chaptire trois

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Chapter Three: Dante's Inferno
(Warning: vomiting)

While students were settling into their classes, school events were finally beginning. There were icebreakers, club interest meetings and most importantly sports events. There were many to look out for like cricket and rowing but most people were excited for the rugby season. The Rugby Football Union had used the universites' rivalry to promote the December game at the Twickenham Stadium which ignited a burst of energy in the students, faculty and even the board members that multiplied the moment the first match of the season was announced.

So to welcome another successful season, the students of Cambridge decided to throw a huge ass party.

"And they said here that Oxford has had more Prime Ministers than Cambridge. I highly doubt any of those prats there now have read the Bible though." A young man stated, placing the news paper back down on his lap. The crowd around him laughed awkwardly, sharing a look of confusion on their faces. The girl besides him placed her drink down and snatched the paper from him, reading over the line.

"You're such a dumbass," she spat out, dropping the paper down on the table to smack the back of his head, " How the fuck did you mix up Prime Ministers with Popes?"

The room erupted into boisterous laughter, though a few weren't in the mood to. One of these people being Cleo Montoya, who was reconsidering her friendship with the drunkard besides her. She sucked her teeth at him, waving the drunk man off as he tried to make up for his mistake. When people started to dog pile on him, she used that as an opening to get up from the couch and headed out into the stair case. Once alone, the young woman leaned over the banister and pulled her phone from out of her pocket. She read over her recent messages, ignoring the sweating beer can in her hand that was dripping down on the steps below.

What could have her so distracted during one of the biggest parties of the year? Nothing.

For the past week, Cleo hadn't heard a single word from Brianna. Not a call, nor a text; absolutely nothing. They've gone through days without communicating before due to classes and school work but a week was long for them. And what was freaking her out the most was that when she would call her, the phone would go straight to voicemail. A part of her wondered if something happened like she got in a car accident and was in a coma. Another part  thought that perhaps she blocked her because she found better friends or something. The latter would be heartbreaking but she would rather that be the reality than to know that Brianna was hurt somewhere.

"So typical of you to ignore me even when I'm in front of you." A voice pulled her eyes away from her screen and to her side. The man approaching her brought attention to his shoulder, tapping the water stains caused by her beer can, "You look sober for once so, what has your head in the clouds?"

"Actually, I had some Fireball earlier, so yeah I'm sober, for now." Cleo responded, standing straight up. She pulled her sleeve up her hand and then lifted it up to Dante's shoulder. She dabbed the sleeve against the stain it but to no surprise, it made no difference, "I'm surprised you're talking to me, Dyal. You were so butt hurt the last time I saw you."

He watched her closely, noticing the glitter on her life and the shine in her earrings adorning her ears. The shirt that she was wearing was twice her size and her shorts were barley visible underneath them. She was dressed like any other girl at the party and yet, Dante thought she was the best one. He hadn't even seen the others yet though.

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