Chapter Four

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sorry this update is so late :(


Austin and Fiore reached their bus and got onto it, sitting next to each other in the seat they sat in on the way to school this morning.

Fiore took her book bag off of her shoulders and sat it on the floor. Her and Austin started to talk to each other as the bus left the school building and drove away from it.

"So you said my dad was the new librarian?" Austin asked her.

"Yeah, apparently I have to be his apprentice because I have the best grades and I don't need to be in class" Fiore explained to him.

"Was it at least fun?"

"Hah, hell no"

"Well it at least must have been better than music class. Two of our classmates got in to a petty fight"

"How?" Fiore was confused, everyone in their music class sat with their friends and fights rarely ever broke out.

"I guess they got mad at each other for some stupid reason, you never know at this point" Austin responded.

Fiore nodded in silent agreement before the bus stopped again, in front of Fiore's house. Normally, the bus would take longer to get to Fiore's house, but a lot of people were absent today due to a stomach bug they had told them about the day prior.

"Bye Austin!" She spoke to him as she got up, she grabbed her book bag from the floor and slipped the straps over her shoulders.

"Bye!" He spoke back to Fiore as she got off the bus.

The girl sighed as she approached the house as the bus drove away. She HATED being here, because her mom was usually at home when she wasn't on a business trip. As much as she hated school, it was kind of her escape.

Fiore opened the door and stepped inside the house. Maybe if she was quiet enough her mom wouldn't pay her any attention?

"Fiore?" She heard a voice call.

"Never fucking mind" Fiore muttered to her self. Why did she even THINK her mom wouldn't notice her?

She saw her mom start to approach her from the living room. Fiore knew something was wrong, usually her mom would just ignore her and get slightly pissed when Fiore would go to the kitchen to find something to eat.

"Tell me why I got a call from your school today? i thought i told you to stay out of trouble" Her mother spoke, although it was more of a hiss.

"I'm not in trouble, they made me the librarian's apprentice" Fiore responded sharply, not wanting to deal with her mother right now.

Her mother rolled her eyes angrily and spoke to Fiore again. "You need to watch your tone with me, young lady" The woman spoke.

"You need to stop blaming me for things that are out of my control!" Fiore retorted.

"Are you talking back to me?"

"And so what if i am? you bitch"

Her mother let out a noise akin to a growl and sharply grabbed a book off of the table next to her, she suddenly threw the book at Fiore, too quick for Fiore to react or move out of the way.

Fiore stumbled backwards with a yelp as the book hit her face. She brought a hand up to her face to cover up where the book had hit her while the book landed on the floor with a thud.

"Go to your room and don't come out for the rest of night, i don't want to see your face" Her mother hissed.

Fiore stared at her mother with hatred in her eyes before she turned around and angrily walked in to her room, making sure the door slammed behind her as she shut it.

The girl felt tears welling up in her eyes as she pressed her back against the wall and slid down it. She sat on the floor with a hand pressed to her cheek as she started to sob.

She moved her hand a bit, causing the now forming bruise to sting. She got up and entered the bathroom attached to her room.

Fiore opened the cabinet under the sink and searched through the items for a medical emergency kit. She opened it up once she found it and took out some bandages.

She ripped off a large patch of the bandage and gently covered the bruise on her cheek with it, she grabbed some smaller bandages to attach the large one.

Once Fiore was done and the bandage had been placed on her cheek, she closed the kit and set it back in the cabinet before she walked back into her room and sat on her bed. She opened up her book bag and flipped through the books and papers before taking out some assignments to keep herself busy.

Fiore still felt tears running down her cheeks, she wiped them with the sleeve of her hoodie as she grabbed her pencil and started to work on the assignments.

It was all basic 5th grade math. She was able to finish the assignments done quite quickly, which was annoying since she now didn't know how to keep herself occupied.

Grabbing her book bag again, she took out some random books she had been reading at the library and her sketchbook.

The girl flipped through the pages of one of the books as she read it. She had to pause a lot to wipe more tears away or else her vision would get too blurry to actually read the book.

She sat there and continued to read the book for a little while. Eventually, she noticed that the sky outside of her window had turned black and the stars were visible. The street lights were on as well.

Fiore shut the book closed and set it on the desk next to her bed. She turned off the lamp on the desk and covered her self with the blanket as she shut her eyes and slowly fell asleep.

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