15. Love?

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Aaradhya ~

When I opened my eyes the pain struck all over my body. It was like the whole world had already stopped for me. I thought that I would never be able to live anymore. But the sight of my lovely husband made me forget about my pain. His pained voice was giving me more pain than anyone could give. This physical pain was nothing to that. I was glad that now someone was caring about me.

I never thought anyone would at least look at me. When I refused to take the medicine, the thing he did really made me awe. The bitterness converted to the sweetness in a fraction of a second. His taste had already become my addiction. The pain had really gone when I deepened the kiss after his useless question. Sometimes he becomes so childish that I really can't think of what to do.

But later his question really shook me to the core. I really had forgotten about that matter. The one who stabbed me , I knew that person. I knew him very well. His father was really kind, helpful and a good human being. He was the best person I had ever seen in my life. If he wasn't there for me then I would never have grown up like how I am now. He was my strength. I really miss how I used to spend time with the villagers. I used to sneak out from the palace to meet them, even though I got scolded by my useless brothers. But still they were my oxygen. I hope they are well now. I only miss them.

I couldn't relate to the question he was asking me. I used to admire him and respect from my heart. Even now I respect him a lot. I used to admire him from a distance but love . No , love was not in my dictionary. He used to teach the children and I also wanted to join. Because I always like to learn something. My bad that I was never allowed. My family never thought of me as a human being. I also wanted to join that group but he never glanced at me. There was no possibility of love between us. But why was he asking that question.

" 'Rajan', I don't know what you are talking about? I know the one who stabbed me and I am really shocked that 'he' stabbed me. I never expected in my life that he would come to kill me instead of paying a visit. I used to admire him from a distance but love , it was impossible. I have never been in love. You are my first and last till my death. His father was my inspiration and he was the father figure to me. I didn't get fatherly love from my own father but he gave me. He used to feed me with his own hands. But you are wrong. I never lied to you 'Rajan'. How can a person so close to me come to kill me 'Rajan'? I never wanted or expected anything from my life. But why these pains ? " A tear rolled down my cheeks.

"Don't cry Aaru. No one can harm you anymore. I am there for you. I am your family. I will never let anyone touch you. I will kill that demon with my own hands. " He stated.

" No , 'Rajan' you can't kill him. His father will be broken if he gets to know that he did such a thing. I want to talk to him please. Please take me to him. He must have a reason behind it. He is not like that. I know him. Please 'Rajan'. Please."

" No, I can't take you to him. He is dangerous for you. I can't take risks. He will be tortured until he opens his mouth. But my informer will inform me before that."

" No 'Rajan' he is not like that. I know I am unlucky. But I can't see anyone in pain. I will die happily but can't see him in pain. His father was my father also."

" You are still now speaking about him. He tried to kill you Aaru. No matter what the reason is , he can't be forgiven. He tried to take my queen from me and still now you are supporting him. I can't bear any other man's name from your mouth. " He said being frustrated.

" Why are you being jealous? We should try to solve a matter. But you are complicating it. It's a sin to give punishment without knowing the proper reason. Don't you believe me? Or like my other close ones you also hate me ? No matter how much I try to praise them all, they always have hurt me. If you think like that you can leave me also. I am not anyone's property. I am mine. I don't care about anything but my self respect." Pain and anger both defining my voice.

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