Hajime smiled and followed Emma down the shore.

Emma kicked her feet in the water as the crystal waves rushed onto shore. "Look how pretty the water is Hajime!" She shouted with glee. "Emma. It's really about to rain." Hajime said looking up at the sky which became way darker.

"Ugh stop trying to ruin our date the weather is fine!-" A rush of harsh rain poured right down onto of Emma and Hajime that made them soaked in seconds.

Hajime wiped water off his face and chuckled. "You were saying?" Emma crossed her arms and turn the opposite way from Hajime as he smiled and sighed.

He walked over to her and wrapped his hands around her waist.

"Emmaaaaa." He cooed. Emma smiled but tried to hide it as Hajime kept teasing her. Hajime then grabbed her hands and made her face him.

"Let's make the most of this." Hajime smiled as Emma smiled back. In a flick of light Hajime picked her up that caused Emma to yelp at the sudden change but then she smiled.

"Hajimeee." She cooed all flustered. "Put me down!" Hajime laughed. "How about I throw you in the water?" He said running over to the shore and tossing the already wet Emma in the water.

"Hajime I'm gonna kill you-!" She said running up out the water and running out the beach water, chasing Hajime around the beach in the rain.

She finally caught up to Hajime before tackling him to the ground, landing on top of him. "Hehe. I guess I won." She grinned as she sat on top of him.

"I guess so." Hajime smirked and grabbed her cheek and pressed their lips together for a slight second.

Emma smiled flustered. "You're so cheesy." "You like it though." "Maybe I do..." She responded, turning her head to avoid contact with Hajime.

Hajime chuckled before grabbed her chin and turning her head to face her again before leaning in for another kiss.

Water spilled down their body's as the rain hit them hard but nothing could take away this moment for them.

Hajime pulled apart. "Could you get off now? I'm drowning in this rain." "Of course." Emma smiled and got off of Hajime and lended a hand to help him up.

She pulled him up and smiled as they looked at now rainbow in the sky the glimmered in the rain as the sun slowly started to come out.

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