Hibiki x Setsuka

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Wouldn't miss it for the world.

Type: Angst

Hibiki's POV:

With my heart beating hard in my chest, my breathing starts to slow as I peek out of the curtains to see the crowd.

Excitement glimmered through the crowds as fans held glow sticks and laughter filled the room with anticipation waiting for me to come up and bring the sold out stadium to life.

I'm never this nervous before a concert, but this is our last show of the year, and somehow my heart is racing. I peek again, I look through the vip booth, a small section close to the floor of the stage, reserved for people I know who wanted to attend the concert.

Yuki, Teruya, Iroha, but no Setsuka. "Maybe she is just a little late.." I thought as I smiled trying to keep the hopeful tone.

Kanade taps me and I turn around from peeking in the large red curtains. "Sis are you ready?" She whispers with a soft smile as I nod a give her an oblivious smile back.

Our crew calls us backstage to have one final talk before the show, usually a pep-talk explaining how well we are going to do tonight.

"Okay we're on in 5 minutes. Are you girls ready?" One of my crew members smiles and cheer as I just smile back. "Hibiki? Are you ok?" Another one ask.

"Yea you are never like this backstage." Another pitches in and says. Kanade glances at me before tapping me on the shoulder, signaling to go to the other room.

"Sis are you alright?" Kanade asked, in a visible worried tone. I sighed before saying, "Setsuka isn't in the crowd." I mumble just barley where she can hear. "Oh maybe she's just late-!"

"Don't you think I already thought of that? It's just obvious that she's not coming." I yell rolling my eyes and walking out the room.

I feel bad for yelling at my sister, but I just can't help with all this built anger that's laid in me overtime and just grown.

I leave the room, Kanade standing there, still left behind. God it really wouldn't be such a big deal if it was someone else. But Setsuka was like my good luck charm, my best friend, the only person who gets me or I can be myself with.
Her not being here just seems like a punishment. She promised she wouldn't miss it for the world. But here we are.

"2 minutes to set!" A director calls.
My microphone is shaking in my hand. Any second now the curtains will rise and the beat will start, and I'll have to deliver with or without Setsuka in the crowd.

"Three, Two anddd one!" My director calls before unveiling the curtains to reveal Kanade and I.

Pop music hits the speakers as lights flash into the crowd. Kanade playing her heart out on the guitar as I wandered around stage with my background dancers, I started to sing my heart out.

Every now and then into the show, I peek at the vip area. Still no Setsuka. 30 minutes into the show and she's still not there.

I tried my best to cover up my feelings for the sake of my fans and my performance, but I think they could since something was up. The crowd seemed a little more quieter than usual.

An hour and a half passed. I'm on the last song, and at the end of it my crew and I line up across the stage as confetti falls and the crowd cheers as people start to leave. I take a deep breath to look, and no Setsuka.

She missed my entire show. My smile quickly faded as the last bit of confetti fell.

"Good show tonight you guys!" One of my crew members said giving everyone a high five to celebrate. "Good way to end the season!"

"Yea good show guys!" I said trying to keep my composure as I walked away and packed my bags for the night to head back to Hope's Peak campus.

My sister came running back stage with me, smiling and cheering. "You did so good tonight sis!" She said with a low tone. "Thanks." I said with a stern voice as I grabbed my bags and headed out the stadium.

"Sis what's wrong?" "Can you stop asking me what's wrong? Gosh Kanade." I yell as she squeaks and she stops following me.

I get back to the campus, it was only like a five minute walk, and I walk into my dorm and place my bags down.

I sigh and sit on the side of my bed. "I'll just unpack later." I thought to myself as I heard a loud bang before I heard the door open.

Setsuka walks in, clearly not all the way sober. I don't even make my attention toward her as I sat on my bed facing the opposite direction.

"Biki what's wrong with you?" She asks walking up to my bed on the side I'm facing. "You really forgot huh?" I spat as I get up and walk away from my bed.

"Forgot what?" "My concert dumbass!" I yelled as tears of built up anger started to form in my eyes.

"Oh Biki... you know I didn't want to miss it." She walks up to me and places a hand on my shoulder, trying to reassure me.

"Suka you're drunk." Tears are flowing out my eyes against my will. I shrug her hand off my shoulder as I don't want to be conflicted by her touch.

"You would rather party than be at my last show of the year." I mumble. Setsuka frowns, staying quiet the entire time.

"Say something." I demand, basically chocking on my tears. "Biki I didn't want to miss it. I really didn't."
"But you did."

Silence fills the room as the only thing you can hear and my sniffles.

"Just leave." I mumble. "Wait Biki-Can we talk about this some more?" "No just leave." I couldn't bring myself to yell or look at her as I hung my head down low.

I shut my eyes and covered my face as I heard the door softly open, then slightly close.

I was alone. Just me and my thoughts.
I started sobbing into my pillow as I threw myself onto my bed. I can't believe she would rather party than to be at my concert.

I thought she wouldn't miss it for the world.

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