A Normal Morning... Hopefully

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The Sun is shining, birds are singing and everything is going normal. One of the younger brawlers, Chester, got out of bed, took a shower then got dressed and went outside for a walk in the nice chilly spring air. Everything was going fine until he saw one of his friends Fang

Chester: "Morning Fang! What's up"
Fang: "Dude, i've got a horrible headache, Byron made some experiments in the lab again and I think something got to me. I saw some purple smoke around, then I decided to go get some fresh air"
Chester was a bit confused, he thought Byron didn't to experiment near residential areas
Chester: "Huh... Well that's wierd... Do you want to get something to eat? I heard Barley's bar opens earlier this week to test a new schedule"
Fang: "Sure... Make sure not drink more 2 glasses of Whiskey Chester, you remember 2 weeks ago"
Chester: "I'm certain those were spiked, i couldn't have thrown up all night just from 2 glasses..."

When they got to the bar, it was already openned but there was a new sign on the door

*21+ ONLY!

Chester: "What the fuck? That wasn't here before! I don't even have my ID on me, let alone be 21. I'm 19!"
Fang: "Hehe, well lucky for me, I just had my 21st two weeks ago"
Chester: "Dude, come on. Don't go without me."
Chester looked sad, he was really hungry and didn't want to cook for himself now, back at his home after a while another one of the boys appeared, Brock
Brock: "Yooo, what's going on homies?" Brock also saw the sign
Brock: "Oh damn... Well, tough luck then. But only For Chester! Yeee yeaah, come on Fang let's drink some"
Fang and Brock entered the bar... Chester was sad, so he decided to go home. On his way, he saw Mandy, his girlfriend

Chester: "Hey love..."
Mandy: "Hi baby, have you smelled something wierd this morning along with some purple smoke coming from the lab? Because Many people that I have talked to had"
Chestet: "N-no, but Fang told me something about it...c
Mandy: "Maybe Byron didn't create another potion or something..."
Chester: "Let's hope so... Wanna come over to my-!!"
Chester was cut off by the sound of someone screaming coming from the woods, where the lab was
Mandy: "Uhh, what the fuck was that?"
Chester: "I don't know... Maybe we should get help! Or maybe it's Poco going loco again... It sounded like him... Eh, don't worry".
Not going to check that out would turn out to be a big mistake...
After Chester got home, he made something for himself to eat then went on with his day...
At around 3:20 AM Chester wakes up To a strange sound... He looked outside a window saw Poco covered in purple gems, roaming the streets, Chester thought this was a nightmare so. He just went back to bed... Next morning he turned on the TV to see what's on the news... Poco was contained at the hospital in the highly infectious deasises section with an unknown gem virus... Turn out it wasn't a nightmare. People are adivsed to not go in the woods, near the lab or smell that purple smoke...

(sorry if its too short, i just got this idea in the middle of the night and ill see how it goes)

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