4. Expectations

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Aaradhya ~

The days were going by . In the daytime in front of the others he used to ignore me like he didn't see me ever in his life. But when we were alone in the garden at dusk he used to give me flowers that I liked . Everyday we used to practice archery and I could feel him everyday. He used to come close to me every day and his chest touched my back . That was the only touch that I could get in a day.

I didn't took any initiative to praise him . I used to sleep beside him but still the pillows were the barrier between us. He also gave me time to understand myself. I think I am ignoring my feelings towards him. He wanted to take our relationship to the next step but I was the one to hold back. Maybe I wanted to assure my feelings because if I fall for him then I can't look back. I can't stay away from him . I can't let my heart shatter into pieces if he leaves one day.

One day a war broke out and he was getting ready for that war. I hadn't seen him in that outfit before , it was the military outfit for the war. He looked a bit tough ,holding the power and attitude of a great warrior .

Maa sa was very worried so I tried to relax her but she cried out of fear.

She said," it's a big war, none of the life in a war is safe and your husband is going to that horrible place where the life is uncertain. Although he is a great warrior but he has his weakness when his close ones are hurt. He is tough and rough from the outside,he can be short tempered also, he can't say what he wants openly but he is very soft from the inside."

I didn't know that much about him. It would be convenient to say that I totally didn't know him but her words gave back my emotions a bit which was still locked in that room of Ginigunj. I was never been loved at my own house. Nobody ever praised me or shared their feelings .Nobody ever asked about my feelings or what I wanted?

I didn't want to marry him but they still got me married with him. It's not that I didn't want to marry or maybe I was destined to meet him. But I married a total stranger whose name was also unknown to me . I neither knew the place to which I was going. It was my ill fate , I assume .

But now that I married him I felt safe and started to feel lucky. I haven't yet realised my feelings but when I see him I feel unknown things which are very new to me. I never got a friend also.I forgot that as a friend I should have helped him a bit .

I went to the temple and took some sacred flowers to give him . He ignored me at first but it was the first time 'I' held his hand and told him to take these flowers with him and told that I would always be there with him as a friend .

  "Please be safe , 'Rajan'. "

He didn't reply and left without a goodbye. I didn't know what feeling was that but I was worried, my heart was somewhere crying. I realised in all these days I should have at least promised him to be a loyal friend with whom he could share everything.

I was eagerly waiting for him . It had been 15 days and he still didn't return. I used to pray daily for him and that bed really felt half without him. So I started sleeping in my room.I couldn't expect that it would be so empty without him and I would feel that.

He finally returned on the 20th day bathed in blood but I was relieved that all wasn't his. He looked tired and every part of his body was speaking about his tiredness. Maa sa was very happy to see his son but there was a cold attitude in him . He was ignoring everyone. He told that it would take a lot of time to freshen up so he wanted no one to disturb him. It was unlike of him to behave like that. I told mother not to worry because I thought he was tired . She said that she didn't mind as he is her son .Maa sa told me to arrange his favourite foods and hot water for him to drink. I also prepared fruit juices .

I entered the room with the lunch and he was sitting on the bed. He was sitting lifelessly. He wasn't there but still sitting there. Seeing him like that more pain surged in my heart. I told him to eat his favourite foods.

' You have to complete all the plates and I have prepared them myself' .

I was just pouring the water from the jar suddenly I felt him near me and then he fell down on my shoulder. He fainted. I was so shocked that I couldn't react properly. I was scared and shouted for help.

The royal doctor came and assured that he is okay and there is nothing to worry about . It was due to extreme tiredness ,stress and lack of proper care. He assumed that he was not taking proper meals or looking towards his health. I became worried to hear that. I took a glance of that unconscious face which was full of sadness. But I didn't know why.




Fourth update is here . Please enjoy. Love you my dear readers. Take care .❤️❤️

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