11. Shivratri

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Today is shivratri but who would say that? My dear husband was sleeping over me and I couldn't push his weight. He was too heavy and even his arms were beyond my lifting.

" 'Rajan', wake up. I have to go now. I have a lot of work today. I can't delay. " I shook him .

" The sun hasn't even shown his face till now and you are waking me up in this very morning. " He said in his sleepy voice.

" I have to arrange the milk, ghee and the sacred ganga water for the puja . I have taken that responsibility upon me. I have to arrange it for others also as maa sa instructed. I can't disobey her. You sleep but let me go. " I said.

" When is the time for puja ? " He asked.

" The auspicious time starts at 10 pm at night today and will continue to go on till tomorrow morning. "

" Okay, then let me kiss my wife before giving you the permission to go to your dutiful work. And I want a long kiss today. "

" No, you can't. I have kept fast for the whole day. You can kiss me after I worship shivji ."

" What about your shivji? Your shivji wants a kiss and you are denying it? I am not impressed with your devotion. Your shivji is offended. "

" Then remain offended. " By saying it I left.

I got refreshed and went towards the puja room .

" Why are you looking so happy, raani maa ?" Sakhi asked me.

" Today is a very special day and this shivratri is the first after marriage. You also have fasted right? Do you have any special person in your life?" I asked.

" No, raani maa till now I don't like anyone who is suitable for me. Better you can say that I am not suitable for anyone. By the way I also fast every year like you. And I have been doing this since I was six. " She said.

" I hope you find your shivji fast. He is also waiting for you like you are waiting for him. Have faith in God, you will meet him at the perfect time. " I said.

After sometime all the arrangements were done. I am relieved that all the things were settled and I didn't have to worry. After sometime I went to the kitchen to prepare lunch for my dear husband. But Aankhi told me something which made me a little sad.

" Raani maa , today Maharaj will take his lunch with his advisers outside. I think it will be in any of the adviser's house.He had already left . So , you don't need to prepare lunch for him." Aankhi said.

I personally like to prepare his food. He also likes my food. So , everyday I prepare food for him .

He returned in the evening. I was sitting on the long soft couch which was at the right corner of the room. He walked towards me and sat beside me. He leaned forward and pecked my cheeks twice. But I kept my straight face. He again kissed my forehead. Still now I was not responding to his touch. He slid his hand inside my dupatta , held my waist and took my face in another hand .

" What happened to my dear wife ? Why is she not talking to me? Did I do something to offend you my Aaru?" He asked.

" Yes you did. You didn't inform me that you will be having your lunch outside." I complained.

" I told the maids to inform you. Didn't they inform you? " He asked.

" Yes they did . But you like to eat the foods made by me. So , I was just a bit sad. "

I didn't notice that he was looking a little pale. Like he didn't eat anything for the whole day.

" Why are you looking a little bit different? You look tired and pale. Didn't you have your lunch properly. " I asked.

" Yes, obviously I had a lot of food. You are the one who kept fast . I didn't. You are looking pale. Why such weird rituals you all have , I don't know. I believe in god but God never wants us to be hungry for a whole day. " He stated his facts .

" I can catch you lying very easily 'Rajan'. You also have kept fast . Don't you? You didn't have to. We are the women and we should keep the fast for the welfare of our husband. It's the wife's duty to pray for the husband's long life."

" If you can fast for my good , can't I keep fast for my wife ? I also want you to live long along with me. "

" That means you really kept fast. My guess was correct. You really can't lie to be. In the future don't try to hide anything from me. You will be a great fool to do that. "

I was leaving from there but he stand up and back hugged me. I melted in his cute hug. That hug was needed. I was a little exhausted also.

" Yes I lied to you. If you knew about this you could have stopped me. I want to be there with you always. So, today I also kept fast." He said.

I turned and hugged him tightly.

I offered my prayers to shivji and worshipped him with a lot of care. I wished for his good luck and good health. My life was already connected to him and I wanted my 'Rajan' to always be happy. After coming from the temple, I went to our room . I wanted to feed him the prasad first. He was also fasting for me and I didn't expect that . He was sitting on the side of the bed , supporting his head on the head rest and was reading a book.

" Open your mouth fast, I want to feed you the sweets. I came running for you. You need to take food and medicine. Your health is still not fully stable. After eating this , I will come with dinner and you have to complete the whole thing."

He held my hand and forwarded the sweet towards me .

" You should eat first then I will eat. Don't say anything. I won't eat until you take a single bite." He said.

" Why are you raising my hopes high day by day? It's not like that I only will keep fast for you every year. You will marry other princesses and they will be more beautiful than me . They will also love you and you will also love them. Even though I love you, but please allow me to stay away from this attachment a bit. You are a king and if you marry others, I can't object. "

I didn't know why I was being this much emotional but somewhere this question was surrounding my head from the day I proposed to him. It would be that time of the month in a few days. I thought it was the reason.

" Don't say anything like this from now on. I will be only yours. No one can enter my life again other than you. If you say something like this again then your punishment will be hard. "

After saying this he captured my lips. He deepened the kiss and took me in his lap without breaking the kiss. My fast broke due to the kiss not for the food. Instead of being hungry for the food I got hungry for the kiss. I happily kissed him back.


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Next chapter is very interesting and I can't stop myself from posting. I will be posting it in a few days. Please be patient.

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Lots of love❤️❤️❤️❤️

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