7. New Addiction

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I woke up in the morning due to the sunlight falling on my face. It irritated me. I was just going to move as my hands were sore because I didn't even move a bit in my sleep today. Then I understood the reason behind this soreness.

Her face was totally snuggling in my neck. She was hugging me like there is no tomorrow, her one hand was holding my hand tightly and her legs' weight was totally on my legs. She is really a baby. She is more mature than her age.

I think she is fit for the queen role and for the royals nobody asks whether you are ready or not for your responsibility.

From the very young age I was also told to be a great king , taught to take responsibility but no one questioned me whether I was ready or not? It's better to live a commoner's life than to be born a royal. We could never share our feelings but had to hide our emotions.

I am already scared because I have already started to fall in love with my lady. She is mine. I don't know whether I deserve her or not but I want her only.

She is the only flower in my flowerless garden. She is becoming my attraction and addiction. And if I reach my goal correctly then it's only love . No other words can define this feeling.

She is unaware of the fact that I used to notice every feature, behaviour, activities and cute reactions of her before going to this dreadful war. She didn't even notice me then I think.

While I was fighting, I didn't even miss a day to know about her whereabouts. My informer informed me about her each and every daily activities. She was my drug and power to hold on so long in this war. She is my energy and I have already realised that .

She shifted a bit in his sleep. She is beautiful and she is having her morning glow. Her brows were having the kink and I wanted to ease her brows . But before that she slowly started to open her eyes.

When she realised in which position she was still sleeping in , she felt embarrassed. Her cheeks were converting in a pinkish shade. She widened her eyes and initiated to get out of my hold. I immediately held her by the waist.

"Why are you blushing in this early morning my Raani ? Last night you were acting bold now you are shy . Do you have different types of characters or what? Ohh .... I remember you were caressing my face and talking about the responsibility of being a wife. Oh no , how can I forget that uncle part ? I said without letting the smirk appear on my face.

"I....I actually.... I was just tensed about your health. I wanted to divert your mind that's why I tried to.... " She was saying but I cut her off.

" So , you want to say that you did all these things because of that silly reason and all those were just to divert me? You didn't mean any of your words?" Anger was really visible in my voice.

I let her waist go and was about to leave the bed when she held my hand.

" Don't go. I really meant each and every word of mine last night. I was telling the truth only. None of the words were meant to hurt you. I wanted to make you feel better. I enjoyed talking with you and enjoyed your teasing also. I was happy last night after many days. Please don't be angry with me. I can't bear your silent treatment that you were giving after coming from the battle. " She said with her teary eyes.

I didn't know that she would take this silly anger of mine this much seriously. I was a little offended when she told me that it was only for diversion of my mind and her words held no meaning. But her later confession led me to the ride of joy. I was happy that she started to express herself to me.

" I am not angry , just a bit offended. But your later confession cleared the cloud of my mind. " I said with a smile.

I kissed her forehead and her heartbeat suddenly rose. I could feel that. Before I could react she jumped out of the bed and headed towards the royal bathroom. I smiled at her cute antiques. I also went there and found that she locked the door. She was really fast to close these heavy doors.

"Should I send any maid to help you in your bath ? If you say , I can also help you . Don't you think the second option is better? Open the door for me so that I can help you my queen. I said.

"I think the first option is better, my 'Rajan'. But now I don't need any help. I can help myself. Thank you for your concern. " She said from the inside.

"Okay if you say so. But this is my bathroom and I should use it first. Hurry up or else I know another door to enter inside. Then we can enjoy our royal bath together." I teased her.

" Youuu won't do... that " her voice was shaking a bit.

" You don't know me , Aaradhya. I can do many things which you are not aware of. You are too innocent to make such thoughts now." A smirk appeared on my face.


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Hii!!! I am back again . I told you all that my exams are coming but I am still posting. Now , it's late at night🥱🥱 and without sleeping I am here. ( A little bit shameless) My books will be offended by me if I neglect them now. After posting this I have to study again. Wish me good luck for my exams. I will try to post but can't schedule my updates now. Please be patient with me.

Please vote guys🥺🥺. It will motivate me a lot to write more. I hope you all will understand. Many more interesting chapters are coming and I can't wait to share with you all. I posted a little spoiler in my insta if you want you can check there. Also I will be posting some spoilers before hand in my insta. There are a lot of twists left in this story. This is just the beginning.

Vote and please comment your thoughts. Happy reading .Please enjoy.
Lots of love ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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