-Sora x Yoruko-

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Party 😜

Type: Lime (kinda)

It was late and Setsuka threw a party in one of the guest houses outside the monocruise. It was loud and long lasted to the point the some classmates left around 10. All that was left were a handful of them, intoxicated wandering around the building.

Setsuka, Nikei, Sora, Yoruko, Shinji, Yuri, Kanade, and Yuki (surprisingly) all stayed late at the party, whistled the rest left. The party atmosphere was starting to decrease, as it was just music blaring and students lingering around the building.

Setsuka saw the horrific atmosphere and thought of something instantly to lighten it up. She step up in front of everyone and called everyone over a mic to the large round table in the center of the room.

"Hey guys! I found this superrrrr lit drinking game we should all play!" She slurred as the crowd cheered with her. Everyone was already drunk and a drinking game was just going to make it worse.

Everyone went to take seats in the round table. Sora then noticed Yoruko walking to a spot and walked up to her. "Come sit next to me." She smiled as she dragged her hand to two empty chairs. Yoruko just smiled in return as she looked over at her friend.

Sora was clearly drunk and her pupils showed as she had a slight tint of pink on her cheeks. Yoruko couldn't help but think how cute she looks. She almost looks flustered in a way which is different from Sora's usual look.

"Staring?" Sora teased with a smirk that spread across her lips as Yoruko's face instantly grew pink. "You wish." She smiled back trying to hide her flustered face.

Setsuka sat down in the middle and dropped down a big stack of cards that had words written all over them. "Rules are simple: Do what the card says or drink." She smiles looking at everyone who was clearly excited to play this game, expect for poor Yuki.

"Is this really a good idea to be drinking..." Yuki mumbled to himself. "I'll start!" Setsuka pulled a card from the deck and read it out loud. She giggled before reading it out loud. "It says: Everyone in the room who is taller than you take a shot!"

"Bet." Shinji said before easily gulping down a shot. Nikei sighed before slowly pouring the liquid in his mouth. "Good job boys~" She slurred winking at them slyly. "Ok next one!" Next to her was Yuki. He let out a shaky sigh before picking out a card.

He read it to himself before his face turned beet red. "What does it say?" Kanade asked as Yuki gulped and grabbed the shot glass right next to him and with slight hesitation, he slowly gulped it down. Everyone laughed as Yuki slid down in embarrassment in his chair.

"Who's next?" Setsuka said, still laughing a bit. Yoruko picked up a card and read it out loud. "Sit on the person lap to your right or drink 3 shots." She turned to her right to see Sora staring at her with a smirk that overtook her face. Face turning red in an instant, she got up and slowly pushed her chair in.

Suspense hanging around the room as she walked over to Sora and she locked eyes with her looking up at her. She met herself with hesitant. She looked down at Sora, and didn't want to leave her gaze, but in an instant she felt Sora pull her down onto her lap.

Cheers went around the room as Yoruko could have felt her heart stop for a second. Sora's hand slithered to her waist, pulling her closer to her. She was so close to her. Almost too close. Every small breath was shaky, Sora kept her hands on her waist. It's like Yoruko could feel Sora's smirk.

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