Chapter Three

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"Here is your apprentice" The principal said to a man at the old librarians desk.

Fiore froze as she saw who it was.

He was wearing a blue vest with three light blue diamonds on it over a white shirt with cuffed sleeves. He had glasses on as well and his hair was tied in a ponytail with a blue hair tie.

He seemed to have Fiore's same reaction when he saw her.


"Fiore?" He spoke back.

"It seems that you two already know eachother, i will be taking my leave now. I expect the both of you to get along and do your jobs, i will be returning to check on you a quarter past two o' clock, farewell" The principal spoke, leaving the library.

"what kind of bitch talks like that? It's like the principal is stuck in the victorian era" Fiore muttered under her breath.

Fiore noticed Alec glaring at her with hostility in his eyes. She assumed he was still angry about her voting him off.

She sighed and attempted to speak to him without getting pissed at how childish it was that he was still angry after 3 whole fucking years.

"Listen, Alec. I don't want to be here any more than you want me to be here"

Alec just stared at her. Fiore waited a moment to see if he would speak, but he didn't.

"oh come the fuck on! atleast im trying!" Fiore snapped.

Alec rolled his eyes and went back to doing whatever the fuck he had been previously doing on his computer.

Fiore sighed and put her face in her palm. "Look, is there atleast something i can do? you're being boring as hell and i cannot sit here all day staring at the wall"

"There's a stack of books over there" Alec pointed to the books as he spoke, "Sort through those and put them on the shelves"

"Wow. He does speak"


She rolled her eyes at his stern tone and walked over to the previously mentioned stack of books.

Grabbing the stack of books, she sorted through them by author name and put them into smaller stacks.

She glanced around the large library and found the shelf that had a sticker with the letter A on it. She grabbed one of the stacks she had sorted and walked over to the shelf.

Fiore put the books on the shelf in alphabetical order, despite them all starting with the same letter. She thought that this whole thing was pointless. Alec hated her and it's not like Fiore needed 'librarian job experience'.

The girl sighed 12 minutes later as she finished arranging the books, she glanced back at the other 15 stacks. This was going to be a long day.

It had taken 2 whole hours for Fiore to finish putting up all the books. She sighed in relief as she finished putting up the last book.

She stepped down from the ladder she had been standing on to reach the higher shelves.

"Done!" She called to Alec.

Alec got up and walked over to where she was standing, he gazed at the books she had put up and nodded after examining.

"Can you grab that book up there?" He pointed to said book.

Fiore nodded and got back onto the ladder, she climbed up a bit and reached the last shelf, the one the book was on. This shelf was about 9ft tall, which was alot compared to Fiore being 4'2.

She grabbed the book and stepped down one of the ladder steps.

But she let out a quick yelp of shock as she felt her foot land on nothing and completely miss the ladder step, she felt herself start to fall backwards.

Alec reacted suprisingly quickly, he swiftly stepped closer and held out his arms. Fiore landed in them with a small thud noise as the book dropped onto the ground.

"Are you alright Fiore?" Alec asked her.

"Yeah, t-thanks" Her voice was a little shaky from the shock of the fall.

Alec nodded and set the girl down before he picked up the book.

"Thanks for grabbing this" He spoke.

Fiore was to busy glaring at the ladder to speak.

"Uhhh Fiore?"

"Huh? Oh sorry" She spoke, her attention on him now.

"Why were you glaring at the ladder?" Alec asked the girl.

"I was thinking maybe the school should get it replaced. Maybe with a rolling staircase?" She spoke.

"Hmm..." Alec considered the idea for a moment. "That's a good idea, i'll put in a recommendtion to the principal"

Fiore nodded her agreement and went over to the chairs, that student's used to lounge in and read and finish assignments, when she heard the bell ring.

She slipped on her book bag over her shoulders and left the library, waving to Alec as she did so. She quickly realized that the principal had never checked on them, but she blamed it on the principal just being busy.

She walked down the crowded halls until she found Austin and Nora waiting for her by the doors that lead to the exit where the buses where.

The three of them left the building and started to walk down to their buses.

"Why did the principal take you out of class and why were you gone so long???" Austin asked.

"Appearantly i have to be the librarian's apprentice now. And also, the new librarian is your dad, Austin" Fiore explained.

"Why didn't he tell me?"

"I don't know"

The two waved to Nora as she got on her bus, she rode a seperate bus.

Austin and Fiore reached their bus and got onto it, sitting next to each other in the seat they sat in on the way to school this morning.

Fiore took her book bag off of her shoulders and sat it in her lap. Her and Austin started to talk to each other as the bus left the school building.

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