29. His past

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Aaradhya ~

"I don't believe you. I said, I don't believe you."

His words are ringing in my ears and making me wonder to which pain he had already submitted himself. Even if God tells me to believe such rubbish, I would never ever fall for that.

His anger is uncontrollable but not the patience he holds for me. I believe him that he would never throw his wrath upon me.

"The truth never changes even if you deny it. You were not ready to accept yours also so don't bother about mine. I don't want to open my past wounds."

His words were scratching the skin of my heart and his pain was felt by every inch of my body. I think the one who said that you can feel the pain of the one whom you love the most, he is the correct one. I could feel his pain through my veins .

"Playing with the fire and playing with water. What will you choose?"

He squinted his eyes when I asked that question.

"I am not joking now. I am not in the mood."

"Just answer my question 'Rajan'. I am also not playing. It's simple to answer, why are hesitating? It's not that I have asked for your past love."

He whipped his face towards me with a done expression and sighed . I smiled in his reaction but I hid it again.

"I think, I will prefer playing with fire."

"Hmm. So , I was correct. I knew you would choose fire. Truth is like the fire and it can never be the water. It burns but shows us the light towards the fact clean and clear without hiding anything.
Remember the fire not only burns but gives us the light while burning itself. Playing with water is easy and you never go for easy paths. Truth has already burned for me and I also burned to see the correct path of my life. I can be your water 'Rajan'. Pain is related to truth and sharing it with your close ones will give you relief. I am not that selfish towards my husband."

"You are unbelievable sometimes. It's not a fairy tale that you are gonna enjoy, Aaru. I have done such things which made me suffer through my life."

"You haven't done anything 'Rajan'. Even if you say you have murdered someone willingly, i will never believe you. So just state the fact and not from your perspective. If you say like that , I know you are gonna blame yourself after every sentence."

"You are working your brain too much. Don't take too much pressure. It's a tragedy which was meant to happen. And if you have someone like a snake who is highly venomous then you should be careful but I wasn't aware at that time. "

His jaw was clenching when he was telling those words. His face was full of hatred and irritation to remember something so disturbing from his past and I could understand that.

But I need to know him , his past and his broken soul to get him better. He would feel light if he shares but he was sinking in a deep pool of water . He was huffing for breath but his past was choking him.

"I know 'Rajan'. You don't have to feel low or regret your past actions. Just let it out and you will feel better. It's very important for me to know about this family as it is my family now. I will put my everything to protect this family.
I promise you. So to protect something of mine , I need to know the truth clearly."

He held my hand and took me to the bed. He offered me to sit on the side and I followed that. He sat and placed his head on my lap.

He needed comfort and I understood that better than him. My hand was automatically forwarded to stroke his hair.

Aaradhya:The Blooming FlowerWhere stories live. Discover now