chapter 3: its not like that-!

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(i got the idea for this chapter from some lyrics of outlaw by Mccarftey 🤑)

he melted into cover of his bed , his thoughts fixated on tom , why was he like this? he just laid there for what felt like hours.after a few minutes he fell asleep his mind still on him. what is it about him?he was woken up quickly after by a knock at his bedroom door. "jake?"barely above a whisper. "whatttt" he couldnt tell who it was but he was hoping it was tom. thats crazy , it couldnt be tom."wake up , dinners nearly ready."he realised it was his older brother , shawn."mmf- okay." he grunted , rubbing his eyes.

he went downstairs still only thinking of tom , honestly can he think of anything else? i mean- he did have the prettiest black hair that you could only see if a teacher told him to take his jacket off, these gorgeous cyan eyes-he stopped his thoughts realising how they sounded. he sat next to his brother who wasnt that much older then him."so jake." his dad started, across from him."hmm?" he replied. "have you met any girls yet? you're the only guy in our family who hasnt got a girlfriend yet."he felt uncomfortable by this but decided to answer him."no not yet.." he mumbled slightly. "well you best hurry up or people will start to think youre a fag." jake was slightly hurt by his words but had no idea why. "is that a bad thing?" his brother pitched in. "well ofcourse?! i dont want him to be the only boy in this family with no kids." he nearly shouted. "dad im 15.." he gave a puzzled look. "i still.. i still have time."he looked down at his plate , using his fork to move his food

after 5 minutes his mum came to the table."jake are you ok? you seem off?" his mother was concerned, this was normal."yeah.. yeah im fine!" he pretended a smile.

he finished his food and placed the plate into the sink. "jake? may i ask you a question?"shawn asked, their parents where upstairs by now. "ofcourse!" he smiled."you seemed upset when dad said people may think you're a fag. is their something you wanna tell me?i saw you today with that tom boy too."jake was trying to mumble out an answer. "n-no why do you ask?" he tried to play off casually."i saw you blushing at him , i dont want to force you to tell me though." he said softly, reassuring him. he was very different from their parents."i like him, but not like that- i think?" he confused himself.shawn chuckled quietly."its ok eitherway bud" he patted his shoulder.

jake returned upstairs , thinking about if what he was feeling was love? surely it couldn't be? hes known him for a day afterall.he fell back on his bed still in his schools uniform.

"and then i go and spoil it all by saying something stupid like i love you"Where stories live. Discover now