Chapter One

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Btw Fiore is 9 in this au and her friend is 10. They are with in 5th grade.
Trigger warnings for this chapter:
- Harassment
If there's anything that doesn't have a trigger warning, please tell me so I can add one!

Fiore groaned as she was woken up by the sound of her alarm clock. She reached a hand over and smacked it a few times to get it to stop, the noise was making her ears hurt.

She sat up and blinked a few times, trying to get her eyes adjusted to the bright light shining through her window.

She raised her arms up in a stretch before getting off her bed and grabbing her bookbag. She slung the straps over her shoulders and grabbed a hair tie, tying her hair up in a ponytail.

Fiore put on her shoes and slipped out of her room as she shut the door behind her.

She entered the restroom and filled her hands with cold water from the sink, splashing it on her face in an attempt to wake herself up.

Yawning a bit, she walked past the kitchen and out the door. She walked up the driveway to where she waited for the bus.

The girl sat down on the bench and fiddled with her hair before finally the bus arrived.

Fiore yawned again and got up to get on the bus, she walked through the doors and walked up the 3 steps.

She glanced around the bus for a moment before spotting a head poke out from the side of one of the seats.

Fiore chuckled and walked over to that seat. Sitting next to her friend.

"You are NOT gonna believe what happened!" her friend whispered to her.

"Austin, i have already told you i'm not interested in school drama" Fiore spoke.

Austin was always somehow caught up with all of their schools drama, Fiore didn't know how, but she assumed he had other friends to tell him.

"No, it's not school drama" Austin chuckled.

"Fine, what is it"

"You know the librarian, right? Mrs.Smith?" Austin asked....

"Yeah? Everyone hates her. Why?" Fiore replied.

"Well apparently she got fired"

"What? Why?!?" Fiore was so confused, the principal always really liked Mrs.Smith.

"Apparently she smacked one of the 3rd graders for whispering too loud" Austin laughed as he spoke.

"Wow. How long do you think It'll take for them to hire a new librarian?" Fiore asked.

"I heard they already found a new one, not sure who though..." Austin trailed off as the bus pulled into the school student drop-off area.

As the bus parked, Fiore stood up and reached out a hand for Austin to help him get. Austin took her hand and stood up, letting go to grab his bookbag which had been on the floor at his feet.

Fiore and Austin walked off the bus behind some of their 5th grade classmates. She couldn't tell which ones tho, since their faces were hidden by the hoodies, and their backs were turned to her.

The pair walked down the hallway, headed to their next class. Fiore had the schedule remembered well. They had Math class now, then Art, then a 30 minute break, after that they would go to Lunch, and after Lunch they would go to Music class and then back home.

Austin, on the other hand, had no fucking idea what classes he had, and usually depended on Fiore so that he would not get lost during the day.

The two stopped in front of their Math class and walked in.

Fiore sat down at the 3 desks in their row. She, unfortunately, sat in the middle. Which meant she was stuck between Austin (which she WASN'T mad about) and Kade (which she WAS mad about).

Fiore sat down in her chair and Austin sat down next to her. Fiore opened her bookbag and took out her stuff. She took out her sketchbook, Math notebook, and a folder.

She didn't NEED the folder, but she liked propping it up on the side of her desk that faced Kade's desk. She did it in hopes that he would take a hint and leave her alone. It, unsurprisingly, never worked. But it was worth a try.

She mentally groaned as Kade sat down next to her and moved the folder.

"Hey Fi~" Kade's voice was flirty and soft, Fiore fucking hated it.

"I already told you not to call me that" She hissed.

"Awww, why not?" Kade asked.

Austin turned his head to look at Kade and Fiore. "Kade, shut the fuck up and mind your own buisness" He spoke.

Fiore gave Austin a quick grateful glance, and Austin returned it.

Kade rolled his eyes and opened his mouth to say something, but he was interrupted by the teacher speaking.

The rest of class was a blur for Fiore. She was already passing all her classes with perfect grades and already knew the Math, so she doodled in her notebook and tried to ignore Kade's glances and attempts to whisper to her.

She flinched when she felt Kade rest a hand on her thigh. She reached under the table and tightly grabbed his hand. He let out a hiss of pain and grabbed his hand back. Somehow, he still had a flirty look in his eyes.

Fiore was about to snap at him, but she was interrupted by the bell ringing for them to leave class.

Austin put a hand on her shoulder and the two left the classroom. Kade angrily glared at Austin. Fiore knew he was thinking Austin was dating Fiore.

Fiore noticed this and raised her middle finger behind her back to flip Kade off. She was tired of people assuming Austin was her boyfriend when in reality they considered each other siblings.

She wasn't surprised people thought they were dating tho, since the two were always together and sat near each other in every class they had. They walked down the halls together to.

Fiore was walking with Austin when she got an odd feeling, like someone was watching her. She turned around to see Kade was following them.

"What the hell do you want Kade?" She hissed, tired of his shit.

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