Nikei x Yoruko

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Ghost House

Type: Fluff

The third island is....

A theme park?

Everyone who awaited at the bottom floor of the monocruise, as monocrow explained this new island. "The island is called Satsuki land." He said as some people's jaws were dropped while others were filled with excitement.

"Ooo! I never been to a theme park before!" Iroha shouted with glee. "Iroha we're using this to investigate not to play." Yuki pitched in as her small smile faded.

"Yea you're right Yuki.." She mumbled disappointed as all the commotion stopped, monocrow opened the doors to reveal the new Island.

It was still on the tropical beach that they are used to by now, but it was surrounded by a weird clown looking mascot and you can see all the rides and sign from a distance.

Quite different and larger from all the island they've experienced before, everyone spilt up and went to investigate in their own directions.

Some people automatically left as soon as the doors opened, Yoruko waited as the crowds left before she began walking out the big monocrusie doors.

They had three main parks that connect to the park. Park A, B, and C. To get to one park to another, you needed to take a new system called the monorail that monocrow explained earlier, or you could walk.

As Yoruko walked around, she observed the weird scenery of this park as it was filled with this colorful clown created that Teruya seemed to have some kind of connection to. It was all theme with the colors, purple, blue and pink.

She then walked up to the monorail and headed on to direct her to Park C, which is where all the facilities were located according the map she was given.

Yoruko has never been a big fan of theme parks. She hardly even remembers going as a kid but even then she was never a fan.

She got off the monocruise and walked around. She saw different things like the casino, the swimming pool, and a storage room. But, something else caught her eye.

In red shiny glowing letters read,
"The Ghost House."

Dark eerie music played in the background as Yoruko stared at the huge sign in front of her. Iroha, Syobai, and the twins were all in the same area, but they haven't came close to the ghost house.

She saw another big sign in the same font right next to a door that read, "Entrance."

Before Yoruko could even make a decision if she wanted to go inside, she lets out a small yelp as Nikei jumped out from behind, scaring her.

"Ugh Nikei y-you-!" She stumbled flustered, collecting herself as Nikei laughed. "You've should have seen your face! I could make it the cover of an article I'm writing!"

Yoruko stood there flustered before walking into the ghost house. "Wait!" Nikei shouted, causing her to stop before she could even walk in. She turned and gave him an aggressive look.

"You're not gonna last 10 seconds in there." He smiled. "Can you quit it?" She spat before Nikei chuckled. "You know it true." Yoruko paused before walking up to Nikei.

"I bet you 10 bucks you wouldn't last a minute in there." She smiled looking up at the taller male. Nikei scoffed. "Don't make promises you can't keep Princess."

Yoruko blushed at the name. "Who do you think you are?!" "Hmph. Proving me right princess~" Nikei cooed as Yoruko covered her blushing face, trying not to look at the taller male in front of her.

"I'm just playing Yoruko." Nikei laughed. "But really you wouldn't last a second in there." Yoruko uncovered her face and smiled. "Really? Then show me." She said before walking in the dark doors of the ghost house.

Yoruko walked in first as Nikei followed. The atmosphere was dark with eerie sounds shattering out from speakers. It was extremely dark, so it was hard to see where to look.

"I think we go this way." Nikei whispered, before walking away as Yoruko tried to follow through.

All of a sudden, light started to flash. Yoruko can finally see Nikei as a source of light was provided but only for a second as the lights flashed on and off.

Yoruko was miles away from Nikei. "Did he really walk that far?" She thought as she ran to the direction of Nikei before spiders hung down from the ceiling and started to attack her.

Yoruko screamed and ran until she bumped into to something. As the lights flashed she could see it was Nikei, who was smiling down at her but also looking terrified as hell.

Nikei then got scared from behind by a huge werewolf animatronic, causing him to fall ontop of Yoruko.

They laid there before Nikei realized. "Sorry!" He yelled embarrassed before helping Yoruko up. "We really have to find an exit." She said.

Nikei took a second to look around as the lights continued to flash. He stopped once a big bright lime green exit sign was a little bits away on a door.

"Hey I found one!" Nikei shouted. "Good then let's go!" Nikei grabbed Yoruko's hand before dragging her to the lime green exit sign.

They busted the door open before they saw the sun and clouds once again. Panting, Nikei and Yoruko were still holding hands. Yoruko took notice when she caught her breath and let go of Nikei's hand.

Nikei gave her a look when she did while he was still panting. "You were still holding my hand.." She blushed as Nikei smiled.

"Yea but you lost our bet." Yoruko paused and looked up at the taller male. "Who said it was bet?!" She crossed her arms and turned herself away from the male.

"Um you did Yoruko." Nikei chuckled. "Now where is my 10 bucks?" Yoruko looked away flushed. "I don't have it." She mumbled.

"You can give me something else that's worth 10 bucks..." Nikei said blushing and looking away from the shorter female.

"What would that be?" Yoruko asked as she looked up as he looked away flustered and not responding. "What do you want-" Her face filled up with blush as she comprehended want he wanted.

She paused before grabbing his face and kissing him on the cheek before walking away, embarrassed. Nikei was taken by surprised as he rubbed his cheek where he just had gotten kissed and smiled.

"She so cute." He mumbled as he watched her walk away.

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