Sleepless Night

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After the news of Poco getting infected came out, reporters went around town to get the opinions of anyone willing to talk about this subject... Surprisingly, many people wanted to make their opinions public but there were 2 different opinions, Sam's and Belle's. They didn't think the virus was real, when the news people came around their place, here's what they said

-Belle: "I think this is all a bunch of hot air! There's no such thing as a 'gem virus'. We literally steal those for a game! And plus, everyone knows Poco always gets himself in some unexplicable situations..."
-Sam: "I agree with Belle, I don't think anyone could ever create this. And the chances of it coming from nature is even more slim."

After a while Chester heard a knock on his door. He thought it was the news people but it was just Fang looking like he was beaten up, covered with a bulky jacket with the hood up and a scarf around his neck. Chester couldn't see his face very good but he could tell his eyes were purple
-Fang: "Can I come in a little?"
-Chester: "Yeah, come in" Fang entered Chester's house he seemed to keep a safe distance from Chester
-Chester:"Dude you looked messed up, and why are you wearing a jacket and scarf? It's march.."
-Fang: "I really need to talk about this with you. Listen, you're the only bro I trust and i would protect with my life so just... Keep a little distance from me..."
-Chester: "Dude come on, tell me already"
Fang looked hesitant, but took his jacket and scarf off... There were some purple gems on his hand, they looked like they were coming from the inside, and some purple liquid and blood came out of it... There were a few on his neck too. Chester looked at them with disbelief, they were just the ones he saw last night on Poco.
-Chester: "Dude... You need to get help"
-Fang: "I can't, haven't you heard what they did to Poco?" Said Fang with tears in his eyes "They killed him"
Chester: "Stop playing games, they wouldn't. I am sure they wouldn't kill Poco, I mean he was just such a star in our town... Until Byron came around and put something in his drink that messed him up in the head, but I am sure they will deffinetly find a cure to this"
-Fang: "I saw them Chester!" Fang caughed aggresively "I saw them with my own eyes! I- I took the path through the woods so people wouldn't see me, and when I looked in the distance I saw them strapping Poco to something and threw him down the cave that was abandoned and The I saw Mike throw some dynamite down there... Chester you need to believe, You either kill me or you let me go and have a chance of killing everyone... Please make the right decision. Please Chester"
Chester knew he couldn't do it
- Chester: "Dude, have you lost your mind? I'd never ever kill you!"
Fang sighed, he knew Chester he was too kind hearted he wouldn't kill his best friend. So he didn't say a word, put on his jacket and scarf then he left.


Chester didn't go out today, and as he expected no one did, except ofcourse for Belle and Sam, they were in their yard like nothing happened. Until a purple smoke came around their house, they didn't mind and thought it was someone just trying to scare them but soon enough their yard was full of that smoke and they started caughing and it was then they decided to go inside, but it was already too late(TW: kinda gorey scene) , Belle was throwing up a purple liquid and blood, and purple gems came out of Sam's arms, covering him making his body unrecognisable... Chester who lived a few blocks away saw some strings of purple smoke but he just though to close the windows...
After that, nothing much happened, he just went on with his day, playing video games, swearing at little kids in the internet, typical stuff for a 19 year old. But around Midnight, he was still at his PC when he heard something outside... When he looked out he saw Belle and Sam jumping over his fence into his yard, Chester immediatly went to lock the back door and secure all the windows but that drew the attention of Sam And Belle to him. Now they knew Chester was home. And they were trying to get in.
Chester went upstairs and locked his door, he still heard them banging on doors and windows but he tried to stay calm. He hid in his closet in case they managed to break in. Suddenly, Mandy called him, she had a sleepy yet seductive tone on the other hand, Chester was shitting his pants
- Mandy: "Hi Chester. Going without sleep again?"
- Chester: "Mandy please you need to listen to me, Belle and Sam are infected too by that purple smoke, and now they are fucking trying to break in my home kill me or eat me or I don't fucking know! I can't call the police, because who knows, maybe the police can't contain them and they'll get infected too... What can I do? I'm not kidding so don't think of some smartass shitty response!"
Mandy got that he wasn't fooling around as he never swore around her or even talking on the phone with her.
- Mandy: "Oh my God... Are you atleast in a closet?"
- Chester: "Yes, yes I am"
- Mandy: "Just... I dunno just stay there alright? Look I'm sorry but I need to go close windows and doors too, I'll call you later if I don't fall asleep"
Chester swalloed hard but after a bit of silence he responded
- Chester: "O-oh, okay...Bye" Chester hangs up...

At around 6 AM the banging stopped for half an hour already, so Chester made the up the courage to go out... No window were broken, no door was opened, everything was untouched... Belle and Sam left... But when he went to look out the window he saw on the other side of the street He saw the door to Piper's house was open with a thin string of that damned purple smoke coming out...

Status report
Belle: Infected
Sam: Infected
Piper: infected
Chester: Health: 100%
Saturation: 100%
Thirst: 0%
Sanity: 80%
Fang: Infected 50%
Poco: dead
Mandy: Health: 100%
Saturation: 90%
Thirst: 0%
Sanity: 95%%

(Hi! Finally a long chapter, To be honest i think it's kinda corny but hey, it's my first story that I publish on this app sooo i don't expect many people to like it)

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