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Chapter Five: Ying and Yang
(Warning: Vomiting)

"You know, this is like my second time this week carrying someone to their dorm," Cleo said, looking down at her feet as they carefully treaded along the lining of the cobblestone path. She kept a slow and steady pace for the weakened Kit, who's vision was blurred from a swollen eye.

But through his peripherals, he could her clearly. Her still expression, her tanned skin illuminating under the light post and the wind brushing through her dark hair. He didn't think it then but looking back at this moment, Cleo was as entrancing as the night sky above them. The glitter patted over her lids resembled the starlight and the warmth of her body against his made him feel as if he was holding onto star. If only he could've captured the moment.

Maybe the theater Professor was onto something. Maybe essences are real and what Kit was seeing the core of her's. Or maybe he got hit so hard in the head that a few brain cells got scrambled causing him to suddenly romanticizing a life that he hates.

Kit sighed, stopping to pull his arm from around her shoulder. Cleo gave him a questioning glance but she let go of him regardless. He tried to stand up straight on his own but his head was pounding and he could feel the broken veins around his eye pulsating. He could also feel a heat bubbling in his stomach that quickly shot up to his throat.

He clasped his hand over his mouth, causing the young woman to raise a brow, "You ok?"

He didn't need to respond for her to realize why his already pale face became translucent. Cleo grasped his shoulders and frantically looked around the courtyard, "Fuck me."

Kit squeezed his eyes, attempting to push down the feeling while questioning why he choose to drink beer on an empty stomach. After a moment or two most of his life decisions, he felt like he had it under control. But then Cleo decided to swing her hand on his back and his breakfast exited for dinner.

"Hey are you ok—Fuck! Oh my God." Cleo stepped back as Kit hunched over the bushes. She wore a face of disgust as flowers behind them fell victim to his upset stomach. From a distance, she could see people walking their way and as much as she wanted to not be associated with him at that moment, she couldn't. So Cleo groaned, collected herself and then gave him a few gentle pats on his mid back while threatening him, "You better get all of that shit out now because if you throw up on me, so help me—"

"Don't mind us, he's more of a red rose type of guy." Her tone suddenly shifted the moment the couple was in ear shot. They gave her a sheepish chuckle and she continued to smile at them until their backs were fully to them. When she turned her head back down to glare at Kit, she was met with an annoyed look from him.

"What? Did you want me to tell them the real reason why?"

He rolled his eyes and pushed himself up straight with his knees. Kit sized her up dryly and then pushed past her, walking towards one of the vacant benches, "Maybe you can just leave me alone."

Cleo watched him in disbelief, how could he grow so cold on someone that practically hauled his ass back on campus? If it wasn't for her circumstances, she would've given him an earful and stormed off. But she stood there, watching as he dropped himself down on the seat before joining him.

"My bad." The dark haired woman remarked as she sat down beside him, bracing her arm against the bench and resting her head in her palm. Kit had his head turned upwards at the sky with his hips pushed forward. In his hands, she could see him flickering with a green lighter. Figuring that he wouldn't reply, Cleo pulled out a box of cigarettes from her purse.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13 ⏰

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