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Chapter One: Tale of Two Universities
(Warning: dr*g usage)
May 2006

Cambridge is to Oxford what Princeton is to Harvard, a respected equal in the public eye and a harsh competitor behind closed doors. They sit upon the same pedestal, regarded with the same prestige and yet neither sees eye to eye. It goes back into their creation, the blooming rivalry casting each brick down. They would scout the same students, legacy and scholarship alike, do the same research projects and perform at the same halls. When one rebuilds, the other gloats about their authenticity till their own wood rots. The competition is so engrained into their customs that even the students began to reflect it, eager to one up their opposition.

And so, you maybe asking, 'Who was winning the competition'?

Well, after seeing the results of the class of 2006, both sides agreed that Oxford won the battle of the admissions. They managed to swipe many crucial students away like the Cattons and Kim-Roths. Which was a damaging blow to Cambridge but they still had a few more card up their sleeve. One in particular had a talent so great that she was considered a be a mastermind in her craft at her young age. Unfortunately though, she was diamond in the rough.

The day Cleo Montoya stepped foot on campus was the day the admissions office's work load tripled and the student resources' headaches intensified.

It was May 28th, 2006, orientation day. Cleo arrived to the school in a taxi and the moment she stepped out of it, she stood out like a sore thumb. While her peers clothing showcased it's brand with small patches of embroidery, her shorts had the words 'Baby Phat' bejeweled over her ass. She wore cropped pink jacket with a similar print at the back and brown shades on. Her hair was braided back into two plaits, her lips glittered under the sun and the dice tattoo on her ankle was clearly visible. She basically looked like a Bratz doll heading to New York that accidentally got on a plane to England instead.

People kept staring at her as if it would make her vanish into thin air and yet she continued to exist among them, walking the same road to the admission's hall, breathing the same air. Cleo was oblivious to their looks though as her eyes were peeled to her phone. She was messaging her a friend from home, laughing at their texts while following the crowd. It wasn't until she got to the steps of the admissions building was when she looked up at her surroundings. Tacky balloons and banners decorated the doors and welcoming the new students. Cleo spotted confetti was in one of the balloons and poked it, accidentally making it pop. That was first time she noticed the looks as everyone seemed annoyed with her but she didn't bother mulling over it and continued on her way.

Further down the corridor, in the main hall, sat thousands of students anxiously awaiting for their new chapter in life to begin. Some were chatting away while others were sitting quietly, too nervous to even think about socializing. Brianna Young fell somewhere in the middle.

She had engaged in a few idle conversations but they would die out prematurely and fizzle into awkward laughter. This was her chance to get to make new friends before classes start and yet she was unable to even make it past asking for someone's major. Maybe the baggage she had was finally catching up to her.

Just when she felt like throwing in the towel, a boy sat next to her. Only issue was, he wasn't supposed to.

"Hey," he said and she almost missed his greeting as she was staring at the name card he sat on.

"Uh, hey?" She replied back, already feeling uncomfortable with the way he was looking at her.

"I saw you from over there and I couldn't believe how beautiful you were, I just had to get closer."

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