-Syobai x Kanade-

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Sly Little Bitch

Type: Fluff

Note: *Kanade's Evil/In love with Hibiki side is not present or will not be present in this or any story. She just likes knifes for the plot lol*

Within the walls of Hope's Peak, they always have trouble makers lying around. I mean, over 1000 kids attended the school. But one trouble maker was known to hang around the school's library.

Syobai Hashimoto. The school's broker/dealer. Kids are always meeting him there to buy weapons, drugs, cigarettes, and more. You name it he has it.

It's never clear how he is even supplied with all these items, but he's known to have them. Most kids look out for him. Well, not all at least.


"Hibikiiii!!" Kanade sighed across the shared dorm room between the two girls. Hibiki licked her fingers, as it was covered in chocolate cake batter as she was present with Setsuka, making a cake for fun on a Sunday. "Yea?" She yelled back to her sister, giggling as her mouth was covered in chocolate.

"Where is my purple heart knife?" Kanade yelled, peeping closely at her valued knife collection. She had a knife collection in her room, a passion of her's. A shelf full of knives with all different designs and colors. She is always fascinated by them and always peeked an interest. Plus, knifes come in handy in case of an emergency.

"I'm using it!" Hibiki yelled, giggling as she stabbed a box of chocolate chips with the purple pocket knife. "Biki!" Setsuka yelled. "Look what you did!" The chocolate chip flew around the room as she stabbed them, a few bits hitting them even.

But most importantly, the knife was still stabbed right in the middle of the box, and it seems to stab more than just the box, it went through the counter too.

"Here pull the knife out so we can return it to Kanade." Setsuka sighed as Hibiki gripped the knife to pull it out. She tugged and tugged but it wouldn't budge.

"Let me try." Setsuka pushed Hibiki out the way and gripped the knife. She tugged but it wouldn't budge. "Biki it's stuck." Setsuka said tugging in the knife. "No! Just pull a little harder!" Hibiki exclaimed.

One final tug and the knife was free! But...

"The blade snapped?" Hibiki shouted in shock. "Ummm....." Setsuka mumbled awkwardly. "Kanade!!!!"

Kanade groaned as she got up from her bed. What did they need this time? She thought as she heard her name travel across the dorm room. Kanade walked into the kitchen and gasped, to see the most horrific sight.

"what did you do." She mumbled as she looked at the knife in terror as one of her most prized possessions has just been snapped completely in half. "Do you even really how expensive this was?" She paused, voice deepened with sternness in her eyes.

"Ummm... Setsuka did it sorry Kanade. It's her fault it broke." Setsuka gasped at the statement. "Biki-!" She turned to the laughing Hibiki. "It's fine. I'll just stop by Syobai to see if he has the same design." Kanade sighed shaking her head lightly.

"Ooooo~ Syobai~" Hibiki teased. Kanade felt her ears and cheeks rise with red immediately. "It's not like that." She turned her head in embarrassment. "Mhm. Sure it isn't." Hibiki teased sticking her hand in the batter, causing her hand to get slapped by Setsuka.

"I'll guess I'll go now before it gets too late. Don't get into any more trouble you two." Kanade smiled lightly before grabbing a small handy bag that was on the counter as she waved goodbye to the chaotic duo.

She exited her dorm and shot Syobai a quick messag to let him know she was on the way.

hey im omw. wya?

library. i thought you were smarter.

Kanade rolled her eyes at his text. If Syobai was smarter he would change locations instead of staying in the library so he doesn't get caught.

She made her way into the library, as it only was a short walk from her dorm room, she opened the creeky library door and saw the broker sitting down with his legged propped up on a table smoking a cigarette.

"Look at the what the cat dragged in." He said a small smile curved on his narrow lips as he rubbed his cigarette in the ash tray next to him. Kanade straightened up her posture and walked up to the table where he sat in and showed him a picture of the knife from her E-Handy book.

"Purple heart knife 1978." Syobai grabbed his large leather bag next to him, a large one full of different weapons next to the other bag that had illegal substances.

"Geez I don't even get a hey?" He smiled, rummaging through the big leather black bag as Kanade stood there with her arms crossed. "I'm not here to socialize Syobai." Her voice deepened but still lingered with a bit of sweetness.

"Crazy. You were begging to talk a week ago." He smirked. Pulling out the purple pocket knife and holding it in between his fingers. "You don't get to talk about that." Her faces toned down as she grit her teeth together.

"1,450." He said holding his hand out. Kanade nodded. "You raised the prices a lot." She mumbled looking through her handy bag, finding her cash stash.

"It's called business hunny." He said awaiting the money. Kanade sighed and pulled out multiple 100 dollar bills. "Keep the change sweetie." She smiled as Syobai handed her the knife. "Great doing business with ya." He smiled as she rolled her eyes and walked away from the broker who sat there.

She was walking back in the halls as she was observing her new knife she gotten. She decided to open up the pocket knife to see the freshly new blade on this knife since it should be decently new. She pressed the button and the blade popped out.

The sliver metal shined. Although this knife was made in 1978, it remained gorgeous. She could see her perfect reflection through it.

She smiled and observed it as  something caught her eye. She noticed  little compartment on the side of the knife, like a little pocket.  Inside they had a small piece of paper crumpled up in it.

Curious, she grabbed it out and opened it. It reveled a note written in horrible handwriting that stated: Meet me at 7.

A smile curved on her lips. "Sly little bitch." She mumbled as she walked back into her dorm.

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