A City Full Of The Undead

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After they got in Buster's van, they drove through The City. It was full of infected people, purple smoke and purple gems...

-Chester: "This is meessed up man... Who even created this?"

-Buster: "I think Byron. He's always making potions"

Mandy stayed quiet. After a while they got to the super market and creeped it through the back entrance. To their surprise, the store was full. Nobody came to pick up anything, so they started to fill uo their bage with everything they deemed essential.

Mandy and Buster where on a side of the store and Chester was on the opposite side. He was all alone, suddenly he heard a low screech and looked behind him and a saw an infected, his eyes widened and he ran away, luckly the infected haad his eyes covered with purple gems but he still heard Chester run away. The infected tried to run after him but it tripped. Chester went to find Mandy and Buster. When he got there, he saw they we re dealing with their own infected and they all ran away. When they got outside they saw another small horde of infected. They quickly got the van and drived away

-Chester: "Holy shit. How did they get there so fast? There was no one around when we arrived... Atleast we got want we needed"

-Buster: "This city is already dead... And maybe with it come the citizens... I'm not going back there for 1 million dollars"

-Mandy: "Oh my God. It was so close for one of them to bite me..."

They were all terrified. In a week, their city lost it's chance for survival.

They got back to their safe house and started to put everything in the fridge and in the basement...
-Buster: "Atleast we made it out alive... But what do we do now?"
-Chester: "I don't know"
-Buster: "Oh and we have a big problem. The van doesn't have infinite fuel."
-Mandy: "But we can't go to the gss station..."
-Chester: "I have an idea. At my house my dad had like 3 or 4 canisters of fuel. Maybe me And Buster can go there and grab them"
-Buster: "But we'll have to go on foot"
-Mandy: "Isn' t that dangerous?"
-Chester: "... Uhh... You know what? I don't care, I either die because the gem zombies raid our home or on this trip so fuck it. Come on Buster put on your jacket" Chester turned around and went to the front door and waited for Buster then they both left. Mandy was all alone...She was very scared of what they were doing and hoped they return.

On the way there Buster said
-Buster: "You know, I like how you are so stubborn and determined to do this.. But it's a bad idea. Zombies are everywhere..."
-Chester: "Shut up. I don't care"
Buster rolled his eyes and they went on. When they got it the city they saw Larry and Lawrie
-Larry: "Oh hey Buster"
-Lawrie: "Hello"
-Chester: "What about me?"
-Larry: "Oh, yeah, you..."
-Chester: "What? Is there something wrong?"
-Lawrie: "Chester you know my Brother hates you for no reason... But beef aside, what are you 2 doing in the middle of a dead city?"
-Buster: "Going to Chester's to grab some gas"
-Lawrie: "You 2 are going to die. C'mon Larry, let's move"
Chester and Buster continued their journey, they eventually got there and when they went to the garage they saw a bunch of zombies In there, Buster ran away, but Chester tripped. Buster ran as far as he could, not looking back. When he got to the forest he saw Chester wasn't around. His eyes widened in shock, he thought Chester died. His eyes teared up a bit at the thought of losing a friend but he knew he had to go through it. When he got home Mandy asked were Chester was
-Mandy: "Where's Chester?"
-Buster: "Well uhh, he... Uhm... He.."
-Mandy: "Buster! Where. Is. Chester?!"
-Buster: "He tripped while we got chased by zombies"
Mandy just lost it
-Mandy: "W-what?" She fell on her knees and started to cry. Buster did all he could to comfort her but she just wouldn't stop... Mandy was devastated, she just lost her boyfriend, and the nicest person she ever knew. The whole night she cried and cried, not even Buster could sleep... Eventually she stopped.

In the morning, Mandy didn't talk at all. Her eyes were red and she had a terrible headache
-Buster: "Hey Mandy..."
-Mandy: "Leave me alone! Just leave me alone!" She screamed back, showing that she didn't calm down.

Later that day

-Mandy: "I refuse to think he died. We need to go search him"
-Buster: "Mandy but-" He was cut off
Buster just nodded...In the evening, they left...

Buster: Health: 100%
Saturation: 80%
Thirst: 10%
Sanity: 90%
Mandy: Health: 100%
Saturation: 80%
Thirst: 10%
Sanity: 20%
Chester: Unknown
Larry & Lawrie: Health: 100%
Sanity: 60% (No saturation and thirst bc they are robots)

(Hey guys, sorry for not posting anything and also sorry for making this chapter short, I had my phone taken away because I got a 3/10 on a test #smart but now I got it back)

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