19. Poison?

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Aaradhya ~

I was sleeping peacefully in his arms but then suddenly I felt a bright light beaming down on my face, a light so bright that it managed to pierce my closed eye lids and awaken me from my peaceful slumber. I opened my eyes and saw the bright sunlight from the window falling on my face, making me squint. My eyes struggled to adjust to the sudden brightness.

Then I noticed his sleepy face which looks like a baby when he sleeps. I am lucky to get a husband like him , I thought in my mind. I caressed his face and then got up from the bed .

I did my morning business and took a long bath today. I was feeling so calm today as if something was going to happen well today. I was busy drying my hair standing in front of the mirror. Suddenly a hand slid below my waist and held me tight.

"What is my wife doing in this very morning? Don't you feel good sleeping in your husband's arms more ? Don't leave the bed without my permission. My holds feel empty without you. Your smell is captivating. I want you always beside me." He stated in his sleepy voice.

"It's already morning 'Rajan'. From when did you start getting up late? You are behaving like a child nowadays."

" It's from when you came into my life I started changing. I told you I have a surprise for you. Do you want to know? "

He was holding me more tightly and smelling my hair. He liked my hair , I knew that. But I didn't know why he was so addicted to it. He started to rub his face on my hair. He was totally enjoying it like a child wants to get the touch of his mother. I got excited when he mentioned about the surprise. I forgot about it but now I remembered

" What is the surprise? Please tell me. "

"We are going to the temple, especially your shiv temple. Day after tomorrow is Holi. So , every year on the day before Holi I visit the temple which is situated at the peak of the Rangeen Mountain. It's quite high. It's a ritual to visit and take the blessings of the god on that day. My father used to do that also. We are married. So this year we should go together. Get ready fast . We need to leave in an hour."

" Really? Are we going for real ? It's our first time visiting a temple together. Why didn't you let me know before? I really like to visit temples. Thank you. Even if it's high , we will make it together. I am getting ready now only."

" I think I will not let you. You don't care about your shivji of yours. I am so upset. You don't kiss me often now. I need a daily kiss but you skip that also. Your shivji is very much offended. He will not give you the blessings. "

"You are becoming too much annoying nowadays. Who told you I don't care about you? I care about you a lot. You don't. A kiss per day? Are you a child? I cook you food everyday, I hug you sleeping, I caress your hair and worry about your health also. What do you want more? "

" You don't. I don't want a lot many things from you. You only tell that husband is god. So you should obey him. I need only a morning kiss and a good night kiss. I need more but for now I will control. You know, you should worship your husband. " He said with a sad pout.

" So you want me to worship you like I worship shivji?"

" Yes. I want that but in my way." He said in a playful voice.

He was teasing me at his best but he didn't know what I am. I could also tease him. I smirked a little when a mischievous idea came in my mind. Beside the mirror my haldi bowl was lying. It also includes dahi and milk. There was also a pot of water beside the mirror.

"Okay I will fulfill your wish. For that close your eyes and don't talk anymore quickly."
He nodded happily and closed his eyes.

"No matter what don't open your eyes. Only if I tell you to then only you can."
He nodded again.

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