La fin

85 3 1

The End to the Beginning

"So many people wanted Felix dead, so many. And their issue wasn't even with him as a person but with what he stood for, his embodiment. He served as a reminder that our struggles to get a seat at the table wasn't innate in nature but a force of it. We were all born equal with the same blood rushing through our veins, breathing the same fucking air and yet...he already had a seat. Carved with blood sweat and tears, painted with the riches of another man and pushed up to the table by our grandfathers, he had it all. But he never thought about it, never took a second to ask why. I can't even say I blame him either because, if you were sitting in a castle made of polish marble, why would you look at dirt?"

"It sounds like you held a lot of resentment towards him."

"I did, and I wore it with pride. That's something most people aren't able to say that with their chest."

"What does that mean?"

"The people that wanted him dead weren't hitman nor political adversaries or rival royals. They were the people parading around him, 'basking in his glory' and telling him to keep looking up. They were his were his admirers, friends— whatever the fuck you want to call them."

"So you think that someone close to Felix Catton  killed him?"

"You tell me, what's more likely? You getting killed by a random person or by someone that loves you? You'll want to say the random person but you'll think of enough cases that'll make you hesitate before answering. I know how this all looks and sounds, but I never wanted him dead. I never would've thought..I never thought about killing him. Our relationship was complicated, yes, but..."

They trailed off, memories flooding to their mind. They then averted their gaze and stared downwards.

"Then let me ask you, if you didn't kill Felix, then who did because all signs point to you?"

They didn't respond at first, eyes peeled on the  blood crusted around their nails. They brought it up to their cracked lips, twisting a piece of dead skin till it pulled off. Blood seeped through the rip, aching their dry mouth and a tear fell from their reddened eyes. They didn't feel like wiping their face and let the trail dry before they cleared their throat which led them to laughing lightly, "Sorry, I just.."

"This is ridiculous." They said, and then leaned back in their seat. They pushed their hips forward and slouched, resting the back of their head against the top of the chair to stare at the singular ceiling light fixture above them.

"I'll tell you everything and afterwards I want you to tell me if you still think I'm guilty." They offered and while the private investigator was skeptical, he hummed so they can continue.

"I was blinded by one side loyalty and the idea of being helpful. I wanted to be loved and looked for it everywhere. It was my weakness, my Achilles heel, and they knew that. But what can I say, I'm no different than a—"

Author's Notes

- welcome to dogs, I know I said that I won't update it that often but I just had to get this intro out cus of brain rot
- thank you for reading, please star, comment and add to library byee have a great day < 3

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