The Lab

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After Chester and Mandy got in bed, they talked for a while
-Mandy: "Why didn't you say anything when you saw me naked? After all, this was the first time we took a bath togheter"
-Chester: "Should've I said something? I mean I guess it's something normal, right?"
-Mandy: "Maybe..." She looks at Chester "I love you"
-Chester: "Me too, Mandy, me too." Mandy pulled Chester in for a deep pasionate kiss

Meanwhile Buster was in his room, listening to music
-In Buster's mind: "*Maybe I should've knocked... Eh, maybe they'll frogive me*"
He continued to listen to music for a while, until after one song in which the end was silent, he heard some sounds. At that moment he stopped his music and took out his earbuds. He heard soft moans coming from Chester's room
-Buster: "Jesus Christ...Can't they fuck later?" Buster tried to fall back asleep but he couldn't...

Next morning Buster was already making breakfast when Chester and Mandy woke up
-Mandy: "Morning... That was intense" -Chester: "Yeah that was nice..."
-Mandy: "Never knew real dick felt so good"
-Chester: "What do you mean real dick? Is there a fake one?"
-Mandy: "You never heard of a dildo?"
-Chester: "Oooh... Yeah I know"
Chester giggled a bit and got out of bed and got dressed, but frogot to put on a shirt, and went down stairs.
-Buster: "Good morning, you still half naked from last night? Haha"
Chester blushed deeply
-Chester: "W-what?"
-Buster: "Dude, you thought I couldn't hear you?" Chester looked away - "Eh, don't worry about it, as long as you don't break the bed and don't wake me up I'm fine with it... Want a pancake? I think you should want one because this might be the last one you ever eat, remember, there's an apocalypse out side." Aftet they all ate and laughed a little about what happened last night, they decided they should go outside and explore the forest and try to find the source of the pruple smoke, so at noon, they left.

Throught the forest

-Mandy: "You think we'll ever find the source of this? Or die trying?"
-Buster: "I don't know... Either way we'll die, so why not end with some action?"
-Mandy: "Maybe you're right"
Suddenly it started to rain very lightly... But they continued, going further into the green hell of trees following traces of gems and purple smoke, at one point the smoke got thicker and there was more of it. They all put 3 surgical masks on and tried to cover every bit of their body. Then, deep in the woods, Chester saw a skeleton.
-Chester: "Jesus Christ, look at that" He points at the skeleton. They decided to investigate, when they got to the skeleton they saw that there were branches growing through it and where it wasn't covered in moss it was purplish and had some gems covering it, at the skeleton's feet there was a certain pair of shoes, Chester immediatly recognised them and fell to his knees
-Chester: "Fang..."
-Buster: "What? What do you mean Fang?"
-Chester: "This... This is Fang's skeleton... Jesus..."
-Mandy: "Well how do you know that?"
-Chester: "Look at the shoes...Rest in peace my dear friend..." Suddenly Chester heard something deeper in the woods, when they went in that direction, they got to Byron's underground lab, where the smoke was coming from.
-Buster: "Here it is! The birthplace of this shit... I'm going to fucking break down the door" Buster charges with his shoulder at it
-Chester: "Wait Buster no-" But Buster was already through
-Mandy: "I'm not going down there!"
-Buster: "Fine! Stay here and risk beeing eaten alive."
After a bit of thinking Mandy joined them and they all went down the Lab.
Just for precaution, Chester got a few of his bells in his handa. In case they were attacked. Buster had to break a few more doors, but they eventualy got to a room in which there was a purple liquid in many containers, it looked like someone was working here.
-Buster: "What the actual fuck..."
The lights went out... The room got pitch black, then a menacing laugh broke the silence
-???: "You really thought it would be this easy to get to me? How pathetic, a group of over grown babies come to try and kill me? I don't think you get it. I am death. The destroyer of worlds. You might ask why I created this virus, well...Uh...I uhh... Don't have a good reason. Nonetheless! It still makes me the most powerfull man on this planet" The voice laughs again
Mandy, Chester and Buster were a little scared now. The voice didn't sound like Byron's.
-Buster: "Follow me. I know a way to get to his office, he's probably there"
Buster goes down some stairs. As they walked through the lab they noticed that everything got more sinister, and the air got cooler as they went down. Then they reached a loooong hallway with a door at the end, Buster suddenly stars to run at it, then Mandy and Chester follow him. When Buster broke down the door they entered a dimly lighted room, with a weak looking old man at a desk
???: "Ah! H-how? How did you get here"  The voice sounded nothing like the one before but it was clear this was Byron
-Chester: "Byron? I don't remember you looking like this" Suddenly one of Byron's poisoned darts misses Chester ever so slightly
-Byron: "Get out!" Byron shoots more darts at them, one hit Buster in the leg
-Buster: "Ah shit! You absolute fucker" Buster tried to get up but he couldn't.
Then Byron turns his head to Chester's direction, but Chester was no longer there
-Chester: "Right here" Said Chester from behind Byron. Then he takes one of his bells and smashed it into Byron's head, but Byron turned around and sho a few darts at him, but Chester never fell as he tried to kill Byron with his bells....After a few minutes Byron's face was an unrecognisable mess of blood and bits of skull. Chester was full of blood and and poisoned darts were all over his body. It was certain death for Chester. Mandy knew she couldn't get any closer to him because of the poison. Chester then layed down as he caughed blood.
-Chester: "Tell my parents I hate them" He said as he closed his eyes and went away peacefully

Suddenly, Chester heard his phone ring. He slowly woke up to realise he was in his house, the house he left behind when his neighbourhood was enclosed. Fang was calling him. Chester thought he was in heaven. Or maybe even in hell... But he knew he was dead. He didn't pick up.


(No it's not finished)

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