chapter 8:faint

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jake pov:
i stood in the doorframe that would lead me into the same room as tom.i seemed a bit creepy just staring at him , who can blame me tho?who wouldn't have a crush on a tall , muscular man. "Jake?" tom spoke up scaring me slightly "why are you looking at me like that?" he laughed walking up to me."sorry ,im just yk-" i learned on the frame of the door trying to hide from the sheer embarrassment of being caught."hm?" he slouched slightly.  "you knoww just watching , spaced out kinda-" i cut myself off to stop myself from saying something stupid ."jake you look ill, are you okay?" he pointed to my overly red face."yeah im fine i just need to drink water aha.." my face still red as fuck."uh here, have some." he handed me a water bottle , did he just pull that out of his ass or something where did he get that?"thank you!" i took a big swig of the water and handed it back to him."didnt think you'd be that thirsty." he laughed again leaning on the side of the wall. fuck he was hot.and hey i wasnt afraid to admit it , to myself , maybe ellie too but she probably knows  already.i dont need or want anyone else to know.

i just wanted to pull him down and kiss him , but for several, very obvious ,reasons i couldn't do that. "jake are sure youre okay now?" he put his hand that wasn't against the wall on my own ."yup! im fine!" the most obvious lie i have ever .his face still worried at mine. tom made himself upright and crouched down to my level 'jake,i know youre lying , whats up? did something happen?" why is he so caring!? honestly if he says anything again with that voice i think i might melt. "please , dont worry , it might just be the weather." my face more bright then the sun , it felt like it too. "jake its winter , the weather is in the minuses, holy shit youre face is boiling." he put his hand on my face."ill be fine." my last words before i was on the does one pass out from heat in -5 degrees weather? god knows.

"jake?jake wake up-oh shit-" tom was panicking ontop of me trying to wake up."tom?"my eyes refusing to open. i sat up against the wall and faced him. "jake are you okay?please dont say you are , i know you arent please.."
"im sorry tom.."
"for what?"
"for fainting."
"dont be sorry.." he chuckled.holding my hand.
"come with me." he continued, pulling me up.
"where are you taking me?"
"to get you help." my legs where wobbly but i could walk to an extent.

tom made me sit in the school's medical room to try and get help.the only real cure his him. "thank you, for this.." my hand placed on the back of my neck. "next." an annoyed grunt came from the other side of the curtain.i got up and went round leaving him by himself. the worried expression still on him.

"whats the problem with you?"
"i.. passed out in the library.."
"take an ice pack and go."

i got up, left, and found tom."is that all they gave you?"
"sadly." i shrugged

authors note:
i feel as if this is going a little to fast and that their is too much going on 😞😞

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