22. The letter

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Aaradhya ~

"Ufff...I am so tired now. I really enjoyed the day. See how much colour they have put on me. I applied haldi paste over two coats and left it for almost an hour then washed it. But see the colour is not coming out. I wasted my energy on this for hours still no outcome. Why are you silent? I am the one who is talking "

He hummed in response.

" See , what you have done in my hands. Yesterday's waist chain left a stubborn mark on my hands. It's hurting but still I didn't complain. I told you that I also want to tou.... leave it. I am not so shameless to repeat that again."

He again hummed.

"Where are you lost 'Rajan'? If I say something like this you always tease me but your silence is now scaring me. Please tell me what happened. Don't hide anything from me."

"Nothing happened, Aaru." His voice still seemed lost. He was not in his usual self.

"No something has happened. If you don't tell me then I will ask Anand bhaisa. He will obviously tell me."

I went towards the door but he immediately grabbed me by my waist and pulled me in his chest.

"Don't dare to walk away. Even if I am lost, I will always find a way to find you. You don't have to go to another man to ask about what happened to your man. It's night. He may be drunk."
His voice contained emotions which were not clear enough to understand. His eyes were blank and his face was telling a different story.

"So you also drank that milk yesterday? Don't you dare to drink from next year. I will not allow you. I also acted weird in front of you. I am so embarrassed. But why are you acting like this suddenly? Something is really bothering you. Tell me 'Rajeyo' please." I asked with a pleaded tone .

"Promise me that in future whatever happens, you will never leave me. No matter how much everyone tries to break us, you will always stay beside me. Promise me Aaru."

"I will 'Rajan'. I have already promised you that I will never leave you."

It seemed like he wanted to say more things, but he couldn't. He had things that he wanted to say, words that were stuck inside of him and that he couldn't let out.

Maybe he was held back by something, maybe he was afraid of what would happen if he spoke out. Whatever the reason, he was unable to say what he was feeling, unable to express himself fully. Some words were weighing on him with heaviness and sadness.

"I want to tell something to you but...."

"Tell me 'Rajeyo'. Don't hesitate. Please."

"A royal letter came from Ginigunj."

A shock washed over my face. My face was struck by a wave of disbelief, a sudden understanding of the situation hitting me like a hammer. My face was flushed with anger and shock, as I suddenly realized something is going to be very wrong.

My mouth was slightly open in shock, my eyes widening as I tried to process what I heard just now. Why? Why was the first question that came into my mind. I am not their property now. They already felt relieved specially my father. So why now.

"What was written in that letter?"

"Your father wants to come for a visit here. He wants to see how you are here. But I know that is not the real reason."

"Then what is the real reason? Tell me please 'Rajan'. Don't hide anything anymore. Enough has happened."

"There's more but all things are not needed to know. Don't ask me anymore questions. I can't answer you more than this. Do you believe me Aaradhya? "

Aaradhya:The Blooming FlowerWhere stories live. Discover now