Mandy's Plan

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After the bone-chilling call with Chester, the next day Mandy wanted to go check on him. She took a route through the bad part of the city that was the shortest. There were some sketchy guys but nothing happened until he got to the part of town Chester lived, she saw it was blocked, no one in, and probably no one out. Mandy was outraged, she wanted to get Chester out of there, but the authorities didn't let her go in, even if she was part of the royal familly
- Mandy: "What do you mean I can't go in there? Do you know who you're speaking to?! I'm the princess you imbecile!"
- Officer: "Yes ma'am I know but rules are made for everyone, I'm sorry, no one in, no one out"
Mandy screamed a little more at the officer then left... She tried to see if there was a part unprotected by the police. After a while of searching she found the part in which officers were eating lunch. When she saw that, she took the opportunity and jumped over the small fence going in heading to Chester's house.

On the way there she made sure to put on a mask she doesn't breathe that smoke but it wasn't such an abundence of it. Unfortunately, she saw Belle, Sam and Piper and she was horrified by that, but after a few more minutes she got to Chester's house, she knocks on The door then sees Chester opening the door, Chester was still in his pijamas, and pijamas ment black shorts with no shirt
- Chester: "Hi Mandy"
- Mandy: "Erm... Do you sleep like that?"
-Chester: "Yeah? What's the problem"
-Mandy: "You know what, fine... Just go put a shirt on."
Chester rolls his eyes but goes upstairs to change then comes back
-Chester: "Soo, what brings you here?"
-Mandy: "Well after last night's call, I just wanted to check if you're alright... Do you know why did the police close off this area?"
Chester raised an eye brow. He didn't know about any of that stuff then he said in a confused tone
-Chester: "What do you mean close off the area? Nobody told me nothing..."
-Mandy: "Well, they just encircled your whole neighbourhood with a small fence and put officers around it and when I tried to go in, one of them said 'No one in, no one out' and If you're wordering how I got here, I jumped the fence
-Chester: "Well that's fucked up... How am I going to go to work now?"
-Mandy: "Look, I'll get you some time off until we realise what to do. But we need to move fast because more than 2 or 3 weeks, I don't think I can"
-Chester: "But aren't you the boss?"
-Mandy: "I'll explain it to you later. Ok?"
- Chester: "Fine..."
Mandy and Chester talked for a bit longer on how Could Chester escape his neighbour hood, Finally, they came up with the solution that tomorow, she will come with her dad, who is the king, and then they'll have a bigger chance of getting past security.

Mandy left Chester's house at about 1 PM... When she went out there there was no one around, she tried going out through the same place she came in but there were officers there... She couldn't look for another empty spot since she had a chance of meeting with the infected... So she needed to distract them, but how? Mandy thought of many ways but all involved her hiding somewhere, making a loud sound, the police coming in the closed area then she would come out go behind them and escape, but she had no where to hide. After a while of thinking she decided to wait untill another break so she just waited... And waited... And waited... Untill 6 PM, until the officers finally left for dinner. Mandy knew this was an oppotunity so she took it and ran away... At last she has escaped. When she returned to her house, she again took the route around the bad part of town, When she got to that part, there were many wierd people cat calling her like "Hey little princess, wanna have fun?" or. "A lady shouldn't be alone in this part of town, so be with me, eh?" but Mandy ignored them and got through that neighbourhood... After about 10 minutes she got home she went to talk to her dad
-Mandy: "Hey dad"
-The king: "Yes darling?"
-Mandy: "Do you know anything about the closed neighbourhood?"
-The king: "Yes I do... They closed it with my permision. Why are you asking?"
-Mandy: "Well, you know...My boyfriend lives there and I kinds don't want him to eaten alive by gem zombies or whatever"
-The King: "Does he have where to stay? Because he is nice and polite as anything, but I really don't like his pink hair"
-Mand: "He'll stay with his parents and I told you it's a genetical disorder and it's actually his natural hair color"
-The king: "Whatever, we'll go tomorow and pick him up"
-Mandy: "Really? Did i convince you this fast?"
-The king: "Do you want me to change my mind?"
-Mandy: "N-no... Yeah ok I get it, thanks"
Mandy then went on with her day, she still wasn't quite sure if her dad will actually keep his promise but she'll find out tomorow.

Chester: Health: 100%
                 Saturation: 100%
                 Thirst: 0%
                 Sanity: 90%
Mandy: Health: 100%
                 Saturation: 90%
                 Thirst: 0%
                 Sanity: 95%%

(No author note this time except thatbi didn't really know what to write at the end)

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