chaptire deux

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Chapter Two: Flash Photography
(Warning: s*icidal thoughts, b*llying)

Kit's toothpaste, shaving cream and shampoo were running out. He was down to the last few squeezes of each product yet had no urgency to stock up on any of them. It's not like he was low on cash or suddenly wanted to live a more frugal life. The real reason was much simpler, much darker. In his head, it made no sense to go shopping for them when he was going to kill himself by the end of the week anyways.

Life for elites like Kit was considered to be easy, like it was 'served on a silver platter' and for most, that was true. There were plates that were nice and well polished by those who came before them or beneath them. Kit's platter on the other hand was brandished and cracked, so whenever he licked it, he would be left with a bitter metallic taste in his mouth. He couldn't tell if it was from the worn out silver coating or from a bleeding tongue.

His life was anything but simple and honestly his status was making things worse for him. If he was given a choice, he would've been born from nothing. Well, actually he wouldn't had been born at all of he had a say in the matter.

Despite his dreary out look on life though, he went about it just like everyone else.

After brushing his teeth, Kit figured that he had from then to Friday for his toothpaste to officially be out. That was in two days and was more than enough time for him to finish everything he needed to do. But before he could that, Kit had to take pictures for a class. So he threw his jacket on and rushed out of his dorm to the theater, blending in with the crowd.

The weather had forsaken the remnants of summer and shifted into a muggy fall. It had been raining all week, washing the students away from the courtyards and into the indoor lounge areas. While most found it dreadful and detrimental to their social life, Kit couldn't be happier as he was finally able to enjoy the gardens without a distracting crowd there. When he reached the dorm's foyer, Kit pulled his hood on, secured his camera underneath his jacket and walked out into the wet day.

By the time he reached the theater, his jacket was drenched and his face was dampened. These were easy fixes, as he was able to hang his jacket up and wipe himself dry. If only he had a solution to hide himself from the den of lions he was walking into though. The moment this was proposed to him by his club's president, Kit dreaded the day. He didn't understand how playing photoshoot with theater kids was an act of community service but he decided not to dwell on the thought. He had made a case against it and lost miserably. Guess not everyone understands 'I can't do this because they hate my guts', huh?

As he walked in, Kit could see the students huddled on stage, listening to the professor go on a nonsensical dreamy ramble. There might've been a lesson embedded into it but no one seemed interested enough to search, especially not Kit, who was trying to think of how he could slip in and out undetected. He sat in the back row, planning his escape while messing with his camera.

After switching the lenses, Kit looked through them and found that his angling almost made the group seem like they were ganging up on the professor. That might've also been influenced by his subconscious but nonetheless, he liked the imagery. So, he took a picture. That undid his plans of being discreet as the shutter went off. It betrayed his intentions and revealed him to the unsuspecting crowd. There was mix reactions from them, most he expected to see. There was only fully positive one and that came the director.

"Why hello there! And you must be Kyle? Ken..No no, Kit. Mr. Kit.."

"Shittywater," the lame joke caused the group to erupt into laughter. It didn't last for too long though as the professor waved his hand in the air, "Hello, excuse me, excuse me everyone. Collect yourselves. Mr. Kit, please come closer. They bark but lack bite."

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